GE P&W DC9114 User Manual

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E-PFmhDusTreatDC9114_EN.doc Nov-13
DusTreat* DC9114
Dust Control Binding Agent
Reduces fugitive emissions from material
handling operations
Provides long-term residual control Effective at high temperatures – >200°C (400°F) Can be applied as a liquid spray or foam
Description and Use
DusTreat* DC9114 is a liquid product designed to control fugitive dust emissions from material handling and open storage. This product is specifi­cally formulated to control dust from high tempera­ture substrates and provide long term residual effects. DusTreat DC9114 is particularly effective on inorganic substrates such as mineral ores and cement clinker.
Typical Applications
Material handling and storage can lead to fugitive dust emissions. These emissions lead to environ­mental problems and poor community relations. Emissions can also represent loss of valuable product.
The active ingredients in DusTreat DC9114 are tem­perature stable, which allows the product to per­form extremely well at temperatures above 200°C (400°F).
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
DusTreat DC9114 should be applied at a material transfer point where optimum mixing with the sub­strate can occur. For extremely hot applications the product is applied with water using standard atom­izing nozzles. For cooler applications, DusTreat DC9114 can be applied as a foam using a suitable GE foaming agent and standard GE AcuFeed* equipment. Dosage of DusTreat DC9114 will depend on site specific operating conditions and the severi­ty of the problem.
General Properties
Physical properties of DusTreat DC9114 are shown on the Material Safety Data Sheet, a copy of which is available on request.
Packaging Information
The control of dust from hot materials is a particu­larly difficult task. Hot material renders dust control by water addition ineffective because of evapora­tion. Organic dust control agents such as latex or oils will decompose at temperatures greater than 200°C (400°F) and are ineffective for long term dust control.
DusTreat DC9114 is a liquid material and is avail­able in a wide variety of customized containers and delivery methods. Contact your GE representative for details.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed information about this product is available on request