10020BZ 10020DS
Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer Off )
Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer On)
10010 series
Standard Electromagnetic Lock
Regul ar Installat ion
Anti-residual statement
High reliability
Holding force up to 1200 lbs
Anodized aluminum casing
MOV provides spike and surge protection
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable)10020BZ:12VDC
Anti-Residual magnetism function
The 100 10 and 10 020 ser ie s are a high q uality an d safet y
rang e of standar d fail -s afe el ectroma gn et loc ks tha t ar e
simp ly a nd work well in ord er to effe ctively s ec ure doors .
Thes e locks a re reco mm ended f or appl ication s which r eq uire
high er leve ls of a cc ess con tr ol and are sui ta ble for f ire doo rs
and em er gency exi t do ors.
The 10010 and 10020 series are desig ned f or si ngle doors
and are suit ab le for outswing app li cations . In stallat io n on
insw in g d oo r , narr ow -style frame s requi res t he us e of
addi ti onal brack et s . Wi th the access or ies provid ed , t he lo cks
can be u se d on wooden , a nd e ven metal d oor.
Oper at ing Volta ge : 12/24 V DC
Curr en t Draw: 5 00 mA/12VD C, 250mA /2 4VDC
(at 2 0° C)
Oper at ing Temperat ur e: -10~5 5° C (14~131 °F )
Humi di ty: 0~95 % n on-cond ensing.
Hold in g Force: Up to 1200 l bs (545 K g)
Dime ns ions:
Magn et :(L) 267 (2 65), (W) 68, (D) 4 0 m m
Armat ur e Plate: (L ) 185, (W ) 6 1, (D) 16 mm
Moun ti ng Plate :( L) 267(2 65), (W) 40 , (D) 5 mm
Spec ia l Finish es for magn et and ar ma ture pla te : Zinc pl at ed
Epox y P otting C om pound: E 87252 (S ), UL94V-0
Net Weigh t : 4.8 Kg
Anti-re sidual st at ement
Our electro ma gnet locks f eature Anti-R es idual M agnetis m
(ARM ) wh ic h en sures the door can be op ened withou t an y
resi st ance f rom le ft o ve r magn etism im parte d to th e ar ma ture
plat e
The pr oduct is wa rranted a ga inst de fe cts in ma te rial an d
work ma nship while use d in norma l service for a pe ri od of 5
year s from the da te of sale to the origi na l cust omer. The GEM
poli cy is one o f continu al dev elopmen t and i mp rovemen t;
ther ef ore GEM r es erves the r ig ht to cha nge specif ic ations
with ou t notice.
Copyr ig ht © Gi an ni Indu st rie s, I nc . All ri gh ts re se rv ed.
DM-CA -1 001 0 Ver. G P ublis he d on 20 11. 09. 07
No. 13, Zhongxing Rd., Tuc he ng D is t. , Ne w Taipei
City 236,Taiwan (R.O.C. )
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 98 76
E-Mail: inquiry@gia nn i. co m. tw
Web si te : gi an ni .t w
10010 series
Standard Electromagnetic Lock
Operating Features
10020: Bond sensor output
Indicate the locked & unlocked status with visible
LED indicator.
Bond sensor output : SPDT r at ed : 0. 5A /125VAC; 1A /2 4V DC
10020BZ: Buzzer Alarm
Door H eld Op en Al ar m is an audit or y feed ba ck for
users. The al ar m sounds w he n the do or is not
closed and th at ha s exceeded a sp ec ified t im e
limit. VR timer is adjust ab le f ro m 1 to 8 0 se co nd s.
: Door status 10020DS
Door Status Sensor indicat es the do or
is in a n open or c losed statu s.
Door s ta tus outpu t : SP DT r ated: 0.2A/12VDC
Tri gge r
Time r A dju st
1 to 80 seconds
10020TD: Relock time delay
Ensu re automa ti c l ocking after the
door is closed proper ly. Relock time
dela y can be ad justed from 1 to 80
seco nd s.
Optional Brackets
Brack et installation is according to door swing
direc tion and door fr ame type , e.g. narrow frame
door , fr ameless glass door , inswing door , etc.
With L -b racket fo r na rrow fram e doors
When < 60 mm ,m us t
inst al led with "L " br ackets.
Doo r Frame
Mag net
60 mm
Arm ature
Doo r
Lea f
Out sw in g
LZ-b ra cket for in sw ing doors
Fra me
LZ-50 0N
Copyr ig ht © Gi an ni Indu st rie s, I nc . All ri gh ts re se rv ed.
DM-CA -1 001 0 Ver. G P ublis he d on 20 11. 09. 07
In- Swing ing
Doo r
No. 13, Zhongxing Rd., Tuc he ng D is t. , Ne w Taipei
City 236,Taiwan (R.O.C. )
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 98 76
E-Mail: inquiry@gia nn i. co m. tw
Web si te : gi an ni .t w