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FSsmIndustrialROSeries_EN.doc Sep-13
S-Series, Thin-film membrane (TFM*)
A-Series, Thin-film membrane (TFM*)
permeate flow
gpd (m3/day)
Average NaCl
Minimum NaCl
Maximum Operating Pressure
1,200psi (8,276kPa) if T<77°F (25°C)
580psi (4,000kPa) if T>77°F (25°C)
Continuous operation: 122°F (50°C)
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 122°F (50°C)
Optimum rejection: 5.5-7.0,
Continuous operation: 2.0-10.0,
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 1.0-11.5
Over an element: 15psi (103kPa)
Per housing: 60psi (414kPa)
500+ ppm hours,
dechlorination recommended
Industrial RO Series
Industrial High Pressure Brackish Water RO Elements
The S-Series proprietary thin-film reverse osmosis
membrane is used in the Industrial RO3 elements. It is
characterized by high sodium chloride rejection and a
smooth, fouling-resistant membrane surface.
The A-Series proprietary thin-film reverse osmosis
membrane is used in the Industrial RO5 elements. It is
characterized by high sodium chloride rejection and a
high permeability.
Industrial RO Brackish Water Elements are used for
concentration of wastewater streams with a high osmotic pressure or a high level of solids. They can also
be used to concentrate diluted acids.
These elements feature a 30mil or 50mil spacer in a
high pressure compatible element assembly.
Table 1: Element Specification
Figure 1a: Element Dimensions Diagram (Female) - 8040
Figure 1b: Element Dimensions Diagram (Male) - 4040
Table 2: Dimensions and Weight
Average salt rejection after 24h operation. Individual flow rate may vary ±25%.
Testing conditions: 2,000ppm NaCl solution at 425psi (2,930kPa) operating pres-
sure for RO3 and 225psi (1,550kPa) for RO5, 77°F, pH6.5 and 15% recovery.
These elements are dried then bagged before shipping.
Internal diameter unless specified OD (outside diameter).
The element diameter (dimension C) is designed for optimum performance in GE
pressure vessels. Other pressure vessel dimension and tolerance may result in
excessive bypass and loss of capacity
Table 3: Operating and CIP Parameters