GE P&W MetClear User Manual

Fact Sheet
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MetClear* Metals Solutions

Removal of Heavy Metals to Maintain Environmental Compliance

Cost effective approach to removal of
traditional heavy metals in wastewater
A portfolio of product offerings designed for
optimized removal efficiency
NPE-free products Part of comprehensive wastewater treatment
solutions from GE

Description and Use

Industrial, municipal and manufacturing facilities can contain toxic heavy metals in their wastewater impacting downstream processes, re-use of water, the environment and the local community’s well­being. These facilities face the challenge of meeting and maintaining compliance by State and Federal regulatory agencies while doing so economically.
GE Water & Process Technologies provides a com­prehensive metals removal solution utilizing MetClear products, and when required, unique product offerings from the GE KlarAid*, Novus* or PolyFloc*/BetzDearborn* clarification product lines. This comprehensive approach to treatment assists industrial and municipal facilities meet increasingly stringent effluent requirements.

Products and Services Offered

MetClear products include a family of various prod­uct chemistries to improve the removal of heavy metals to lower residual levels that traditional hy­droxide precipitation may not be able to consist­ently achieve. These products, coupled with the aforementioned GE options, provide excellent re­sults when treatment solutions are designed by trained GE representatives. Your local GE repre­sentative, backed by engineering specialists, works to develop a cost effective program to meet target treatment goals through on site testing and field trials.

Application and Treatment

Proper application and treatment programs depend on many factors including the understanding, moni­toring and documenting of operational conditions and the impact of wastewater variability on per­formance. Your GE team will bring firsthand knowledge of your system and how best to apply our products. Your GE representative is well versed in how to approach these treatments and can offer significant value to treatment programs provided.
MetClear products are available in several container and delivery options. Product Fact Sheets and Ma­terial Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) containing infor­mation about individual MetClear products are available. To determine which metals removal pro­gram is best suited for your facility please consult with a GE representative.

Solution Benefits

GE’s MetClear metals removal products as part of a successful treatment program coupled with in­depth system auditing, monitoring and engineered application recommendations should provide one or more of the following benefits:
Improved metals removal efficiency Capability to consistently meet or exceed
discharge compliance requirements
Economical treatment with a proven solution to
wastewater treatment issues
Improvement of environmental image and public
relations with surrounding communities
Availability of technical and engineering support
to provide operating and monitoring recom­mendations, complementing chemical solutions for an overall cost-effective and robust solution