Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 1
User Guide
Copyright © Getac Technology Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
Phone +886 (0)2-2785 7888
Rev: 1.2

Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 2
Chapter 0: Revision History .............................................................................. 3
Chapter 1: Unpacking ..................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: System Architecture ..................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: System Requirement .................................................................... 7
Chapter 4: System Specification .................................................................... 8
Chapter 5: System Operation ....................................................................... 10
Chapter 6: Management ............................................................................. 15
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 21

Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 3
Chapter 0: Revision History
Getac BWC BC-03
User Guide

Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 4
Chapter 1: Unpacking
Standard Package
BWC BC-03 Body-Worn Camera

Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 5
Chapter 2: System Architecture
2.1. Getac Video Solution components
⚫ BWC BC-03
⚫ BWC VD-03
⚫ BWC MD-03
⚫ Enterprise Server

Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 6
2.2. What is Getac BWC solution?
In the wake of recent years of police controversy as well as
subsequent protests, there has been a call to mandate the use of
Body Worn Cameras to promote Accountability and Transparency.
Getac Video solution helps police officers automatically recording,
data offloading and view media evidence and secure it.
BWC is a video recording system that is typically utilized by law
enforcement to record their interactions with the public or gather
video evidence at crime scenes, and has been known to increase
both officer and citizen accountability.
If the video is being sent to the Enterprise Server (Intranet), it is
immediately uploaded directly from the BWC to Enterprise server.
If the video is being transferred to the Azure, the data is temporarily
stored at the Network Attached Storage till there is adequate
bandwidth to upload.
BWCs Office docks can be centralized and mounted on the wall for
more efficient use of space. Simple LED Indicators on the BWC
allows for quick status recognition for express check in/out.

Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
R1.1 7
Chapter 3: System Requirement
3.1. Operating System.
Intel Core i3 or i5