Hidden-Magnet design
High reliability
Fail- safe operation (Power to Lock).
Five years warranty.
Anodized aluminum housing.
MOV provides spike and surge protection.
Adjustable mounting plate for easy installation.
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable).
Anti-Residual magnetism designed.
PH-300 series
Mini Electromagnetic Lock
PH -6 00
Unit: mm
The ser ie s of PH-300 and PH-6 00 Electr om agnetic Locks
are not only mainta in ing the great featu res and proven
perform an ce of the ordina ry Ele ctromag netic Lo cks but a lso
provide th e l atest re vo lutiona ry feature . The late st revolut ion
for the new se ries of E le ctromag netic Lock s is to comb in e the
Armatur e Pl at e wi th t he d oor handle like bra cket to become an
Armatur e Ass em bly, which hid es t he Ar mature Plat e in side the
door handle l ike bracket . The lates t de sign let the wh ol e set of
Electro ma gnetic Loc k c an be in stalled vert ically in the midd le
of the doorfra me. I t impro ves the 'unbal an ce' pro blem of the
ordinar y E lectrom ag netic Lo ck s, which ha ve to be ins ta lled at
the top corner of t he d oorframe. T he l atest r evoluti on ary
feature of the 'door handle lik e br acket' can al so r eplace th e
ordinar y do or handle a nd work perfe ctly with t he d oorfram e.
The inst al lation is v ery s imple with ou t a ny other
a c c e ss o r i e s . T he A r m a t u r e A s se m b l y a n d t h e
Electro ma gnetic Lock can be d irectly mou nt on the door frame
and th e do or sep arately, sin ce t he Arma ture As sembly and the
E l ectromagneti c L oc k s a r e f u l l y a ss e m b l e d b y t h e
manufac tu rer befo re they out of the fact ory. T he extra to ol kit
provide d within the s et is u se d to fix the blind nu ts an d fixing
screw s i n o r d e r to st r o n g ly hol d t h e w h o l e set of
Electro ma gnetic Locks on the door or doo r frame for ex tra
safety us ag e.
PH-300 Electr om agnetic Locks prov id e 600LBS hold ing
force an d can be ap plied on norma l in-s wi nging door. PH-60 0
Electro ma gnetic Lo cks have 2 inte rnal Elec tr omagnet ic L ock
sets, wh ich can p rovide 1 200LBS h ol ding f or ce. The 2.5
meter length is suitab le fo r l ar ge do ors. The interna l Bui ld-in
door position senso r (magnet b ond sens or out put) indicate s
door open o r cl osed.
PH-30 0M and PH-600 M E lectromag netic Lock are upgra ded
PH -3 00
Voltage Tol erance: 15%
Current Dr aw:
PH-300 P H- 300M: 28 0mA/12VDC
PH-600 P H- 600M: 28 0mA/12VDC X 2
(at temp er ature 20 °C)
Magneti c b ond sens or monitor output ( SP DT rat ed
3A/12V D C) , remote ly monitor s the doo r l ock or
unlock s ta tus. (N. C. Outpu t- -Door op ened; N.O.
Output- -D oor clos ed)
Operati ng Tempera ture: -1 0~ 55ºC
Humidit y: 0~95% no n-condens ing.
Holding Fo rce:
PH-300 P H- 300M: Up to 600 lbs ( 272 Kg)
PH-600 P H- 600M: Up to 1200 lbs (545 Kg)
Special Fi nishes f or magnet a nd armat ur e plate: Zinc
Epoxy Po tt ing Comp ound: E872 52 (S), U L9 4V-0
Copyri ght © G ian ni In dus tri es, I nc. Al l rig hts r ese rve d.
DM-CA- PH- 300 -60 0 Ver. C Pu bli she d on 20 08. 04. 30
No. 13, Z hongx ing R d., Tuch eng Dis t., N ew Taip ei
City 23 6,Taiwan ( R.O.C .)
Tel: 88 6-2 226 7 798 6 / Fax: 88 6-2 226 7 987 6
E-Mai l: info @gi anni. com.t w
Web site: g ianni .tw
Magne t
Armat ure
(Power Off)
Magne t
Armat ure
(On Pow er)
PH-300 series
Mini Electromagnetic Lock
Operating Features
Trigg er
Timer Ad just
Shor ten
PH-300TD: Re-locking time delay
Relocki ng Ti me Delay Swit ch ensure s
the locks will automat ic ally turn s to lock mode
SPDT r elay
Powe r
Inpu t
3A@1 2VDC
after the door is c lo sed properl y an d it
can be adju st ed from 0 to 90 s econds.
Unique Anti-Residual design
Whe n ther e is no power, ther e will be no hold ing fo rce , and th e pus h-o ff butt on
inside the A rma tur e P lat e wi ll pop out immediately t o r ele ase the E lec tro mag net ic
Lock an d th e Armatur e Pl ate . The inst ant rele ase circ uit func tio n wi ll pr eve nt
residu al ma gne tis m bet wee n Ele ctr oma gne tic L ock a nd th e Arma tur e Pla te.
Unique Ant i- Residua l design
The product i s wa rranted a gainst defect s in materia l an d
workman sh ip while used in normal se rvice fo r a period of 1
year from the date o f sale to the orig inal cust om er. The GE M
policy is on e of continual develop ment a nd i mp rovemen t;
therefo re GEM r eserves the right to change spec ification s
without n ot ice.
Voltag e Selec tio n jumpe rs
Check jum per setti ngs bef ore
conne cting the lo ck to 24 VDC
input pow er. Dama ge t o the lock
may result from inco rre ct ju mper
setti ngs.
Magne tic bon d
senso r outpu t
SPDT relay : 3A@12 VDC
suppl y
Contr ol
Devic e
Copyri ght © G ian ni In dus tri es, I nc. Al l rig hts r ese rve d.
DM-CA- PH- 300 -60 0 Ver. C Pu bli she d on 20 08. 04. 30
No. 13, Z hongx ing R d., Tuch eng Dis t., N ew Taip ei
City 23 6,Taiwan ( R.O.C .)
Tel: 88 6-2 226 7 798 6 / Fax: 88 6-2 226 7 987 6
E-Mai l: info @gi anni. com.t w
Web site: g ianni .tw