Membrane Cell System
Fact Sheet
Description and Use
GE Water & Process Technologies Sepa* CF II Membrane Cell system is a lab quality crossflow membrane filtration unit capable of withstanding up to
1,000 PSIG (69 bar). It provides fast and accurate
performance data for any reverse osmosis,
nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration crossflow application. (Figures 1 and 2)
Figure 1: Membrane
Figure 2: SEPA CF II
Versatile Operational Capabilities to Fit a Wide
Range of Applications
Sepa CF II has a unique, patented design that simulates the flow dynamics of larger, commercially
available membrane elements. This versatile membrane cell can be used as a membrane evaluation
device, process development tool or for small-scale
production, while minimizing the amount of membrane and sample used. This results in a significant
savings of time and money, enabling you to fully
leverage your investment.
Using Sepa CF II you can easily modify operating
conditions, fluid dynamics and pressure levels to
simulate a broad range of applications. This
enables you to easily determine which GE flat-sheet
membrane is most appropriate for your
intended application.
Features and Benefits
Sepa CF II Membrane Cell system has many features that make it ideal for use in any reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration
crossflow application.
• Accepts any flat sheet membrane.
• Unique piston clamping mechanism. Patented
pneumatic or hydraulic mechanism enables
quick change out of membrane in less than one
minute, and then quickly seals it with uniform
pressure and a leak-proof seal.
• Wide variety of shims and spacers. Optimizes
flow characteristics during filtration, maximizing
membrane efficiency.
• Accommodates pressures to 1000 PSIG (69 bar).
Allows for the simulation of a greater range of
large-scale applications at optimal rates.
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* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.
©2009, General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
FS1060EN.doc Jan-09

• Stainless steel body with Viton (Viton is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers)
o-ring. Contributes to flexibility of use by allowing almost any type of substance through the
membrane cell.
Typical Applications
Fluid Transfer
Depending on pressure, standard tubing or hose
can be used for connecting cells to vessels. The
connection between the pump and inlet valve on
the cell should be a high-pressure hose. Contact GE
if additional help is required.
• Acid Concentration
• Acid Purification
• Antibiotic Concentration
• Brackish Water Desalination
• Colloidal Silica Removal
• Dextrose Purification
• Dye Purification
• ED Paint
• Enzyme Concentration
• Fruit Juice Concentration
• Low Pressure Brackish Water Desalination
• Oil/Water Separations Organics Concentration
• RO/NF Pretreatment
• Sea Water Desalination
• Starch/Sugar Concentration
General Properties
Table 1: Operating Parameters/Connections
Compatible Flat Sheet Membranes
Accommodates any 7.5 in x 5.5 in (19 cm x 14 cm)
flat sheet membrane for a full 22 in
effective membrane area. (See Figure 3 which
shows assembling the cell membrane.)
GE offers precut and individually wrapped membrane inserts in single or assortment packs from
our large selection of reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, and ultrafiltration membranes. Single packs
are available with the microfiltration membranes.
Figure 3: Assembling cell membrane
(140 cm2) of
Packaging Information
Table 2: Materials of Construction/Dimensions
Suggested lab-scale pumps include piston-driven
diaphragm that provides fewer pulsations. Contact
GE for further recommendations.
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For more information
• Email: labstore@ge.com
• Tel: 800-444-8212 USA
• Canada Tel: 952-988-6665
• Web: www.geosmolabstore.com