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E-PFmhDusTreatDC9136E_EN.doc Dec-13
DusTreat* DC9136E
Product to Control Fugitive Dust
DusTreat* DC9136E dust management product is
designed to:
Provide long term control of fugitive dust
emis-sions (>90% dust reduction for many materials)
Reduce explosion hazards
Reduce inventory losses and pile run off
Improve working conditions, community
rela-tions and protect the environment
Description and Use
DusTreat DC9136E product is a material storage
pile crusting agent especially formulated to control
dust from long term storage piles by providing a
durable, semi-permanent rain-resistant surface seal
which reduces wind erosion and also helps to
protect against atmospheric oxidation. The rain resistance also reduces the chance of bulk freezing.
Typical Applications
DusTreat DC9136E provides control of fugitive dust
emissions from a wide variety of solid materials including coal, limestone, calcined coke, taconite,
clinker, ores, flyash, mine tailings and waste materials stored in open piles exposed to the weather.
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
Crusting agents - diluted 3-7% and applied at 1 - 5
litres/m2. Applied using equipment such as hydroseeders or replumbed spraying trucks.
General Properties
Appearance: White Liquid Dispersion
pH (5% dispersion): approx. 6.5
Viscosity: approx. 100-400 cps
Packaging Information
DusTreat DC9136E is a liquid blend and available in
a wide variety of customised containers and
delivery methods. Contact your local GE representative for details.
Environmental Information
Aquatic toxicology data and regulatory information
about DusTreat DC9136E is available from your
local GE representative.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed
information about this product is available on request.