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FS1175EN.doc Jul-13
EZ4 Kit, 50 Hz
Reverse Osmosis Machine 0.3 to 2.0 cubic meters per hour
Standard Economy Features
1-micron pre-filter
Automatic inlet shut-off valve
Permeate and Concentrate flow meters
Remote machine on/off capability
Thermal Motor Protection
Pre-filter, post-filter, primary, and final pressure
Flow control center including concentrate and
recycle valves
Figure 1: EZ-4 Kit
When you mention reverse osmosis (RO), GE Water
& Process Technologies is the first name to come to
mind. Our E-series RO machines (Figure 1) are
designed for durable operation, high quality product water production, easy installation and straightforward control.
General Properties
Typical Applications (but not limited to)
Process ingredient water
Safe drinking water
Boiler feedwater
Ion exchange pre-treatment
Deluxe (DLX) Features – in addition to ECN
Autoflush system
Low inlet pressure switch
Digital conductivity meter
Alarms: Low Inlet Pressure, Motor Starter over-
Pump and Motor
Tonkaflo* pumps used on models 5400-10,800
Motor: 1-phase, TEFC, 110.220VAC
Multi-stage, centrifugal pump
SS Shell/Housing
Thermoplastic internals
SS inlet/discharge castings

6.9-7.6 bar (100-110 psig)
Approximate Overall Dimensions
Approximate Shipping Weight
Table 1: Operating Parameters
Table 2: Materials of Construction
Table 3: EZ4 Specifications – 50 Hz
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