Fact Sheet
Modular Ultrapure Water Plant
Flexible, Pre-Engineered, Proven Designs
Pre-Engineered HERO Packages
Model Flow Rate m3/hr (gpm)
50 to 100 m3/hr (220-440 gpm)
Figure 1: HERO Modular Ultrapure Water Plant
For many years, GE has partnered with our
customers requiring ultrapure water and
treatment of other difficult to treat streams and
provided solutions based on the patented High
Efficiency Reverse Osmosis (HERO
HERO operates at a very high water conversion
factor (typically an overall recovery of 90% to
98%) while producing a much higher quality
effluent water when compared to traditional
water treatment technologies. The HERO process
can operate reliably at a flux rate of 30 GFD or
more, handle higher levels of silica in the feed,
reject silica and boron more efficiently, and eliminate biofouling – parameters that are difficult to
achieve using a traditional RO.
Now, GE has taken the benefits of the HERO process and added more value with our preengineered design packages. Depending on the
application, one, some, or all of these design modules (See Figure 2) can be utilized to treat a variety
of feed sources.
) process. The
100 to 150 m3/hr (440-661 gpm)
150 to 250 m3/hr (661-1101 gpm)
250 to 400 m3/hr (1101-1761 gpm)
Design Standards
Design Details
Power Requirements................380 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Piping (Modules 1 &2)............................................ 304L SS
Piping (Module 3) ..................................... 304L & 316L SS
Piping (Modules 4 &5).......................................PP & PVDF
Piping (Module 6) ..............................................................PVC
Max. Skid Size.......................1190L x 228W x 260H cm
(469L x 90W x 102H in)
Optional Packages
A. Single-Pass RO for HERO Module
B. Upgrade to EDI from Primary Mixed Beds
C. 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase power
D. Operating and maintenance service contracts
Find a contact near you by visiting www.ge.com/water and clicking on “Contact Us”.
* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.
©2010, General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
FSroHERO_EN.doc Nov-10

Figure 2: UPW Design Modules
MOD-1 – Pretreatment
Unit operations selected based on
feed water characteristics such as
hardness and alkalinity. In general,
this module can consist of blend water
tank and pumps, prefiltration, heat
exchanger, softener, and weak or
strong acid cation columns.
MOD-3 – Primary UPW
A storage tank with a nitrogen blanket
is provided for RO permeate collection.
From the storage tank, product is
transferred through TOC UV units to
either electrodeionization (EDI) stacks
or primary mixed beds. Finally, gastransfer membranes are used to
remove CO2 and further enhance
roduct water quality.
MOD-2 – HERO System
Either a single-pass or a tw
o-pass RO
system operating at 90%+ overall
recovery. The RO system is preceded
by cartridge filtration and a
degasification step. Optional CIP
System for RO cleaning.
MOD-6 – Rinse Reclaim / Recycle
Last rinse water from the cold and hot
UPW manufacturing operations are
diverted to this module for treatmen
and reuse. The heart of this process is
a patented reverse osmosis step, with
overall recovery greater than 90%.
MOD-5 – Hot UPW
A side stream of polished (pre-UF) water from Module 4 is diverted as feed
to this module. Product Water is
brought to temperature before going
through a hot UF step. The UF permeate then goes to the plant for consumption
MOD-4 – Polishing Loop / Cold UPW
Product water from Module 3 (above)
is collected in a blanketed storage
tank. A TOC reducing UV and cooling
heat exchanger serve as a precurso
to polishing mixed beds and a final
cold ultrafiltration (UF) step.
MOD-7 – Support Equipment
Miscellaneous system support operations include necessary regeneration
storage tanks and transfer pumps.
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