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E-PFDusTreatCF9146E_EN.doc Nov-13
DusTreat* CF9146E
Coal Flow Aid
Improves flow properties of coal
Reduces system pluggage caused by wet coal
Relieves production bottlenecks and reduces
operating costs in coke plants
Reduces the frequency of power plant load
reductions or unscheduled downtime associated with coal flow interruptions
Reduces maintenance and cleaning costs asso-
ciated with spilled and plugged coal
Description and Use
DusTreat* CF9146E is a concentrated blend of
surface-active agents specifically formulated to
improve the flow of wet coal throughout coal
handling systems. This product reduces the
tendency of wet coal to agglomerate, thus reducing
the potential for system pluggage.
DusTreat CF9146E has been shown to be highly
effective in preventing coal flow problems on
synfuel coal blends containing latex, asphalt, pine
tar, and other binders.
Typical Applications
The flow characteristics of a particular coal will vary
according to the surface moisture, fines content,
and equipment design. Typically, coal will tend to
agglomerate as the surface moisture increases.
Synfuel coals can contain considerable quantities of
fines and may exhibit tackiness from the added
binder, further hindering flow.
Flow interruptions caused by bridging and plugging
can occur in the funnel section of storage bunkers
and feeder inlet piping. These problems can result
in lost production, reduced load, or unscheduled
downtime. The application of DusTreat CF9146E will
improve the flow properties of wet coal. It reduces
the shear strength of wet coal by enhancing the
absorption of moisture below the surface and by
reducing tackiness.
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
The amount of DusTreat CF9146E required will
depend on many factors in addition to surface
moisture levels and coal characteristics, including
the coal handling system operating characteristics
and the problem severity.
DusTreat CF9146E should be sprayed directly onto
the coal through the use of a foam-generating
chemical feed system. The feedpoint should be up
stream of the flow problem area(s) in a location that
promotes good chemical distribution and mixing.
Proper chemical distribution is critical to optimizing
the required amount of product fed.
Packaging Information
DusTreat CF9146E is available in a variety of
containers and delivery methods. Contact your GE
sales representative for details.
Safety Precautions
A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed
information about this product is available on