SeaPRO E-Series
1500 m3/day (275 gpm) Seawater Desalination Machine
General Features
• Major components skid-mounted for easy
installation and dependable operation
• Variable frequency drive (VFD) for high pressure
pump optimal control, energy efficiency and
constant water production
• Simple manual control for the system, and
Hand/Auto control for remote starting and
stopping of the system
Operating Parameters
Recovery.............................................................................. 45%
Design temp......................................................... 25ºC (77°F)
Operating range ...............................15-32°C (59-90°F)
Design Feed TDS.....................................................45k ppm
Nominal rejection............................................................99%
Minimum inlet pressure ..........................2 bar (30 PSIG)
Varying the operating temperature may affect permeate rate
Figure 1. SeaPRO-E-105 General Layout (reference only)
• Standard package includes energy recovery
device for operating cost savings
• Flow and Conductivity 4-20mA signals available
for remote monitoring/recording
Table 1: Standard Instrumentation
Fact Sheet
Materials of Construction
High-pressure piping..............Sch 40 SS Duplex 2205
Flow (magnetic) Permeate, Concentrate
Conductivity Permeate
Low-pressure piping......Sch 80 PVC-U DIN PN10/16
Frame...................Anti-corrosion treated carbon steel
Frame Finish .......2-coat epoxy painted & blue finish
carbon steel
Membranes........................440 sq. ft. SWRO, 99.5% rej.
Membrane Housing .....FRP 8in-1200psi-7M (82 bar)
Cartridge Filters................... 5-micron nominal, Hytrex
Pressure Switch Feed LP, Feed HP,
Concentrate, Permeate
Pressure Indicators Pump suction,
Pump discharge,
ERD HP discharge,
ERD LP discharge,
Cartridge Filter Housing.................................................FRP
Permeate, Concentrate
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FSpwSeaPRO-E-1500_EN.doc Sep-09

Table 2: Pump and Motor
Table 3: Energy Recovery Device
HP Pump Model MSS-16015
Manufacturer FEDCO
Quantity 1
Model HPBe-160
Manufacturer FEDCO
Quantity 1
HP Pump Motor 220 kW
Contact sales for pricing and lead time.
• 35% Recovery Design
• Alternate high pressure pump manufacturers
• Pressure transmitters for remote monitoring/recording
• Control circuit transformer for 110 VAC, 1-phase, 60 Hz operation
Table 4: Model SeaPRO-E-105 Specifications
Systems Flow Rates
Permeate rate:
Concentrate Rate:
Feed Rate:
Membrane Elements and Housings
1500 m3/day (275 gpm)
1834 m3/day (337 gpm)
3334 m3/day (612 gpm)
Membranes Quantity:
Memb. Housing Style:
Banking Arrangement:
Cartridge Filtration
Cartridge Filter:
Filter Length:
Filter Quantity:
Installation and Utility Requirements
Filter Feed:
Filter Outlet:
RO Feed:
General Dimensional Information
System Footprint:
Membrane Skid Size:
10 housings - 7M long, 4 port ; and 5 housings - 7M long, 2 port
3 x 5, parallel
50” (127 cm)
50 per change out
DIN DN150 PN10/16 flange
DIN DN150 PN10/16 flange
DIN DN200 PN10/16 flange
DIN DN125 PN10/16 flange
DIN DN150 PN10/16 flange
380/420 VAC, 3-phase, 50/60Hz
8130 mm (320 inches)
2700 mm (107 inches)
2390 mm (95 inches)
7790 mm (307 inches)
1655 mm (65 inches)
Page 2 Fact Sheet