Simple is best
ABMet meets stringent effluent
selenium requirements as well as
most effluent BOD and suspended
solids requirements in one simple
step. No post-treatment required.
performance is a must
ABMet systems are backed by a
performance guarantee that manages
the risk of non-compliance and allows
clients to focus on their core business.
Single Nutrient Addition
GE’s single nutrient is automatically
dosed into the common biofilter
feed line to maintain the ORP in the
biofilter within the optimal range
for maximum selenium removal.
As influent gravity flows downward
through the submerged biomatrix
(support media + biofilm), nitrate and
nitrite are reduced to nitrogen gas
first, then selenate and selenite are
reduced to particulate elemental
selenium. When a WASH sequence is
automatically performed, elemental
selenium is removed from the biofilter.
WASH Waste Removal
WASH waste solids are collected near
the top of the biofilter and flow by
gravity to a WASH waste storage tank,
pond, or solids handling system. Waste
is typically decanted and supernatant
recycled to the head of the system for
processing. Waste testing demonstrates
consistent non-hazardous classification
when using the USEPA TCLP test.
Low labor cost – Automatic operation,
remote monitoring and diagnostics with
GE’s Insight* and a one-step process
means that optimal performance
is achieved with minimum operator
resources (less than 1 FTE).
Low consumables cost – GE’s single
nutrient is an all-in-one
of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus
and micro-nutrients. One injection
point + one chemical system + one
consumable = low operating costs
Superior Reliability – Simple
gravity flow biofilter design and no
integration of multiple unit operations
means no downtime. In the power
industry, availability is critical.
ABMet can meet the industry’s
99.9% availability requirement.
Experience matters
From being a breakthrough technology
in the late 1990s to being the
technology of choice for the mining
and power industries today, selenium
removal is in the ABMet DNA.
Manage risk – Guaranteed effluent total
selenium concentration down to below
5 ppb-total selenium.Guaranteed effluent
BOD and TSS concentrations down to
30 and 35 ppm respectively without
the need for post-treatment.
Guaranteed performance down to
a water temperature of 5°C without
the need for pre-heating.
Focus on the core business – ABMet
has a proven track record getting
the job done, enabling our clients to
employ their resources more efficiently
in their core business activities.
technology means…
Fast and guaranteed startup – GE’s
seed culture product consists of
specialized bacteria strains optimally
selected for treatment of selenium
laden waters. One-time seeding only.
Optimal performance – GE’s
innovative biofilter design along with
a carefully selected seed culture
and specifically formulated nutrient,
optimize the environment needed
for biological removal of selenium.
Influent from
Pretreatment System
To Pretreatment
Single Nutrient
Feed Tank
Pump Skid
WASH Waste supernatant
Feed Pump
Feed System
The feed system controls the process
flowrate to each biofilter and blends
the nutrient into the biofilter feed
stream via a static mixer before the
stream splits into each biofilter.
WASH Waste
Backwa sh
WASH Waste Tank
Backwa sh
To Solids
Effluent Tank
Effluent To Discharge
Backwash System
The effluent tank stores effluent for
periodic backwashing of the biofilter
through the automatic DEGAS and
WASH sequences. DEGAS is a short
duration, periodic backwash for the
removal of gasses from the biomatrix.
WASH is a longer duration, periodic
backwash for the removal of gases and
solids, including elemental selenium.
Trust – With 17 years of biological
selenium removal development,
more than 10 operating plants
and several projects under
development, ABMet is a trusted
technology for selenium removal.
Selenium R E MOVAL solution – ABMet
biofilters are designed to capture
and remove selenium directly,
NOT transform it and transfer it to
downstream processes for removal.
GE is in your corner – GE
innovation and commitment to
performance is working for you.
What can ABMet remove?
ABMet removes nitrate and nitrite to
non-detect levels through a biological
denitrification process within the
biofilter resulting in the formation and
off-gassing of nitrogen gas. ABMet
also removes selenium by biologically
reducing selenate and selenite to
particulate elemental selenium which is
then removed via the WASH sequence.
In what types of applications
The ABMet system has been demonstrated
in applications treating Flue-Gas
Desulfurization (FGD) wastewaters,
coal power plant ash landfill leachate,
coal mine waters, phosphate mine
waters, metal refinery wastewater,
and agricultural runoff waters.
be used?
What are the process
Nitrate-N .........< 250 mg/l
Chloride ..........< 25,000 mg/l
TSS ...............< 250 mg/l
Temperature ......40 to 105ºF (5 to 40ºC)
pH ................6–9
What flow rates can be
treated with ABMet?
ABMet’s innovative modular design is
scalable and can be adapted to treat
any flow rate. Full scale systems have
been designed to treat flows from
25 to 1400 gpm (6 to 318 m