Allow up to 600 proximity cards and PIN codes
RF Frequency: EM-400x 125 KHz
Tamper switch and alarm buzzer included
Fully Programmable via keypad and master code
Access mode selectable: card only card or PIN card+PIN
Support Wiegand 26/44-bit format auxiliary reader
Logical memory to prevent duplication
Invalid PIN Lock-out
Beeper sound
Non-Volatile Memory
Removable memory chip replacement
DG- 600H sta nd-al on e Prox imity Re ader is ideal for
sing le-door acces s cont ro l. I t may c on nects to a no ther r eader
and se rve as a cont roller. DG -600H ena bles the be eper to go
off when ever th e keypa d is pres sed. A tamp er swit ch is use d to
prot ect the read er from exte rn al da mage by link ing the rela y to
the alarm ing system . This model comm unica te s in Wie gand
prot ocol a nd h as a set of 6 00 pro ximity card s set to 26~37-b it
or 2 6-bit . (For DG-60 0E, p ro ximit y car ds are set t o eit her 2 6 or
44 b it .) It tak es the re ader 0. 5 seconds a t most to rea d a
prox imity ca rd or 5-di gi t PI N code . The bui lt-in non-vol atile
memo ry pre serve s the PINs for as long as 10 year s. Even
when th e p ower fai ls, the sto red PIN cod es will not be washed
Stand-alone Proximity Reader
Unit: m m
Oper ating Volt age: 9VDC t o 16VDC
Curr ent Draw: Aver ag e 50mA, P eak 100mA /12VDC
Tra nsmitti ng Freq ue ncy: 12 5 KH z,
Memo ry Volume: 6 00 Proxim ity cards /tokens a nd PIN co de s
Read Range : U p t o 10 cm (Dependin g o n loca l i nstalla tion
cond itions)
Keyb oard: 12 di gits keyp ad (0~9, *, # )
Inpu t: Reques t-to-ex it, door re ed switch , auxil ia ry read er
Rela y rating: 2 A MAX/30VD C, 0.4A/1 20VAC
Inva lid PIN L ock-o ut : The system wil l shut down fo r 60
seco nds After the attempt to rea d the m as ter or PIN cards
has fa iiled f or o ver 8 tim es. (No b eeper sig nal whe n pr essin g
on the k eypad)
Relo cking tim er:
Stri ke Time: 1~9 9 seconds ( adjusta ble)
Stri ke mode: Acc ess Timer or L atch
Alar m Functio n:
Door H eld Open Ala rm: 10~99
Door F orced Alar m
Pane l Temp er Al arm
Auxi liary Rea der Forma t: Wiegan d 44 or 26-bi t only fo rm at
(adj ustable ), hexa decimal ( Em 64 -b it st an dard R/ O or
comp atible)
Case M aterial : ABS (UL94V 0)
Colo r: Dark gra y/ Beige Wh ite
Oper ating Tempera tu re: -20 ~+70°C
A m b i e n t H u mi d i ty : 5 ~ 9 5% r e la t i ve h u m i d i t y ( no n -
cond ensing)
Vi sua l Si gnal s:3 LED dis p lay wit h au dibl e I n dic a tio n
(Red /Yell ow /Gree n)
EMC: M eet CE requ irement
EMC: M eet CE requ irement
The prod uct is warrante d ag ainst defec ts in ma terial and
work manship whi le use d in norma l service for a pe riod o f 1
year from the date of sa le to the ori ginal custom er. The GEM
poli cy is one of contin ual devel opment an d im proveme nt;
ther efore GEM res erves the rig ht to cha nge specific ations
with out notic e.
Copyr ig ht © Gian ni I ndust ri es, Inc . All r ights r es er ved .
DM-CA -D G-600 H Ver. E P ublis he d on 2010 .1 2. 20
No. 13, Zhongxing Rd., Tucheng Dist., New Taipei
City 236,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax : 88 6- 2 22 67 9 87 6
E-Mail: inquiry@gianni.com.tw
Web si te : gi an ni.tw
Auxiliary reader
125 KH z,Wiega nd 26~37- bit
form at output
Size :88(L) X 44 (W)X16( D)mm
Connecting Diagram
Stand-alone Proximity Reader
The a ux iliar y r eader mu st not be further than 50 m eters fr om
the DG-600 H. Also this reader shou ld be nearer tha n 60
cent imeters , to a void dist urbance . Th e su ggest ed w ire gauge
is #2 2~26 AWG. auxi liary Spli t of un its fo r DG-600 H and
read er in ranging up to 50 M b ring out the friendl y sys te m
devi ce for low cost but high se cu rity with ant i-tampe ring as
well a s conveni ence and re liabili ty.
Fail-Safe Lock
St 2 connect to 1-2
Fail-Secure Lock
St 2 connect to 2-3
Power supply
*Linear supply recommended
Insert 2-3 position to reset
DG-600H J p1 l eads to all Wiegand for ma t
DG-600H J p1 s hort-circuit to Wie ga nd 26 bits format
Contact door switch or the
electric lock signal output
Push Button
External relay start
the warning system
Auxiliary Reader
(Wiegand Format)
Connect t o 1- 2;C and D contact is N.C.
Connect t o 2- 3; for N.O.
Connect t o 1- 2;C and A contact is N.C.
Connect t o 2- 3; for N.O.
Copyr ig ht Gian ni i ndust ri es, inc . All r ig hts r es er ved .
DM-CA -D G-600 H Ver. E P ublis he d on 2010 .1 2. 20
No. 13, Zhongxing Rd., Tucheng Dist., New Taipei
City 236,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Te l: 8 86 -2 2 26 7 79 86 / F ax : 88 6- 2 22 67 9 87 6
E-Mail: inquiry@gianni.com.tw
Web si te : gi an ni.tw