Gestetner F540, F550 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
For safe and correct use of this machine, please be sure to read the Safety Information in the Basic Features manual before you use it.
Getting Started
Using Scan to E-mail Functions
Using Internet Fax Functions
Using LAN-Fax Functions
Using Network Delivery Scanner Functions
Registering Addresses
Making Settings through a Web Browser
Thank you for purchasing NIC FAX. This manual contains important information you need to know in order to get the most out of the powerful features and functions of this product. Be sure to read it care­fully, and keep it on hand for future reference. Note that you are authorized to use this manual and NIC FAX Driver and Utilities only after you agree to the terms and conditions of the User License Agreement.
This manual covers NIC FAX operation on a Local Area Network (LAN).
COLOR NIC FAX UNIT TYPE410 is required in order to use the Internet Fax Features. (For Type 1.)
Installation of COLOR NIC FAX UNIT TYPE410 should be performed by an authorized service pro­vider. Do not attempt installation on your own. (For Type 1.)
For simplicity, fax machines equipped with COLOR NIC FAX UNIT TYPE410 are referred to throughout this manual as NIC FAX.
The contents of this manual assume that you are already familiar with Windows functions and proce­dures. If you are not, see the documentation that comes with Windows for details on use.
Some illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from the machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the inch version.
Machine Types:
The model names of the machine do not appear in the following pages. Check the type of your machine before reading this manual. (For details, see Chapter 1 "Machine Types", Basic Features.)
Type 1: NIC FAX Unit optional
Type 2: NIC FAX Unit standard
Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be li­able for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or oper­ating the machine.
, Windows®, Windows NT®, Outlook® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries. Netscape
is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
Netscape Communicator and Netscape Messaging Server are trademarks of Netscape Communica­tions Corporation.
Ethernet® is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their
respective companies. We disclaim any and all rights to those marks.
The proper names of the Windows operation systems are as follows:
tem version 4.0
The product name of Microsoft
Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Standard Edition Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Enterprise Edition Microsoft® Windows ServerTM 2003 Web Edition
Windows® 95 operating system
Windows® 98 operating system
Windows® Millennium Edition (Windows Me)
Windows NT® Server network operating system version 4.0 network operating sys-
Windows NT® Workstation operating system version 4.0
Windows® 2000 Professional
Windows® 2000 Server
Windows® XP Professional
Windows® XP Home Edition
Windows ServerTM 2003 are as follows:
What Do You Want to Do with This Machine? ....................................................1
How to Read This Manual .....................................................................................2
Manuals for This Machine.....................................................................................3
NIC FAX Unit Manual (on CD-ROM) (this manual).................................................... 3
NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM Manual ................................................................................. 3
Basic Features ........................................................................................................... 3
Advanced Features .................................................................................................... 3
Before You Use This Machine ................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction
Scan to E-mail Functions......................................................................................5
Functions Not Supported by Scan to E-mail .............................................................. 6
Internet Fax Functions ..........................................................................................7
Internet Fax Precautions ............................................................................................ 8
Functions Not Supported by E-mail Transmission .....................................................8
Functions Not Supported by E-mail Reception .......................................................... 9
IP-Fax Functions..................................................................................................10
IP-Fax Precautions................................................................................................... 11
Functions Not Supported by IP-Fax Transmission................................................... 11
Functions Not Supported by IP-Fax Reception........................................................11
LAN-Fax Functions..............................................................................................12
LAN-Fax Precautions ............................................................................................... 12
Network Delivery Scanner Functions ................................................................13
Using ScanRouter V2 Lite Server ............................................................................ 14
Using ScanRouter V2 Professional Server .............................................................. 15
Functions Not Supported by Network Delivery Scanner .......................................... 16
How to Read This Manual ........................................................................................17
Necessary Operation Manuals................................................................................. 18
Overview of Setting Up and Delivering Data............................................................ 19
Using ScanRouter V2 Lite ..................................................................................... 19
Using ScanRouter V2 Professional ....................................................................... 20
Precautions for Reading Instructions and Online Help ............................................ 21
Making Settings through a Web Browser..........................................................22
2. Getting Started
Control Panel........................................................................................................23
Before Using Network Functions .......................................................................25
Connecting to a LAN ................................................................................................ 25
Assigning User Function Keys ................................................................................. 25
NIC FAX Initial Settings .......................................................................................28
Network Settings ......................................................................................................34
TCP/IP Settings .....................................................................................................34
Mail Server Settings .............................................................................................. 38
Auto Mail RX (Auto Mail Reception) ...................................................................... 43
Returning to the Initial Display............................................................................... 43
IP-Fax Parameter Settings .......................................................................................44
Installing the Software......................................................................................... 46
Auto-run Program..................................................................................................... 46
Quick Install.............................................................................................................. 46
Installing the Driver and Utilities Individually ............................................................ 48
LAN-Fax Driver ......................................................................................................48
SmartDeviceMonitor for Client...............................................................................51
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin..............................................................................52
DeskTopBinder Lite ...............................................................................................53
ScanRouter V2 Lite ............................................................................................... 54
Software Included on the CD-ROM ....................................................................55
List of Files ............................................................................................................... 55
LAN-Fax Driver ........................................................................................................55
Address Book ........................................................................................................ 56
LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor .................................................................................56
SmartDeviceMonitor for Client ................................................................................. 57
SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin ................................................................................ 57
DeskTopBinder Lite..................................................................................................58
ScanRouter V2 Lite .................................................................................................. 59
Online Help ..............................................................................................................60
3. Using Scan to E-mail Functions
Scanning a Color Original...................................................................................61
Scanner RGB ...........................................................................................................66
Scanning a Monochrome Original......................................................................68
4. Using Internet Fax Functions
E-mail Server Settings (by Network Administrator) .........................................73
Mail Server Settings ................................................................................................. 73
E-mail Servers That Have Been Confirmed to Work................................................73
Transmitting Internet Fax....................................................................................74
Confirming Reception...............................................................................................80
Transmitting Journal by E-mail................................................................................. 80
Transfer Request .................................................................................................82
Transfer Request by E-mail ..................................................................................... 84
Specifying End Receivers......................................................................................86
Receiving Internet Fax.........................................................................................88
Auto Mail Reception ................................................................................................. 88
Manual Mail Reception.............................................................................................88
Receiving Transfer Request E-mail ......................................................................... 90
Routing Received Documents.................................................................................. 91
Transferring Received Documents...........................................................................91
Forwarding Received Documents ............................................................................92
SMTP Reception ......................................................................................................93
Routing Mail Received via SMTP ..........................................................................94
Canceling Transmission of an Internet Fax ......................................................96
While the Original is Being Scanned In .................................................................... 96
After the Original Has Been Scanned In .................................................................. 96
5. Using IP-Fax Functions
Transmitting IP-Fax ...........................................................................................100
Transmitting by Specifying an IP Address or Host Name ......................................100
Transmitting by Specifying a VoIP Gateway .......................................................... 101
Transmitting by Specifying an Alias Fax Number .................................................. 103
Canceling Transmission of an IP-Fax..............................................................105
While the Original Is Being Scanned In.................................................................. 105
After the Original Has Been Scanned In ................................................................ 105
6. Using LAN-Fax Functions
Basic Transmission...........................................................................................107
Address Book.....................................................................................................110
Printing and Saving ........................................................................................... 112
Setting LAN-Fax Properties .............................................................................. 114
7. Using Network Delivery Scanner Functions
Delivering Scanned Data...................................................................................117
Color Original ......................................................................................................... 117
Monochrome Original ............................................................................................. 118
Specifying Destinations Without Using Quick Dial Keys or Speed Dials.....120
Specifying by Groups (Group Code) ...................................................................... 120
Specifying by Groups (Quick Dial) ......................................................................... 120
Specifying by Redial............................................................................................... 120
Specifying Using the Number Keys........................................................................121
Routing Received Fax Documents...................................................................122
Setting up ScanRouter V2 Professional .................................................................122
Fax Document Delivery Settings............................................................................ 122
Transmission End Operation.................................................................................. 126
Transmission Using the Backup File Transmission Feature ..................................129
Temporarily Terminating Fax Document Delivery ..................................................131
8. Registering Addresses
Registering Addresses for Scanner.................................................................133
Registering/Editing a Destination ...........................................................................133
Checking the Short ID of a Destination ............................................................... 135
Registering Addresses for Internet Faxing .....................................................137
Registering/Editing a Destination ...........................................................................137
Registering Addresses for IP-Faxing...............................................................141
Registering/Editing a Destination ...........................................................................141
Registering Template Addresses.....................................................................147
Deleting Template Addresses ................................................................................148
Registering Template Subjects and Messages...............................................149
Deleting Template Subjects and Messages........................................................... 151
9. Making Settings through a Web Browser
Connecting from your Computer .....................................................................153
System Requirements............................................................................................ 153
Initial Display ..........................................................................................................154
Functions You Can Check or Set Up ...............................................................156
Using Online Help .............................................................................................. 157
Error Messages..................................................................................................159
NIC FAX Display Messages ...................................................................................159
Web Browser Initial Display Messages .................................................................. 163
LAN-Fax Operation Messages............................................................................... 164
User Parameters ................................................................................................166
Reports and Lists...............................................................................................171
Transfer Result Report...........................................................................................171
Error Mail Notification ............................................................................................. 172
Error Report (Mail) ................................................................................................. 173
Server-Generated Error E-mail .............................................................................. 173
Journal ...................................................................................................................174
Box List .................................................................................................................. 176
Communication Result Report ...............................................................................176
LAN-Fax Error Report ............................................................................................ 178
Journal by E-mail ...................................................................................................179
Received Images................................................................................................183
INDEX....................................................................................................... 184
What Do You Want to Do with This Machine?
This is the summary of this machine's features showing which page you have to read for detailed information.
I Want... Reference
to change the interval time for automatic e­mail reception
to block out unwanted e-mail p.42 “Auth. E-Mail RX (Authorized E-mail
to scan a colored document and send it to com­puters
to adjust the color balance for color scanning p.66 “Scanner RGB”
to send scanned documents as e-mail p.68 “Scanning a Monochrome Original”
to send fax via the Internet p.73 “Using Internet Fax Functions”
to keep the history of incoming and outgoing faxes and e-mail automatically
to check incoming e-mail immediately p.88 “Receiving Internet Fax”
to route documents sent with a SUB code to my computer through NIC FAX using an e-mail address
to route all documents sent without a SUB code to the specified e-mail address
to transfer specified senders' fax to my comput­er using an e-mail address
p.40 “Mail RX Interval (Mail Reception Inter­val)”
p.61 “Scanning a Color Original”
p.80 “Transmitting Journal by E-mail”
p.91 “Routing Received Documents”
p.91 “Routing Received Documents”
p.91 “Transferring Received Documents”
to receive faxes on computer and not to print out them on fax machine
to receive e-mail with SMTP reception p.93 “SMTP Reception”
to receive faxes immediately via a network p.99 “Using IP-Fax Functions”
to fax documents created with computer appli­cations
to edit Address Book of LAN-Fax p.110 “Address Book”
to print documents created with computer ap­plications for proof checking
to route scanned documents via network p.117 “Delivering Scanned Data”
to register frequently-used addresses, subjects and messages
p.92 “Forwarding Received Documents”
p.107 “Using LAN-Fax Functions”
p.112 “Printing and Saving”
p.147 “Registering Template Addresses”
p.149 “Registering Template Subjects and Messages”
How to Read This Manual
The following set of symbols is used in this manual.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious injury when you misuse the machine without following the in­structions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are de­scribed in the Safety Information section in the Basic Features manual.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in mi­nor or moderate injury or property damage that does not involve personal injury when you misuse the machine without following the instructions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are described in the Safety Information section in the Basic Features manual.
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might be misfed, originals might be damaged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates information or preparations required prior to operating.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after abnor­mal operation.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
Keys built into the control panel of the machine.
Keys and buttons that appear on the computer's display.
Manuals for This Machine
Three Facsimile Reference manuals are provided, the Basic Features manual, the Advanced Features manual, and Before You Use This Machine manual . For Type 2 machines and Type 1 machines with option, the NIC FAX Unit manual, NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM manual are also provided. Please refer to the manual that suits your needs.
NIC FAX Unit Manual (on CD-ROM) (this manual)
Explains about the Scanner function, Internet Fax function, IP-Fax function, and LAN-Fax function.
NIC FAX Unit is an option for Type 1.
NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM Manual
Introduces the contents of the NIC FAX CD-ROM and the necessary operating environment for the CD-ROM.
How to access the NIC FAX Unit manual in PDF file on the CD-ROM is also ex­plained.
NIC FAX Unit is an option for Type 1.
Basic Features
Explains the most frequently used fax functions and operations.
Advanced Features
Describes more advanced functions, and also explains settings for key operators.
Before You Use This Machine
Explains how to set up your machine.
1. Introduction
Scan to E-mail Functions
There are two types of scanner related functions Scan to E-mail and Network De­livery Scanner. This section describes about the Scan to E-mail function. For de­tails about the Network Delivery Scanner function, see p.13 Network Delivery Scanner Functions”.
Scanned documents are sent as e-mail messages with an attached image. Black and white documents are converted into PDF or TIFF-F, and color documents into PDF or JPEG images. You can specify a document format with user param­eters. Also you can turn the JPEG function on and off with a user function key for Color Scanning.
When you send e-mail with PDF or JPEG images to NIC FAX using the Scan
to E-mail function, NIC FAX cannot receive the e-mail.
Functions Not Supported by Scan to E-mail
The following functions are supported with standard fax transmission and re­ception, but not with Scan to E-mail transmission.
Immediate Transmission for monochrome originals, Memory Transmission for color originals
Confidential Transmission
SUB Code Transmission
SEP Code Polling Reception
Polling Transmission
Polling Reception
Transfer Request Transmission
Fax Header
Label Insertion
Dialing with the Dial Option Key
Chain Dial
On Hook Dial
Manual Dial
JBIG Transmission
Batch Transmission
ECM (Error Correction Mode)
Memory File Transfer
Internet Fax Functions
Internet Fax Functions
NIC FAX converts scanned document images to e-mail format and transmits the data over the Internet.
The e-mail sent by NIC FAX can be received by another NIC FAX or a computer. Instead of dialing the telephone number of the destination you want to send to, you enter the relevant e-mail address.
Documents are sent as e-mail messages with an attached TIFF-F image. Because of this, a MIME-compatible e-mail reader is required in order to view documents received on a computer. To view an attached image, software capable of display­ing TIFF-F formatted images is required. NIC FAX includes DeskTopBinder Lite, which can be used to view, edit, and store image data.
You can also receive e-mail messages from computers or other Internet fax ma­chines, and print or forward these.
NIC FAX must be connected to a LAN and set up correctly in order to use its
Internet fax functions. See p.23 Getting Started”.
The Internet Fax function supported by NIC FAX is compliant with ITU-T
Rec. T.37.
Internet Fax Precautions
Internet Fax communicates with a server over a LAN. It cannot communicate directly with other parties.
If a transmission is not successful, NIC FAX usually receives an e-mail error notification. However, e-mail error notifications may not be transmitted for various reasons. We recommend you confirm receipt of important e-mail by calling the other party.
The level of security for Internet communications is low. We recommend you use the telephone network for confidential communications.
Voice communication is not supported over a LAN.
Internet fax delivery might be delayed due to network congestion. Use a stan-
dard fax whenever communication is time sensitive.
Functions Not Supported by E-mail Transmission
The following functions are supported with standard fax transmission, but not with Internet faxing.
Immediate Transmission
Confidential Transmission
SUB Code Transmission
ID Transmission
Polling Transmission
Chain Dial
Dialing with the Dial Option Key
On Hook Dial
Manual Dial
JBIG Transmission
Batch Transmission
ECM (Error Correction Mode)
Memory File Transfer
Internet Fax Functions
Functions Not Supported by E-mail Reception
The following functions are supported with standard fax reception, but not with Internet faxing.
ID Reception
Confidential Reception
Memory Lock Reception
Polling Reception
SEP Code Polling Reception
Authorized Reception
Multi-copy Reception
Specified Tray (optional paper tray required)
IP-Fax Functions
With the IP-Fax feature, you can send or receive faxes through fax machines di­rectly connected to the same network using TCP/IP protocol.
Use the IP address or host name instead of the fax number to specify the desti­nation machine, or use the alias number when using the gatekeeper.
You can also send faxes to G3 fax machines connected to PSTN via the VoIP gate­ways (with T.38 Function).
No e-mail server is required since NIC FAX communicates with destination fax machines connected to the same network directly. The transmission speed is higher than when using G3.
1. Transmission by specifying the destination with the IP address of VoIP gate-
way ( and fax number of the receiver (212–123–5678)
2. Transmission by specifying the destination with the alias fax number of the re-
ceiver (2123336666)
3. Transmission by specifying the destination with the IP address or host name
of the receiver ( or IPFAX1)
NIC FAX must be connected to a LAN and set up correctly in order to use its
IP-Fax functions. See p.23 Getting Started”.
The IP-Fax function supported by NIC FAX is compliant to ITU-T Rec. T.38.
IP-Fax Functions
❖❖❖❖ Gatekeeper
This is a device that manages equipment connected to an IP network by con­verting and authenticating addresses.
❖❖❖❖ VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
This is a technology that enables voice communications over the Internet by linking telephone network and IP network. VoIP gateway converts protocols to connect these different types of networks.
IP-Fax Precautions
You cannot transmit any data to other networks where a firewall is installed.
The level of security for Internet communications is low. We recommend use
of the telephone network for confidential communications.
Voice communications are not supported over a LAN.
Functions Not Supported by IP-Fax Transmission
The following functions are supported with standard fax transmission, but not with IP-Fax transmission.
Batch Transmission
Memory File Transfer
Manual Dial
Functions Not Supported by IP-Fax Reception
The following functions are supported with standard fax reception, but not with IP-Fax reception.
LAN-Fax Functions
With a NIC FAX connected to a LAN, you can use a telephone line to send a fax created using a computer application to another fax machine.
To send a fax, simply select [Print] from the Windows application, and then select LAN-Fax as the printer and specify a destination.
In addition to sending faxes, LAN-Fax allows NIC FAX to be used for printing out and saving documents in TIFF-F file for proof checking.
NIC FAX must be connected to a LAN and set up correctly in order to use
LAN-Fax functions. See p.23 “Getting Started”.
LAN-Fax Precautions
When you transmit faxes, or print documents using the LAN-Fax functions,
you cannot abort data transmission by pressing the {{{{Clear/Stop}}}} key while the
data is being transmitted from your computer to the fax machine.
p.107 Basic Transmission
p.112 Printing and Saving
Network Delivery Scanner Functions
Network Delivery Scanner Functions
You can use NIC FAX as a network scanner for ScanRouter V2 Lite/Profession­al. The documents scanned in by NIC FAX can be saved in the network server or in designated folders on network computers.
ScanRouter V2 Lite and DeskTopBinder Lite are on the CD-ROM which
comes with your NIC FAX.
ScanRouter V2 Professional is optional. Please contact your service represen-
tative if you want to use ScanRouter V2 Professional.
For brevity, ScanRouter V2 Lite and ScanRouter V2 Professional are referred
to throughout this manual as ScanRouter V2 Lite/Professional.
There is no compatibility between the machine and ScanRouter/ScanRouter
Professional. Thus, you cannot transmit documents to ScanRouter or Scan­Router Professional delivery servers.
This function is available without using e-mail.
Using ScanRouter V2 Lite Server
Documents scanned in by NIC FAX are sent to the ScanRouter V2 Lite server.
Sent documents are delivered to or saved in the following locations depending on the setting of ScanRouter V2 Lite server:
ScanRouter V2 Lite server Fax In-Tray
The designated folder on the same network as the ScanRouter V2 Lite server
Scanned documents are:
1. saved in Fax In-Tray.
2. received with ScanRouter V2 Link.
3. viewed or picked up by DeskTopBinder Lite.
4. delivered.
5. shared on network.
Folders in the other computers as well as in the computer where the Scan-
Router V2 Lite Server is installed can be specified as the destination as long as they are connected to the same network as the ScanRouter V2 Lite Server.
Network Delivery Scanner Functions
Using ScanRouter V2 Professional Server
Documents received from other fax machines or scanned by NIC FAX itself are sent to the ScanRouter V2 Professional server.
Sent documents are delivered to or saved in the following locations depending on the setting of ScanRouter V2 Professional server:
Fax In-Tray in the ScanRouter V2 Professional server
The designated folder on the same network as the ScanRouter V2 Professional
The specified e-mail address(es) set on the Fax In-Tray
Faxed or scanned documents are:
1. saved as files in Fax In-Tray.
2. received with ScanRouter V2 Link.
3. delivered with e-mail.
4. viewed or downloaded with a Web browser.
5. viewed or picked up with DeskTopBinder Lite.
You need an e-mail server in order to transmit the scanned documents in e-
mail format.
Folders in the other computers as well as in the computer where ScanRouter V2 Professional Server is installed can be specified as the destination as long as they are connected to the same network as the ScanRouter V2 Professional Server.
Functions Not Supported by Network Delivery Scanner
The following functions are supported with standard fax transmission and re­ception, but not with Network Delivery Scanner.
Immediate Transmission for monochrome originals, Memory Transmission for color originals
Confidential Transmission
SUB Code Transmission
SEP Code Polling Reception
Polling Transmission
Polling Reception
Transfer Request Transmission
Fax Header
Label Insertion
Dialing with the Dial Option Key
Chain Dial
On Hook Dial
Manual Dial
JBIG Transmission
Batch Transmission
ECM (Error Correction Mode)
Memory File Transfer
Network Delivery Scanner Functions
How to Read This Manual
This manual describes the Network Delivery Scanner function that uses Scan­Router V2 Lite/Professional. Note that descriptions in some of the sections are applicable to both applications, and descriptions in other sections are applicable only to particular applications.
Refer to the table below to find the sections that contain the information about the applications you want to use.
Page Nu mber in This Manual
p.117 Delivering Scanned Data
p.120 Specifying Destinations Without Using Quick Dial Keys or Speed Dials
p.133 Registering Addresses for Scan­ner
p.122 Routing Re­ceived Fax Docu­ments
p.159 NIC FAX Dis­play Messages (Mes­sages regarding the Network Scanner function only)
p.162 While Using the Network Delivery Scanner Function
ScanRouter V2 Lite
Applicable Applicable Describes the procedure for de-
Not Applicable Applicable Provides additional information
Applicable Applicable Provides information that is com-
ScanRouter V2 Professional
livering scanned documents or registering a destination. These procedures are the same for both (ScanRouter V2 Lite/Profession­al).
about ScanRouter V2 Profession­al not included in the instructions that come with the application. Read this section before you use ScanRouter V2 Professional.
mon to all (ScanRouter V2 Lite/Professional). Read this sec­tion as required.
Necessary Operation Manuals
Several other operation manuals are provided other than this that are necessary for using ScanRouter V2 Lite/Professional. Refer to the table below to find ad­ditional instructions that are necessary to you.
❖❖❖❖ When Using ScanRouter V2 Lite
Basic Features manual/Advanced Features manual
ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide
ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide
An operation manual in PDF file that is displayed when you install ScanRouter
V2 Lite
An operation manual in PDF file that is registered to the Start Menu when you in­stall ScanRouter V2 Lite
❖❖❖❖ When Using ScanRouter V2 Professional
Basic Features manual/Advanced Features manual
The Basic Features manual explains the most frequently used fax functions and opera­tions. The Advanced Features manual de­scribes more advanced functions as well as settings for key operators.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide describes the setup procedure for ScanRouter V2 Lite.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide de­scribes operations the Administrator needs to perform for managing and maintaining ScanRouter V2 Lite.
The Basic Features manual explains the most frequently used fax functions and opera­tions. The Advanced Features manual de­scribes more advanced functions as well as settings for key operators.
ScanRouter V2 Professional Setup Guide
ScanRouter V2 Professional Management
ScanRouter V2 Professional Web Document Viewer Setup Guide
An operation manual in PDF file that is displayed when you install ScanRouter V2 Professional
An operation manual in PDF file that is registered to the Start Menu when you in­stall ScanRouter V2 Professional
ScanRouter V2 Professional Setup Guide de­scribes the setup procedure for ScanRouter V2 Professional.
ScanRouter V2 Professional Management Guide describes the operation the Adminis­trator needs to perform for managing and maintaining ScanRouter V2 Professional.
ScanRouter V2 Professional Web Document Viewer Setup Guide describes the setup pro­cedure for the server.
Network Delivery Scanner Functions
Overview of Setting Up and Delivering Data
In order to deliver data to designated server or fax machines, you need to set up NIC FAX and the server correctly. First, follow the steps described below before delivering data. Note that you need to register NIC FAX by I/O device settings for ScanRouter V2 Lite/Professional.
Using ScanRouter V2 Lite
You need to complete "Network" settings beforehand. Also, set NIC FAX to use ScanRouter V2 Lite with user parameters. See p.166 User Parameters (switch 16, bit 2).
Install ScanRouter V2 Lite from the CD-ROM that comes with NIC FAX. See
ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide.
Register the IP address or the host name of the ScanRouter V2 Lite server with
NIC FAX, and then assign the Scanner (Scan to E-mail) function to a user function key. If your machine is Type 2, the Scanner (Scan to E-mail) function
is pre-assigned to the {{{{F10}}}} key. See p.42 “Scanner Server” , p.25 “Assigning
User Function Keys, and Chapter 6 "User Function Keys", Advanced Features.
Adjust necessary settings in the computer where ScanRouter V2 Lite is in-
stalled, and then set up destinations. See ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide.
Transmit the data from NIC FAX. See p.117 Delivering Scanned Data”.
Using ScanRouter V2 Professional
You need to adjust "Network" settings beforehand. Also, you need to contact your service representative for the setup.
Read precautions to use ScanRouter V2 Professional with NIC FAX. See p.122
Setting up ScanRouter V2 Professional”.
Install ScanRouter V2 Professional on the computer server. See ScanRouter V2
Professional Setup Guide.
Register the IP address or the host name of the ScanRouter V2 Professional
server with NIC FAX, and then assign the Scanner (Scan to E-mail) function to a user function key. If your machine is Type 2, the Scanner (Scan to E-mail)
function is pre-assigned to the {{{{F10}}}} key. See p.42 “Scanner Server”, p.25 “As-
signing User Function Keys, and Chapter 6 "User Function Keys", Advanced Features.
Adjust necessary settings in the computer where ScanRouter V2 Professional
is installed, and then set up destinations. See ScanRouter V2 Professional Man­agement Guide.
Transmit the data from NIC FAX. See p.117 Delivering Scanned Data”.
Network Delivery Scanner Functions
Precautions for Reading Instructions and Online Help
When using ScanRouter V2 Lite/Professional with NIC FAX, some specifica­tions differ from those described in the ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide stored in NIC FAX Unit CD-ROM and the Operating Instructions and Help are provided with ScanRouter V2 Professional.
