Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer Off )
Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer On)
Fire Exposu re and Hose Stream Tests w ere con ducte d in
acco rdanc e with th e stand ar d, "Pos itive P ressu re F ire Tests o f
Door A ssemb li es," AN SI / UL 10 B and 1 0C, uniform build ing
code s tanda rd U BC 7-2 (1 997).
GL600-S Mini Magnetic Lock
Surface Mount and Waterproof
Regular Ins tallation
High reliability
Stainless steel housing
MOV provides spike and surge protection
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable)
Anti-Residual magnetism function
GL600- S is designe d for surface mount on
out-swing doors. With stainless st eel housing , it
is suitab le for ou tdoor appl ications and severe
wea t her con d itions. GL600R- S comes with
magnetic bond se nsor indi cating lo cked and
unlocked st atus.
Oper ating Vol tage: Single Vo ltage : 12 or 24 VDC
Dual Vol tage: 12/24 VD C
Curr ent Dr aw : 500m A/12VDC , 250m A/ 24VDC
(at t emperat ure 20 ºC)
Oper ating Temper ature : - 10~55 ºC (14 ~1 31ºF)
Humi dity: 0~ 95% no n-conde nsing .
Hold ing Fo rc e: 600 lbs (272 Kg)
Dime nsion s:
Magn et:(L) 2 03, (W ) 43, (D) 40 mm
Armat ure Plat e:(L) 185, (W) 45, (D ) 1 4 mm
Spec ial Fi ni shes f or magne t and a rm ature plate : Z inc pl ated
Epox y Pottin g Comp ound: E8 7252 ( S) , UL94 V-0
Net Wei ght: 2.0 Kg
Bond senso r o utput (GL600R -S): 0 .5 A/20V DC
This seri es of Wat er proof Magn etic Lock is ep oxy
pott ing com po und. Al so , GEM Waterpr oof Serie s Magne tic
Lock s hav e been prov ed to wi thsta nd wa ter with the tes t
proc edure s of IPX7, IPX8 by a tru st ed th ird part y. The refore
user s n eed no t w orry t ha t the l oc k will ru st or spa rk, if th e l ock
is in outdoo r app licat ions and instal led in confin ed s pace
wher e infla mm able ga ses are sto red.
Anti- re sidua l state me nt
Our elec troma gn et locks feat ure Anti-Res idual Mag netism
(ARM ) wh ich ensur es t he d oo r can be opened wit ho ut any
resi stanc e from lef t over mag netis m impa rted t o th e ar matur e
plat e
prot ected by
Copyr ig ht © G ian ni I nd ust ri es , Inc. All r ig ht s res er ve d.
DM-CA -G L6 00- S Ver. F P ub lis he d on 2 011. 08 .2 6
No. 13, Zhongx in g Rd ., Tu ch en g Di st ., N ew Tai pe i
City 236,Taiwa n (R .O .C .)
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax : 88 6- 2 22 67 9 87 6
E-Mail: inqu ir y@ gi an ni .c om .t w
Web si te:
Optional Brackets
Bracket ins tallation is ac cording to door s wing
direction a nd door frame typ e , e.g. narrow frame
door framel ess glass door in swing door etc.
L-bracket f or narrow door frames
GL600-S Mini Magnetic Lock
Surface Mount and Waterproof
When < 60 mm ,must
installed w ith "L" bracket s.
Doo r Frame
Mag net
60 mm
Arm ature
Doo r
Lea f
Out swing
L-GL600 L-GL600-A L
LZ-bracke t for inswing doo rs
The produc t is wa rranted again st def ects in materi al and
work mansh ip whi le u sed in nor mal servi ce for a perio d of 5
year s fr om the dat e of sale t o th e or ig inal cust om er. The GEM
poli cy is one of co nt inual devel opmen t and improv ement ;
ther efore GEM rese rv es the right t o c hange specif ication s
with out not ic e.
Copyr ig ht © G ian ni I nd ust ri es , Inc. All r ig ht s res er ve d.
DM-CA -G L6 00- S Ver. F P ub lis he d on 2 011. 08 .2 6
No. 13, Zhongx in g Rd ., Tu ch en g Di st ., N ew Tai pe i
City 236,Taiwa n (R .O .C .)
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax : 88 6- 2 22 67 9 87 6
E-Mail: inqu ir y@ gi an ni .c om .t w
Web si te: