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FSufZW1000Module_EN.doc Jun-13
Nominal Membrane
Surface Area
m2 (ft2)
Max. Shipping
kg (lb)
Operating & Cleaning Specifications
Max. Operating
Temp. 0C (0F)
Max. Cleaning
Temp. 0C (0F)
2.0 – 12.0
@ ≤300C (860F)
2.0 – 11.5
@ 31-400C (87.8 – 1040F)
1,000 ppm (as Cl2)
pH ≤10.5 @ 40oC(1040F)
500 ppm (as Cl2)
pH ≤ 11.5 @ 40oC (1040F)
ZeeWeed* 1000 Modules
Crated, no water
Varies with solids accumulation
NOTE: Chlorine Exposure Limit (as Cl2, all sources) is 500,000 ppm-hours. Hydrogen Peroxide Exposure Limit is 500,000 ppm-hours.