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FS1267EN.doc Nov-13
C-series, cellulose acetate
permeate flow
gpd (m3/day)
Average NaCl
Minimum NaCl
Typical Operating Pressure
60-200 psi (414-1,379 kPa)
Maximum Operating Pressure
Continuous operation: 86°F (30°C)
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 86°F (30°C)
Continuous operation: 5.0-6.5,
Clean-In-Place (CIP): 3.0-8.0
Over an element: 12 psi (83 kPa)
Per housing: 50 psi (345 kPa)
1 ppm maximum continuous
30 ppm for 30 min. during sanitization
CG Series
High Flux Brackish Water RO Elements (Cellulose Acetate)
The C-Series family, a triacetate/diacetate blend,
has a higher flux and better mechanical stability
than standard cellulose acetate. C-Series elements
offer an increased chlorine resistance compared to
thin-film elements.
CG High Flux Elements are used for brackish water
desalination and process stream concentration.
Table 1: Element Specification
Internal diameter unless specified OD (outside diameter).
²These elements are dried then bagged before shipping.
The element diameter (dimension C) is designed for optimum performance in GE
pressure vessels. Others pressure vessel dimension and tolerance may result in
excessive bypass and loss of capacity.
Table 3: Operating and CIP parameters
Average salt rejection after 24 hours operation. Individual flow rate may vary
²Testing conditions: 500 ppm NaCl solution at 210 psi (1,448 kPa) operating pre ssure, 77°F, pH 6.5 and 15% recovery.
Figure 1: Element Dimensions Diagram - Female