Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer Off )
Mag net
Arm ature
(Po wer On)
UL Li sted Cert if ied for U S an d Canada
"Pos it ive Pre ss ure Fire Tests of D oo r Assembli es,"
ANSI /U L UL 10 B and 10C,
unif or m build in g code stan dard UBC 7- 2 (1 997).
EM-1200 series
Standard Electromagnetic Lock
Regul ar Installation
Anti-residual statement
High reliability
Holding force up to 1200 lbs
Anodized aluminum casing
MOV provides spike and surge protection
Dual voltage 12 or 24 VDC (selectable)
Anti-Residual magnetism function
The EM-1200 Ser ie s are a h ig h quality and safe ty ra ng e
elec tr omagn et locks that ar e simply and wor k well in order to
effect iv ely secure do ors. These lo ck s are recom me nded for
appl ic ation s w hich r eq uire h igher le vels of a ccess co ntrol an d
are su it able fo r fi re doors an d em ergen cy e xit doors .
The lock s a re de signed for si ng le doors and are suit able for
out- sw ing ap plica ti ons. Installa tion on in -s wing doors and
narr ow -styl e frame s requi re s the use of addition al brac ke ts.
With the access or ies prov id ed the seri es can be inst al led on
meta l an d woode n do ors.
Oper at ing Vol ta ge: 12/2 4 V DC
Curr en t Draw : 5 00mA/12 VD C, 250 mA /24VDC
(at 2 0° C )
Oper at ing Temperat ur e: -10 ~5 5°C (14~1 31°F)
Humi di ty: 0~ 95 % non-co nd ensin g.
Hold in g Forc e: Up to 120 0 l bs (54 5 K g)
Dime ns ions:
Magn et :(L) 2 67 (265), ( W) 68, (D ) 4 0 mm
Armat ur e Plat e: (L) 185, (W ) 61, ( D) 16 mm
Moun ti ng Pla te :(L) 267 (2 65), ( W) 40, (D) 5 mm
Spec ia l Fini sh es for ma gn et and ar mature p late: Zi nc plated
Epox y P ottin g C ompound : E 87252 (S ), UL94V- 0
Net Wei gh t : 4.8 Kg
Anti- re sidual st at ement
Our elec tr omagn et l oc ks feature Anti- Residua l Ma gn etism
(ARM ) wh ic h en sures the door can be opene d with out any
resi st ance f rom le ft o ver ma gnetism impar te d to the armatur e
plat e
The product is wa rr anted against defects in mat erial an d
work ma nship whi le use d in norma l serv ic e for a peri od of 5
year s from the da te o f sale to t he ori gi nal cu stome r. T he GEM
poli cy is one of co nt inual devel op ment and imp rovemen t;
ther ef ore GEM reserv es the rig ht to cha ng e speci ficatio ns
with ou t notic e.
Copyr ig ht © Gi an ni I ndu st ries, I nc . All ri gh ts r ese rv ed .
DM-CA -E M-1 20 0 Ver. D P ubl is hed on 20 11.09. 07
No. 13, Zhongxing Rd., Tucheng Dist. , Ne w Taip ei
City 236,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax : 88 6- 2 22 67 98 76
E-Mail: tw
Web si te : gi an ni .t w
EM-1200 series
Standard Electromagnetic Lock
Operating Features
EM-1200M: Bond sensor output
Indicate the locked & unl oc ke d s ta tus w ith v isible
LED indicator.
Bond sensor output : SPDT rat ed : 0. 5A /1 25 VAC;1A/24VDC
EM-1200MBZ: Buzzer Alarm
Door H el d Op en Al ar m is an auditory feedback for
users. The alarm sounds w he n the door i s not
closed and that h as exc ee de d a sp ec ified t im e
limit. VR timer is adjustable fro m 1 to 2 0 se co nd s.
: Door status EM-1200MDS
Door Status Sensor indicat es the door
is in a n open or closed sta tu s.
Door s ta tus out pu t : SP DT r at ed : 0. 2A /1 2V DC
Tri gge r
Time r A dju st
EM-1200MTD: Relock time delay
Ensu re a utomati c locking a ft er the
door is closed proper ly. Relock time
dela y can be ad juste d from 1 to 80
seco nd s.
Optional Brackets
Brack et installation is acco rding to door swing
direc tion and door frame type , e. g. narrow fram e
door , fr ameless glass door , insw ing door , etc.
With L -b racke t fo r narrow fr am e doors
When < 60 mm ,m us t
inst al led wit h "L " bracket s.
Doo r Frame
Mag net
60 mm
Arm ature
Doo r
Lea f
Out sw in g
LZ-b ra cket fo r in swing doo rs
Fra me
LZ-50 0N
Copyr ig ht © Gi an ni I ndu st ries, I nc . All ri gh ts r ese rv ed .
DM-CA -E M-1 20 0 Ver. D P ubl is hed on 20 11.09. 07
In- Swing ing
Doo r
No. 13, Zhongxing Rd., Tucheng Dist. , Ne w Taip ei
City 236,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax : 88 6- 2 22 67 98 76
E-Mail: tw
Web si te : gi an ni .t w