Specification differences are described below.
Function Specification difference
ScanRouter V2
Fax document delivery setup
NIC FAX forwards incoming faxes to ScanRouter V2 Professional via the network, thus omit the procedure described under "For a Device for Fax Delivery using RS232" in the ScanRouter V2 Professional Setup Guide.
ScanRouter V2
Fax document delivery
You need to adjust the necessary settings of NIC FAX in order to use the Fax Delivery function, in addition to the settings of ScanRouter V2 Profes­sional.
To specify the destination of the Fax Document De­livery using Fax Delivering ID, SUB codes are used.
Confidential Transmission (ID Override) is not
See p.122 Fax Document Delivery Settings for de­tails.
Sender's infor­mation
Display order of the us­ers/groups
Fax port settings You cannot assign different actions to each fax port. Applied Applied
Since NIC FAX cannot specify the sender when trans­mitting the data using the Network Deliver Scanner function, the sender's information is not included in the mail header.
Since user/group information is not shown on NIC FAX display when specifying the destination, even if you attempt to change the order of the users/groups in the server, the change will not be reflected.
Applied Applied
Applied Applied
Making Settings through a Web Browser
Using a Web browser on your computer connected to a network, you can check the condition of fax communications as well as make changes to settings.
You need to connect NIC FAX to a LAN and make "Network" settings in or-
der to make fax settings through a Web browser. See p.23 Getting Started”.
See p.153 “Making Settings through a Web Browser for information about
basic procedures and settings you can make.
Use online Help to learn the procedures for making various settings. You
need to make settings before using online Help. See p.157 Using Online Help”.
2. Getting Started
Control Panel
This section describes the control panel buttons and indicators that are unique to Scanner, Internet Fax, IP-Fax and functions. See Chapter 1 "Control Panel", Ba- sic Features for details on other control panel buttons and indicators.
The following illustration is for Type 2.
1. User Function keys
You can assign the following functions to user function keys according your needs.
Auto Mail Reception
Mail Reception
Mail Options
E-mail Message
Internet FAX
Scanner (Scan to E-mail)
On Type 2 machines, the E-mail Mes-
sage function is pre-assigned to the
{{{{F4}}}} key, Internet FAX function to the {{{{F5}}}} key, JPEG function key to the {{{{F9}}}} key, and the Scanner (Scan to E- mail) function to the {{{{F10}}}} key.
If your machine is Type 1 and assign
the E-mail Message, Internet FAX, JPEG, or Scanner (Scan to E-mail) function to a user function key, put the label come with NIC FAX.
p.25 Assigning User Function Keys
2. Resolution key
Press the Resolution key to toggle the res­olutions (Standard, Detail, 300dpi, Super Fine, and Extra Super Fine) depending on how finely you want to transmit docu­ments. See Chapter 2 "Resolution”, Basic Features.
When selecting 300dpi, both the De-
tail and Super Fine indicators are lit.
To select Extra Super Fine, you need
to change the setting with user param­eters. See p.166 User Parameters (switch 20, bit 2).
Getting Started
{{{{@}}}} {{{{.}}}} Space key (when selecting
the QWERTY layout)
You can use "@", ".", and Space to enter e­mail address, IP address, host name or alias fax number. Depending on the key layout, the characters you can enter with Quick Dial keys differ. See Chapter 7 "Key Layout", Advanced Features.
Characters you can enter using Quick
Dial keys differ depending on layout. To set a layout, see Chapter 7 "Key Layout", Advanced Features.
4. {
{: E-mail Template}}}} key
You can register letter strings under this key and extract them entering e-mail ad­dresses, subjects, and messages.
You can register the following letter strings:
To enter e-mail addresses By registering strings like ".com" or ".net", you can enter e-mail addresses easily.
p.147 Registering Template Addresses
To enter subjects and messages of e­mail By registering subjects and messages you often use beforehand, you can en­ter them easily.
p.149 Registering Template Subjects and Messages
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