Wireless Concrete Quality Control
Sm ar t Concr et e Test ing Technol ogies
Sm ar t Rock
Transmitter / Logger
Dow nl oad and Inst al l t he App
From the Go o g l e P l a y or the Apple App Store, sear ch f or
Gi a t e c Sm ar t Ro c k . Dow nl oad and inst al l the latest version
of the app on your device.
Af ter the inst al l at ion is complete, click on the Giatec
Sm ar t Ro c k icon to launch t he app.
Not e: If y ou hav e pr ev iousl y inst al l ed t he app, skip t o the
next step.
Gi a t e c S c i e n t i f i c I n c . 1
Ge n e r a l S e t t i n g s
menu bar located at the top of the page and the navigation
pane at the bottom of the page which incl udes the
following main functions:
Tagging: used t o assign a Nam e or ID t o a sensor .
Co n n e c t : used to wirelessly connect to a previously
tagged sensor.
View: wher e t he user can see t he pl ot s of
downloaded dat a fr om the sensor.
Not e: Make sur e the Bluet oot h on your phone is t ur ned on.
St icking out o n the bottom side of t he sensor , there are
two electrical wires (exposed metal). These wires ar e
used to instal l and fix the location of the sensor, and also
turn on the sensor at the sam e tim e.
A comm on inst all at ion practice is schematically shown in
the figure below. Twist the exposed wires around the
reinforcing bar (this will also tur n on the sensor ) and
ensure that the wires are not loose.
Tip 1: Co n n e c t i o n w i r e s a r e d e l i c a t e . Pl e a s e h a n d l e w i t h c a r e
when connecting/disconnecting these wires.
Tip 2: In or der t o m axim ize t he w ir el ess ant enna r ange, do
concrete surface. This will incr ease t he range of sensor
visibility (especially in the early age).
Not e: If st eel w ir es ar e disconnect ed f r om each ot her , t he
sensor turns off and memory is cleared.
Gi a t e c Scient if ic Inc . 3
From the home screen on your smartphone, click on the
Tagging key on the screen to go t o the tagging page.
on the screen.
Tip: You should in the of f ice
befor e using them in concrete. For this, you need to
act ivate/ deact ivat e t hem one by one (in t he of f ice) and t ag
them on the app as they appear on the screen separately. You
can write the tag name on the sensor label in order to make
the field installation process easier.