Mag net
Arm ature
(On P ower)
Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer Off )
Mini Electromagnet Lock
Operating Features
High reliability
Fail- safe ( Power to Lock).
Aluminum anodized casing.
MOV provides spike and surge protection.
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable).
Anti-Residual magnetism function
Trigg er
Timer Ad just
Shor ten
EM-600TD: Relock time delay
Ensures the automatic l ock mode
after the d oor is clos ed prop erly and it
can be adjusted from 1 to 80 seconds.
Powe r
Inpu t
1A/2 4VDC
SPDT r elay
Optional Brackets
With LZ-bracket for in-swing doors
Regular Installation
The E M-600 are hig h quality and safety range of stan dard failsafe electromagnet locks that is simply, w orks well in or der to
effec tivel y secur e wi th door s. The EM -600 are su rface m ou nted face
to fac e l ocks o ffe ring u p to 600 po unds h oldin g force wh ich th is lock
is re comme nded for ap plications wh ich requ ire hi gher level s o f
access a nd egress c ontro l a nd is suitable for fire d oors and
emergency exit doors. T he EM-600 Series are design ed for sing le
doors and are suitable for out-swing ap plica tions .
Operating Voltage: 12/24 VDC
Current Draw: 500mA/12VDC;250 mA/24 VDC
(at 20 degree centigrade)
Operating Temp eratu re : -10~ 55ºC (1 4~131 ºF )
Humidity: 0~95% non-condensing.
Holding Force: Up to 600 lbs (272 Kg)
Magnet:(L) 250, (W) 42.5, (D) 25 mm
Armature Plate:(L) 185, (W) 38, (D) 12 mm
Mounting Plate:(L) 250, (W) 25, (D) 5 mm
Finishes for magnet and armature plat e: Zinc P lated
Epoxy Potting Compound: E87252 (S), UL94V-0
Net Wei ght: 2. 0 Kg
Anti-r esidu al stat ement
Our elect romag net locks fea ture Anti- Resid ual Magne tism
(ARM) which ensures the door ca n be op ened without any
resistance fr om left over magn etism im parte d t o the arm ature
The product is warranted agains t defec ts in m ateri al and
workmanship while used in no rmal serv ice for a pe riod of 5
years from the dat e of sale to the orig inal clien t. The GEM
policy is o ne of conti nual de velop ment and im prove ment;
therefore GEM reserves the right to change speci ficat ions
without notice.
Copyri ght © G ianni Ind ust ries, Inc . All ri ght s rese rve d.
DM-CA- EM- 600 Ver. A Publish ed on 2 010.02. 09
No. 13, Z hon gxi ng Rd ., Tucheng Dist. , New Taipei
City 23 6,Tai wan ( R.O .C.)
Te l: 88 6-2 2 267 7 986 / F ax : 886 -2 22 67 98 76
E-Mai l: in qui ry@ gianni.com. tw
Web site: gian ni. tw