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FS1279EN.doc Nov-13
Typical Operating Pressure
Maximum Operating Pressure
Continuous operation: 122°F (50°C)
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 122°F (50°C)
Continuous operation: 4.0-11.0,
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 2.0-11.5
Over an element: 12 psi (83 kPa)
Per housing: 50 psi (345 kPa)
Recommended Single Element
Beverage and Bottled Water Production
The OSMO BEV UF membrane element is engineered to provide beverage plants with consistent,
high quality water for production of carbonated soft
drinks, juices, and sport drinks. The OSMO BEV UF
element creates an absolute barrier to cryptosporidium and giardia, and rejects color and organics
(naturally occurring tannins, humics, fulvics, etc.)
The OSMO BEV UF element offers true multiple barrier security with the lowest energy consumption. It
has a nominal MWCO of 6,000Da.
Features include a Full-Fit* design that eliminates
the stagnant zone associated with industrial fiberglass wrapped elements and their brine seals,
which can act as a site for bacterial growth. The
OSMO BEV UF element forms a flush-fit with the inner diameter of the membrane element housing,
creating a self-cleaning effect. This design also offers less pressure resistance than an industrial fiberglass wrapped element, resulting in lower brake
horsepower and substantial energy savings.
The OSMO BEV UF membrane is following a 100%
Wet Test Quality Assurance.
Table 1: Element Specification
Figure 1: Element Dimensions Diagram - Female
Table 2: Dimensions and Weight
These elements are bagged dry before shipping.
Internal diameter unless specified OD (outside diameter).
The element diameter (dimension C) is designed for optimum performance in GE
Water & Process Technologies pressure vessels. Others pressure vessel dimen sion
and tolerance may result in excessive bypass and loss of capacity.
Figure1: High Flow Rate at Low Pressure Drop
Table 3: Operating and CIP parameters