Interlock Module
Powe r input: 12 ~24VDC
Rela y rated: 3A/1 25VAC/30VDC
Dime nsions: 73 (L )x 63 (W)mm
Oper ating Temper.: -20 ~+70ºC
Humi dity: 0~95% n on-cond ensign.
TLM-100MTS (Left)
Door Status Indicator
Powe r Input: 12~2 4VDC
Curr ent Draw: 40m A/12VDC , 70mA/24VD C
(Opt ional SMB-0 40 housin g for surface m ount)
TLM- 200 Europea n size
(Opt ional SMB-8 6ALU hous ing for surfa ce mount)
SM 12 28
Power Transformer Module
12 VDC ou tpu t
13-28 V DC in put
Powe r Input: 13~2 8VDC
Powe r Output: 12V DC, 300mA
Dime nsions: 51( L)x40(W )x15(D)mm
DB R-2 00
Relay Boa rd
Power Input: 8~30VAC or 11~ 30 VD C
Current draw: 45mA / 12VDC
Relay rated: 5A / 24VAC, 5A/30VDC
Wat er pr oo f Sw it ch in g Mo du le
Powe r Input: 12~2 8VAC; 12~50VDC
Powe r Output: 12V DC , 1A
Efficien cy: >70%
Dime nsions:(L )70, (W)4 0, (D)20 mm
SM 12 24 -1 A
Mini Vo ltage Switc hing
Modu le
Powe r Input : 15~24 VAC o r 16~28VDC
Powe r Output : 12VD C, 300mA
Dime nsions : 51(L )*40(W) *15(D)mm
The product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship while used in normal service for a period of 1
year f ro m th e date of sale to t he original customer. The GEM
policy i s on e of continual de ve lo pm en t an d im pr ov em en t;
therefore GEM reserves the right to change specifications
without notice.
Copyr igh t © Gia nn i Ind ust ri es, I nc. Al l ri ght s res er ved .
DM-CA -UG Ve r. F Pub li she d on 20 11.0 3. 21
GP D-3 01 5-P LUS
Voltage Distributi on
DC vol tage averag ely distr ibuted to fiv e output co ntacts
Each c ontact with “ PPTC” re- settable fu se protec tion
base d on the dynami c equilib rium of energ y.
Dime nsions: 70( L)x60(W )mm
FF P-1 22 4
PSU In terface mod ule for
Fire a larm panel
Powe r Input: 12~2 4VDC
Outp ut: 12~24VD C
Rela y rated: 6A/1 25VAC~12A/12 5VAC
12A/ 28VDC
Dime nsions: 47( L)x59(W )mm
No. 13, Z ho ng xing Rd ., Tu cheng D is t., New Taipei
City 23 6, Taiw an (R.O .C .)
Te l: 88 6- 2 22 67 7 986 / F ax : 88 6-2 2 26 7 98 76
E-Mai l: i nq uiry@ gi anni. co
Web si te: giann i. tw