Fact Sheet
High Purity Deionization Unit for Point-Of-Use Applications
The UHP-360 has just three hard piping connections. Makeup and polish piping is constructed of
solvent-welded, schedule 80 PVC and the unit’s
electrical connection consists of 120-Volt power
and signal from the storage tank. Standard configurations produce up to 12 gpm (57 lpm) of
18.2-megohm of ultra-high purity water with an
option up to 24 gpm (90 lpm).
A warning light provides a visual indication of the
makeup column effluent quality. A recirculating
polishing loop, pressurized by a stainless steel centrifugal pump, provides a continuous supply of ultra-high purity water to the customer’s in-house
loop. An integral backpressure regulator maintains
this supply at a constant pressure.
Figure 1: GE UHP-360
The GE UHP-360 provides a reliable supply of high
purity water in a small, efficient package. These systems meet the needs of customers requiring a small
volume of deionized water. Since many smallvolume water users also have critical space limitations, each GE UHP-360 system arrives pre-piped
and pre-wired for easy installation. All major components of the system are mounted on a structural
steel frame. Portable ion-exchange columns utilize
hose connections that further ease installation and
service of the UHP-360.
Bacteria are controlled by a 25nm UV disinfection
unit. Bacteria and other particulates are then
trapped in the polishing postfilter, a 0.2 micron
absolute cartridge made of polypropylene media.
System effluent quality is continuously monitored
on a temperature compensated resistivity monitor
which is rack-mounted. Stainless steel pressure
gauges are provided throughout to monitor pressures at all points within the UHP-360.
GE UHP-360 is a robust system that can be customized to meet a wide variety of applications.
Whether you are struggling to find more water to
hookup a new tool, or you simply need high purity
water for a rinsing station, the UHP-360 is the perfect choice for hundreds of point-of-use applications.
Contact GE to see how an UHP-360 can be
incorporated into your system.
Find a contact near you by visiting www.ge.com/water and clicking on “Contact Us”.
* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.
©2010, General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
FS1149EN.doc Apr-10

General Properties
Typical Applications
• Wafer cleaning
• Optical rinsing
• Media preparation
• Reagent grade water
• Chemical dilution
• Qualitative analysis
• Autoclaving
• Plating shops
• Feedwater to a still
• Temporary service
Features and Benefits
• Compact design
• Delivers high quality water
• Quick delivery
• Simple and quick installation
• Low maintenance requirements
• Expandable to meet the needs of multiple
industries and applications
• Produces up to 18.2 megohm/cm electronic
grade water
• Complete makeup or polish system with pre
and post filtration and fully installed instrumentation
• PVC Piping
• Easy Serviceability
GE UHP Skids provide clear solutions for demanding
industrial applications that require consistent water
quality and performance. Each skid can be configured to incorporate:
• Increased capacity up to 24 gpm (90 lpm)
• RO makeup
• Membrane degasification
• Sanitary design
• Ultrafiltration
Installing the UHP-360 is simple and fast. Units are
shipped pre-assembled, plumbed and wired to
expedite installation. The portable ion exchange
bottles even incorporate quick disconnects to speed
routine maintenance of the system. Every aspect of
the UHP-360 has been well thought-out to maximize system uptime.
System Design
City water is purified by the UHP-360’s makeup system through activated carbon, filtration and mixed
bed deionization columns. A stainless steel pump
provides a continuous supply of water at a constant
pressure of 50 psi. To help ensure a continuous
supply of bacteria free water, a 254 nm ultraviolet
disinfection unit and sub-micron absolute filters are
utilized. Water quality is then monitored by online
resistivity instrumentation to guarantee point-ofuse quality.
System measures: W 32” D 36” H 72”.
• PP/PVDF/SS Piping
• PE / PVDF storage tanks
• Nitrogen blanketing
• System Redundancy
• 185 nm TOC Reduction UV
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Contact Us
For more information on the UHP-360 contact us at
1-800-446-8004, visit our website or contact your
GE representative.
Note: Product line manufactured by GE Mobile Water, Inc, 5900
Silver Creek Valley Rd, San Jose, CA 95138.