Steamate* PAS6069
Oxygen Scavenger/Condensate Treatment
Fact Sheet
• Reduces feedwater iron and copper, increasing
boiler efficiency and reliability
• Contributes to passivation in preboiler and condensate circuits
• Controls oxygen corrosion in preboiler and condensate circuits
• Volatile oxygen scavenger allows for condensate oxygen control with the ease of feedwater
• Contains patented oxygen scavenger/metal
passivator, diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA)
• Will not contribute inorganic solids to the feedwater ideal for attemperation water use
• Controls carbonic acid corrosion in condensate
Description and Use
Steamate* PAS6069 is designed for the control of
corrosion due to dissolved oxygen in feedwater systems and protection of condensate systems from
corrosion. The resulting absence of oxygen and
ideal pH conditions contributes to iron passivation.
Steamate PAS6069 is an aqueous organic oxygen
scavenger which does not contribute to inorganic
boiler water solids. It is not acceptable for use in
systems with direct food contact with steam or for
systems with steam humidification.
Typical Applications
Even with good deaerating heater operation, sufficient dissolved oxygen can remain in the feedwater
to damage the boiler system. Even low levels of
dissolved oxygen are critical to high pressure (high
temperature) systems. Oxygen in water produces
pitting which is particularly severe because of its
localized nature. Economizers and feedwater heaters are especially susceptible to oxygen attack.
When feedwater containing an inorganic oxygen
scavenger is used for attemperation, harmful deposits on superheater tubes and/or turbines may
result. Because Steamate PAS6069 contributes no
inorganic dissolved solids it is preferable to other
inorganic scavengers when feedwater is used for
Condensate corrosion is primarily caused by the
presence of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Feedwater
alkalinity decomposes in the boiler to produce carbon dioxide which is evolved with the steam. This
gas dissolves in condensate to produce carbonic
acid. Oxygen is present due to improper deaeration
or air leakage into the system. Both gases can result in damaging metal loss. Boiler system reliability
is reduced since corrosion products enter the boiler
where they can deposit and impede heat transfer
causing tube metal overheating and failure.
Steamate PAS6069 is unique since it functions both
as an effective oxygen scavenger and metal passivator at temperatures typically encountered in
condensate systems.
Since Steamate PAS6069 rapidly reacts to control
pitting on the system metal, even at low temperatures, it protects condensate systems from oxygen
corrosion both during operation and shutdowns.
Once a protective iron oxide is formed Steamate
PAS6069 helps maintain it, resulting in reduced corrosion. Significant inhibition of both iron and copper oxide corrosion has been shown.
Steamate PAS6069 is also suitable in petrochemical
plants since it will not affect sulfur sensitive catalysts. The use of Steamate PAS6069 results in a
negligible impact on steam purity and cation conductivity in condensate.
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*Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries. AM-FSbSteamatePAS6069_EN.doc Dec-07
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+86 (0) 411-8366-6489

Treatment and Feeding Requirements
Feedpoint: Preferably to the drop leg between the
deaerator scrubbing section and the storage section or the deaerator storage section. This product
can also be fed to the feedwater line.
Feed Equipment: Chemical feed tanks and storage
tanks should be stainless steel. Mild steel pumps,
valves and chemical feedlines are acceptable. This
product is suitable for use with PaceSetter* Plus
automated feed control equipment.
Dilution: Use good quality condensate, demineralized water or deaerated feedwater to make a convenient feeding strength. The material may be
diluted in any proportion and may be mixed with
neutralizing amines in the day tank. Mild agitation
should be provided for initial mixing only.
General Properties
Physical properties of Steamate PAS6069 are
shown on the material Safety Data Sheet, a copy is
available upon request.
Packaging Information
Steamate PAS6069 is a liquid blend, available in a
variety of containers and delivery methods. Contact your GE representative for details.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed
information about this product is available on request.
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