GE P&W AD9067 User Manual

Fact Sheet
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PowerTreat* AD9067
Anti-Oxidant and Dust Control Agent
CoalPlus* Treatment Program
Retards the oxidation and weathering of subbi-
tuminous coals, such as Powder River Basin (PRB) coals.
Significantly reduces hot spots, smokers and
spontaneous combustion at active storage piles, surge bins and coal bunkers.
Reduces dusting during loading, unloading,
stack-out and reclamation.
Description and Use
PowerTreat AD9067 is a patented dust control binder/anti-oxidant designed to inhibit the surface oxidation of subbituminous coals and reduce fugi­tive dust emissions. It is particularly effective on Powder River Basin (PRB) coals.
PowerTreat AD9067 combines the functionality of a long-term “residual” dust control binder, with an anti-oxidant capability.
PRB coals tend to be dustier than other utility coals, due to its inherent friability (ease of breakage) and weathering potential (physical break down due to oxidation). PowerTreat AD9067 prevents dusting by two mechanisms – by agglomerating the fine parti­cles as a binder and reducing the weathering of the coal.
The anti-oxidant and dust control agents under the CoalPlus program are not coating agents, but spe­cially designed synthetic materials which inhibit the surface oxidation reaction on the coal surface.
CoalPlus program materials irreversibly bind to the reactive chemical sites on coal surfaces and inhibit the oxidation reaction.
Typical Applications
For anti-oxidant and dust control applications on active storage piles, PowerTreat AD9067 is typically applied to the coal as it is unloaded from railcars or barges. For optimum results, PowerTreat AD9067 is applied using a foamed “body-feed.”
“Body-feed” is GE’s advanced foam system, incor­porating state of the art dosing and monitoring technology designed to provide maximum cover­age of the coal surfaces with the product.
PowerTreat AD9067 can also be used as a water solution; with spray nozzles for spot applications at transfer points and during unloading, stack-out and reclaim operations.
Treatment and Feeding Requirements
For anti-oxidant and dust control “body-feed” appli­cations, PowerTreat AD9067 is fed through a foam application system in conjunction with GE high per­formance foaming agents.
Foam or spray systems are customized for each application depending on tonnage and feed loca­tion(s). Please consult with your GE representative to select the appropriate foam feed equipment.
Neat PowerTreat AD9067 can be handled with ap­propriately sized gear or other positive displace­ment pumps suitable for viscosities up to approximately 1500 cps. Contact your GE repre­sentative if you need more information.
General Properties
Physical properties of PowerTreat AD9067 are shown in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a copy of which is available on request.
Packaging Information
PowerTreat AD9067 is a liquid product, available in a variety of containers. Consult your GE representa-
tive for packaging and delivery options.
Storage and Handling
PowerTreat AD9067 should be stored in closed con­tainers, at moderate temperatures of 40 to 90°F (4 to 32°C) and protected from excessive heat, sun­light and freezing.
To ensure maximum activity, this product should be used within 6 months.
Spilled product is slippery, and precautions should be taken to avoid such spills. If a spill occurs, cover the product with an inert, absorbent material, sweep up the spill, and place it in a waste disposal container prior to flushing the area with water. The wet area may be slippery, so sand, grit, or another suitable material may be used to provide additional traction.
Safety Precautions
A MSDS containing detailed information about this product is available upon request.
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