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AM-FSpwJXSeries_EN Nov-13
J-Series, Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Maximum Operating Pressure
Continuous Operation: 122°F (50°C)
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 122°F (50°C)
Continuous Operation: 2.0-10.0
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 1.0-11.5
Over an element: 15psi (103kPa)
Per housing: 60psi (414kPa)
JX Series
Industrial Stream Clarification MF Element
The J-Series family of microfiltration membrane elements is used for process stream clarification including suspended solids removal.
The J-Series membrane is manufactured with a
pore-size of 0.3 micron.
Table 1: Element Specification
Table 2: Dimensions and Weight
These elements are bagged dry before shipping.
Internal diameter unless specified OD (outside diameter).
The element diameter (dimension C) is designed for optimum performance in GE
pressure vessels. Other pressure vessel dimension and tolerance may result in
excessive bypass and loss of capacity.
Table 3: Operating and CIP parameters
Figure 1: Element Dimensions Diagram - Female
Figure 2: Element Dimensions Diagram – Male