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FSsmDairyJXSeries_EN.doc Sep-13
J-Series, Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Typical Operating Pressure
Maximum Operating Pressure
Continuous Operation: 122°F (50°C)
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 122°F (50°C)
Continuous Operation: 2.0-10.0
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 1.0-11.5
Over an element: 15psi (103kPa)
Per housing: 60psi (414kPa)
Dairy JX Series
Microfiltration – Clarification and Fat Removal
The Dairy JX microfiltration elements are characterized by a nominal pore size of 0.3micron and are
low fouling when oils and grease are present. These
elements are used for the removal of fat and colloidal impurities in food process streams and are often
used in cheese brine clarification.
These elements feature a Durasan* Cage patented
outer wrap, a selection of feed spacers, and polysulfone parts.
The Dairy JX elements comply with:
FDA Regulations relevant sections of 21CFR
EU Framework 1935/2004/EC
Figure 2: Element Dimensions Diagram – Male
Table 2: Dimensions and Weight
Table 1: Element Specification
Figure 1: Element Dimensions Diagram - Female
These elements are bagged dry before shipping.
Internal diameter.
The element diameter (dimension C) is designed for optimum performance in GE
pressure vessels. Other pressure vessel dimension and tolerance may result in
excessive bypass and loss of capacity.
Table 3: Operating and CIP parameters