Online for Cooling
Value at a Glance
Cooling system performance for operational efficiency, asset preservation, water conservation, and
environmental compliance is more critical than
Production processes pushed to their limits, low tolerance for failure, limited manpower and budgetary
pressures have collectively created an undeniable
demand for treatment cost-performance of critical
open recirculating cooling systems.
TrueSense* is a breakthrough technology for applying the right amount of product, at any point in
time, such that system performance is protected, at
the optimal economics.
How It Works
World-class cooling water treatment chemistry and
applications expertise has been the unwavering
trademark of GE Water & Process Technologies.
The GenGard* line of halogen-stable technology
provides unparalleled corrosion and deposit control,
as well as biological control protection, in the presence of halogens for longer runs times and more
The polymeric dispersant is a key element of the
cooling water treatment program.
TrueSense technology directly measures and controls the available polymer – that is, the polymer
available to inhibit mineral scale formation and disperse suspended solids.
Your GE Professionals set the optimum target control point for the polymer concentration, based on
the specific conditions of your cooling system.
The targeted polymer concentration is always
maintained, despite fluctuations in polymer demand caused by system variations or upset conditions.
TrueSense’s direct polymer measurement and control, combined with the most advanced suite of
halogen-stable cooling water treatment technologies of GenGard…clearly the choice for superior
cooling system performance.
Fact Sheet
TrueSense System
Each application includes
a TrueSense monitor (Figures 1 and 2), a controller,
and appropriately sized
chemical feed pumps.
A range of controllers,
from simple to complex,
can be paired with the
TrueSense monitor to
meet the specific system
needs, goals, and budget
for any customer.
GE offers a world-class
range of controllers, from
simple to sophisticated,
either freestanding or part
Figure 1: TrueSense Monitor
Find a contact near you by visiting www.ge.com/water and clicking on “Contact Us” .
* Trademark of General Electric Compan
; may be registered in one or more countries.
©2009, General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
FS1214EN Sep-09

of preconfigured modules including sensors, including GE’s PaceSetter*, Aquatrac, Walchem equipment.
(Aquatrac is a trademark of Aquatrac Instruments, Inc. Walchem is a
registered trademark of Walchem Corporation.)
• GE professionals will always coordinate with
plant personnel, and be present for a smooth,
speedy installation.
• In most applications, a minor amount of customer preparation and support is required.
• In more complex situations, or where the customer chooses to outsource installation, GE professionals will support or contract for the
installation services.
Ongoing Services
Skilled GE personnel perform simple and fast
monthly maintenance. Should a problem develop,
repairs are either conducted on site, or a replacement unit can be provided.
Figure 2: Simple touchpad interface of the TrueSense
monitor enables quick and easy navigation through all
After surveying the cooling system, GE Professionals
will configure a solution to meet the system complexity, specific needs, goals, and budget of any
Many customers have made substantial investments in automation and control.. A goal is to fully
utilize pre-existing equipment whenever possible,
avoiding unnecessary expense.
Simplicity By Design
• Attention to user needs makes the sophisticated
TrueSense technology easy to install, operate,
and service
• Designed to perform to an industrial environment with a simple maintenance procedure
performed once per month
• Alarming features and self-contained diagnostics make troubleshooting fast and effective
Specifications (monitor)
Dimensions: 34” H x 12” W x 9” D
(85 cm x 30 cm x 22.5 cm)
Weight: 55 lbs (25 Kg)
Outputs 4-20 mA
Enclosure Rating IP64/54
41º to 122ºF (5º to 50ºC)
Every 15 minutes to once/day
Required Utilities (monitor)
Power: 120 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 0.6A service
Sample Stream
Electrical Safety
Differential pressure between
the monitor’s inlet and outlet of
10 psid (0.7 bar), with a maxi-
mum inlet operating pressure
of 50 psig (3.4 bar)
N. America: UL/CSA 61010-1
Europe: CE
Asia/Pacific Region: Current
approvals include China, India,
Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malay-
sia, Vietnam, Singapore, Aus-
tralia and New Zealand.
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