§ The heart rate is calculated from the ECG signal
§ The lead selection menu allows to choose between the Einthoven
leads I, II or III
§ Remember! The respiration signal is always measured between
red and yellow
Lead IILead III
Lead I
VG 3100
Heart Rate
§ The time interval between two consecutive R waves is
used to calculate the heart rate
§ The displayed heart rate is averaged over the number
of RR intervals selected by the user (between 2 and 16
beats in steps of 2)
§ If the number selected is small (e.g. 2 or 4 beats), then the heart rate is practically beat-to-
beat. The displayed value, however, may jump about a lot
§ If the number selected is large (e.g. 14 or 16 beats), then the displayed value tends to be
smoother. However, the monitor will take longer to detect a bradycardia alarm
§ Average values for the heart rate over fixed intervals of 1 minute, 1, 6 and 12 hours
are displayed in the INFO windows
§ Furthermore, the monitor has a user selectable average interval for deviation alarms.
This average and the current deviation are also displayed in theINFO windows
VG 3100
Respiration and Basal Impedance
§ Respiration and basal impedance are always measured between the red and
yellow electrodes (Einthovenlead I)
§ Basal impedance: 500 -1000 W, depending on the electrodes used
§ Impedance due to respiration: 0,3 -2 W
§ Impedance resulting from heart beat: 0,025 -0,5 W, main problem with impedance
§ Further impedance changes due to movement
VG 3100
Apnea Detection and Respiration Rate
§ Detection of central apneas
§ The respiration rate is calculated and displayed when the signalamplitude is large
enough. The values displayed is averaged over 10s. If the rate cannot be
calculated, a question mark is displayed instead
§ Apnea detection is independent of the displayed respiration rate. If the rate cannot
be calculated, then the amplitude is too small. In this case, the electrodes should be
§ The setting “minimum respiration rate”4 to 10 per minute determines the maximum
time (15 s to 6 s) to detect the signal
§ Detection of periodic respiration can be switched on or off. However, for proper
detection, the signal amplitude must be large enough and the agegroup “< 2 years“
must be selected
VG 3100
Open-Lead Detection
§ Open-Lead-Detection
§ The basal impedance between the red and yellow electrodes is measured once
every second
§ If the basal impedance is greater than approx. 2500 Ohm, then a technical alarm
is generated
§ If the black electrode becomes loose, then a technical alarm is only generated
when monitoring is performed using 3 electrodes (menu option)
§ Monitoring can be performed using two electrodes in „electrically clean“
§ Open-lead detection is activated after power-on once plausible signals are
detected. If no cable is connected upon power-on, a remainder tone is
generated every 20s until plausible signals are received
VG 3100
Pulse Oximeter
§ Sufficient supply of all organs and tissueswith oxygen is vital for survival. Death
can occur within minutes if this supply line is broken or damaged. Therefore, it is
very important to detect disturbances in the O2supply as fast as possible.
§ Haemoglobin (Hb) in the blood is responsible for approx. 98% of the oxygen
transport within the body. O2attaches to the haemoglobin and changes the light
spectrum –the colour of the blood saturated with oxygen turns bright red.Once the
oxygen is deposited within the tissue cells, the colour of the blood changes back to
dark red.
§ A pulse oximetermeasures these colour changes and, using appropriate
algorithms and calibration tables,determines the oxygen saturation.
VG 3100
Pulse Oximeter
§ The haemoglobin (Hb) in the blood acts like an optical filter. If one shines white
light through the hand, red light is seen on the other side. Theoptical haemoglobin
filter absorbs all other spectral components of the white light and allows only the
red light to pass through.
Oxygen Saturation
VG 3100
§ VitaGuard®displays the functional oxygen saturation SpO