GE P&W DC9112T User Manual

DusTreat* DC9112T
Dust Control Binding Agent
Fact Sheet
Provides excellent control of fugitive emissions
Effective on coal, ores and other bulk solid
Controls dust in active storage piles and roads
Reduces inventory losses
Description and Use
DusTreat* DC9112T is a binder specifically formu­lated to control fugitive dust from storage piles and haul roads. This product is biodegradable and does not contain corrosive chloride compounds or waste oils. DusTreat DC9112T solutions are effective in reducing respirable dust.
Fugitive dust is typically generated during unload­ing, stackout, reclaim and crushing operations. These dust emissions can be a safety hazard, an environmental nuisance, and can increase mainte­nance of material handling equipment. In addition, these emissions can represent a substantial loss of valuable fuel.
Fugitive emissions can be significantly reduced by applying DusTreat DC9112T as a water solution to water spray systems at a material transfer point or from tank trucks equipped with sprays. DusTreat DC9112T solutions provide residual control so that treatment needs only to be applied at a minimal number of locations. This reduces the cost of heat­ing value losses associated with moisture addition to coal.
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
Proper treatment levels for DusTreat DC9112T de­pend on many factors, such as severity of the prob­lem, environmental influences and operating characteristics of the system. Therefore, this prod­uct should be used in accordance with the control parameters that GE Water & Process Technologies establishes for the application.
Maximum efficiency with minimum cost is ensured by using GE wet suppression systems. These sys­tems are fully automated and custom sized per site specifications to provide reliable and economical chemical treatment. While optimal results are ob­tained with GE equipment, DusTreat DC9112T can be used in other feed systems. Check with your GE representative for material compatibility informa­tion.
For contact with neat product, recommended ma­terials of construction include stainless steel and PVC. For dilute aqueous solutions, use of galvanized iron or brass yields acceptable results.
Packaging Information
DusTreat DC9112T is a liquid blend available in a wide variety of customized containers and delivery methods. Contact your GE representative for de­tails.
DusTreat DC9112T should be stored at tempera­tures above freezing. To ensure maximum activity, use this product within six months.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed information about this product is available upon request.
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* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.
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AM-FSipDusTreatDC9112T_EN.doc Mar-09