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TP1189EN.doc Jun-11
Slag Control Treatment Program at a Southeastern Utility
M. Domingo Tubio, Product Applications Engineer
Rick Higginbotham, Account Executive
Coal-fired power plants supply over half the electric­ity to the US grid. Currently, utilities are facing a range of challenges including decreasing industrial demand for electricity, competition from low cost natural gas and rising coal prices. High quality East­ern bituminous Central Appalachian (CAPP) coal costs are increasing due to rising exports, increasing transportation and environmental costs and de­creasing production, (Buchsbaum 2008; Metzroth
2008). To stay competitive, some utilities are investi­gating burning lower-cost, lower-quality “opportunty” coals such as Northern Appalachian (NAPP) and Illinois Basin. The most efficient plants can be dis­patched for longer periods for improved financial performance. The change to lower rank coal and increased operation can result in increased slag de­posits in the furnace and superheater areas, (Gabriel
A Southeastern utility desired to blend lower-cost low ash fusion temperature Northern Appalachian (NAPP) coal with their typical CAPP coal in their 745 MW pulverized-coal boiler. Sootblower cleaning alone is not effective when slag deposits are a liquid or pseudo-plastic state which deforms under pres­sure. A proprietary mixture of chemical additives was recommended to elevate ash fusion tempera­ture and modify the deposit to make it more easily removable by sootblowers. The blend is a unique combination of water-soluble magnesium hydroxide and copper oxide slurries which has a synergistic effect when used together to mitigate slag for-
mation and impact. During the fourth quarter of 2010, the utility consumed over 44,000 tons of NAPP opportunity coal treated with this combina­tion of proprietary fireside chemical additives over
a four week period. GE’s approach allowed the
customer to minimize the detrimental effects of burning slag prone coal while reducing fuel costs. This paper summarizes the trial and performance results.
Slag and Fouling Formation and Cost
There are numerous non-combustible inorganic impurities in coal besides hydrocarbons. Depend­ing on the ratio of these minerals and compounds, slagging and convective pass fouling can occur in boilers. Slag formation accelerates when the fur­nace exit gas temperature (FEGT) exceeds the fu­sion temperature of the ash. Indices such as the basicity ratio can help predict slag viscosity and ash fusion temperature (Babcock & Wilcox 1978).
As slag density increases with time and tempera­ture, a deposit is formed that is difficult to remove
with sootblowing. Deposits can “grow” as particles
accumulate; it is not uncommon to observe large deposits on the leading edge of platen superheat tubes and secondary superheater tubes above the bull nose of the boiler. When the slag eventually falls it can damage tube banks lower in the boiler, resulting in unscheduled outages and lower avail­ability.
CAPP coal typically has a high ash fusion tem­perature and less tendency to create excessive slagging. NAPP coal is becoming more economi­cally attractive for several reasons, including availability at lower delivered costs than CAPP coal (Pusateri 2009). Figure 1 illustrates the chal­lenge of using NAPP coal with a lower ash fusion
Figure 1: Fuel Comparison and Basicity Ratio (Babcock & Wilcox, 1978)
temperature. Slag deposits are expected to be in
Fuel Type
** Basicity Ratio = (Fe2O3+CaO+MgO+Na2O+K2O)
Cost per ton, $US (2010)
$70 – $75
$58 – $70
HHV, Btu/lb
SO2, lb/MMBtu
1.1 – 1.5
4.5 – 5.0
Ash, wt%
11 – 12
7 – 8
Moisture, wt%
6.7 – 7.0
6.0 – 7.0
Ash Soften­ing Temp, deg F
2,250 Basicity Ratio **
0.12 – 0.14
0.45 – 0.55
Ash, wt%
53 – 56
28 – 30
5 – 6
3.3 – 3.6
1.3 – 1.5
0.9 – 1.0
0.7 – 1.3
0.2 – 0.3
39 – 40
20 – 21
22 – 24
1.3 – 1.4
0.85 – 0.95
1.05 – 1.15
5 – 6
0.95 – 1.05
liquid state at furnace temperatures with noncom­bustible mineral content present. Sootblower clean­ing alone is not effective when the slag is a liquid or pseudo-plastic state which deforms under pressure.
Fouling, which is closely related to slagging, usually occurs in the boiler’s cooler convective back-pass section as gaseous ash components (such as sodi­um and potassium) condense. It typically occurs in the vertical and horizontal reheaters and primary
superheater. Fouling deposits can “bridge” across
tubes and restrict gas flow.
That increases induced fan horsepower, which raises the plant heat rate and, therefore, lowers plant efficiency. Slagging and fouling can result in derating (shedding load) and costly unscheduled outages and repairs from damaging slag falls. But these problems can be eased by combining chem­ical additives for fireside applications with me­chanical removal (sootblowers).
Boiler and Trial Design
The 745-MW pulverized coal-fired boiler is a Riley Stoker Corporation front-wall fired boiler with 2,500,000 lbs/hr steam production at 2610 psig and 1,005 deg F at superheater terminal outlet.
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Figure 2: Trial Trailer and totes of additives (left) and applying product to NAPP coal (right)
The boiler fires 250 tons pulverized coal per hour at maximum load, and the boiler train is equipped with SCR, cold-side electrostatic precipitators and a wet flue gas desulfurization (Wet FGD) scrubber system.
Trial results using the same opportunity fuel- NAPP coal- at a sister station indicated it could not be burned untreated, as the resulting slag was severe enough to slag the boiler and block the gas path. Operating experience indicated boiler conditions could deteriorate within days of introducing oppor­tunity fuel. To minimize the risks of boiler outage during trial, the utility blended its typical fuel with a small proportion of opportunity fuel treated with a mix of proprietary chemical additives to reduce se­verity of fireside slagging. Product dosages were optimized as the percentage of opportunity coal was increased until it reached the target level of 50 percent.
Chemical Additives for Slag Control
A range of chemical additives were considered be­fore the two products were selected based on ulti­mate analyses of the fuels. The proprietary mix of additives selected for this trial included a magnesi­um based compound and a metal oxide. The mag­nesium is known in the industry to elevate ash fusion temperatures due to the high melting point of magnesium oxide. This treatment keeps the slag in a solid state instead of liquid-phase deposit. The metal oxide-based slurry contains copper which has been used in the industry as a combustion catalyst. Less well known is that copper can reduce the co­hesive strength of the ash via a nucleating effect with iron species. Gradual thermal decomposition of the metal oxide product also makes the slag porous and, therefore, weaker. These mechanisms com­plement the magnesium effect for certain types of coals or coal blends, depending on the ratio of min­erals and other non-combustible species. Together,
the proprietary additives create fracture planes in the solidified slag, weakening the deposits so that they can be more easily removed by sootblowers.
Treatment Application
The chemical additives were transferred from agi­tated trailer-mounted base totes to the coal belts via peristaltic pumps, where the chemicals were the dosed at predetermined amounts via a mani­fold mounted above the coal conveyor (Figure 2).
Dosing occurred when the coal belts conveyed NAPP coal. Aqueous magnesium-based slurry dosages were reduced from 3 lbs of product per ton of NAPP coal to optimum of 1.0-1.5 lbs. Aque­ous metal oxide slurry was introduced to deter­mine its impact on slag mitigation in conjunction with the magnesium-based product. It was de­termined that the optimum product feed rate was
0.25 lbs product per ton of NAPP coal. The NAPP coal quantity was ramped up from 16 percent to the target of 50 percent, where it was maintained for a week until the end of the trial. The dynamic test environment confronted the trial team with challenges that included outages, inclement weather, and real time adjustments to the dosage based on visual observations of furnace slag con­ditions.
Trial Details
To be considered successful, the trial had to meet several criteria, including:
1. Demonstrating that the magnesium content
increases the ash fusion temperature and, therefore, makes the deposit more friable and easily removable.
2. Demonstrating the metal oxide slurry syner-
gistically assists in slag mitigation.
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