DusTreat* DC9140E
Dust Control – Wet Suppression Additive
Fact Sheet
• Provides control of fugitive emissions while
minimising moisture addition
• Enhances wetting of dust particles
• Reduces maintenance and housekeeping costs
• Reduces explosion hazard and improves work-
ing conditions
Description and Use
DusTreat* DC9140E is a highly concentrated blend
of wetting agents specially formulated to enhance
the dust suppression capabilities of water. This
product is designed to increase the ability of water
to capture and adhere to dust particles. This increases the bulk density of dust particles and leads
to agglom-eration, which prevents particles from
remaining airborne. DusTreat DC9140E solutions
are particu-larly effective in reducing respirable
Typical Applications
Fugitive dust is typically generated during unloading, stackout, reclaim and crushing operations.
These dust emissions can be a safety hazard, an
environmental nuisance, and can increase maintenance of material handling equipment. In addition,
these emissions can represent a substantial loss of
valuable material.
In conventional wet suppression systems that use
water alone, water is usually applied in copious
amounts at all transfer points. This results in material flow, storage and freezing problems downstream. In addition to handling problems, high
moisture reduces the heating value of coal.
The addition of a small amount of DusTreat
DC9140E to water sprays significantly increases the
spray's ability to wet, allowing reduced water usage. DusTreat DC9140E solutions exhibit enhanced
residual effects, so that treatment needs only to be
applied at a minimal number of locations. This reduces the cost of heating value losses associated
with moisture addition to coal.
DusTreat DC9140E solutions should be sprayed at
areas where the dusting material becomes airborne. Typical application points include rail car or
truck unloading areas, belt transfers, reclaim feeders and screw feeders.
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
Proper treatment levels for DusTreat DC9140E depend on many factors, such as severity of the problem, environmental influences, and operating characteristics of the system. Therefore, this prod-uct
should be used in accordance with control parameters that GE establishes for the application.
Maximum efficiency with minimum cost is ensured
by using GE’s Wet Suppression Systems. These systems are fully automated and custom sized per site
specifications to provide reliable and economical
chemical treatment. While optimum results are obtained with GE equipment, DusTreat DC9140E can
be used in other systems.
For contact with neat (undiluted) product, recommended materials of construction include stainless
steel and PVC. For dilute aqueous solutions, use of
galvanized iron or brass yields acceptable results.
General Properties
Physical properties of DusTreat DC9140E are shown
on the Material Safety Data Sheet, a copy of which
is available upon request.
Find a contact near you by visiting www.ge.com/water and clicking on “Contact Us”.
* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.
©2008, General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
E-PFDusTreatDC9140E_EN.doc Nov-08

Packaging Information
DusTreat DC9140E is a liquid blend and available in
a wide variety of customised containers and delivery methods. Contact your local GE representative
for details.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed
information about this product is available on request.
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