GE P&W SpecAid Finished Product Additives User Manual

Case Study
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Spec-Aid* Finished Product Additive Programs
The Low-Cost, High Performance Solution
Are your customers interested in reducing finished product additive costs while safely meeting fuel quality specifications?
Are your customers buying low cost/gallon addi­tives, and still experiencing high total program costs?
Are your customers receiving support from their current finished product additive suppliers?
Spec-Aid Finished Product Additive programs com­bine field proven additives with value added sup­port services, to provide a low cost solution to many of today's cost and quality concerns.
Each year refiners spend millions of dollars for fin­ished product additives to help them meet finished fuel quality specifications. Most "traditional" additive applications are quite inefficient resulting in unnec­essary costs.
Historically, refiners have selected additives based on: 1.) the results of laboratory tests, and 2.) product costs in terms of "dollars per gallon (or pound)". Typ­ically, additive suppliers that offer very low cost products, provide little or no support. In addition, due to today's "tough" economic conditions, most refiners don't have personnel available to optimize additive applications themselves. In reality, low-cost additives alone do not equate to low program costs.
The most cost effective programs combine quality additives with support services that assure treat­ment optimization. At GE Water & Process Technol­ogies, we offer additives second to none, and we support each application with a variety of value added services, including: on-site monitoring and analysis, predictive mathematical models, SPC/SQC computer programs and analytical and Technical Services support from our laboratories located in The Woodlands, TX.
Spec-Aid programs are administered by GE treat­ment specialists, who are present in most refineries several times each week. They are responsible for both process applications and finished product ad­ditive applications, and fully understand how pro­cessing conditions affect finished product quality.
The following is an example of how a Spec-Aid fin­ished product additive pro-gram has proven to be a very low-cost solution to a refiner's costly finished product additive problems.
A major Gulf Coast refiner was experiencing ex­tremely high finished product additive program costs while using low dollar per gallon additives provided by a low service supplier. In the laboratory, the competitor's products achieved required speci­fications at reasonable doses and costs. However, actual treatment costs were several times higher than those expected based on laboratory perfor­mance.
The difference was attributed to the lack of a sup­port program and support technologies.
During the first six months of the Spec-Aid program, actual treatment costs were cut in half, while all targeted quality specifications were safely met. The savings equate to approximately $330,000 per year with an additive return on investment of >50%. When other, less tangible program aspects are con­sidered, the combined program ROI is estimated to top 100%.
Spec-Aid programs are field proven to significantly lower actual treatment costs. Our finished product additives and associated service programs make GE the low-cost supplier.