Installation Instructions
Roof Sheathing Installation
1. Check that rafter alignment is uniform. Shim to level if necessary.
2. Provide adequate roof ventilation according to building code in your area.
3. Place Thermostat
4. Space panels 1/8( apart on ends and edges.
5. Fasten the panels a minimum of 6( on center at supported panel ends and around the edges and 12( on center along
intermediate supports with 8d common nails.
6. You should protect Thermostat panels from moisture prior to and during installation.
7. Use shingle underlayment (or a 15 or 30 lb. roofing felt) to cover roof as soon as possible to protect panels from exposure to
weather conditions.
8. Install all panels with GP and Thermostat sheathing trademarks (foil side) facing DOWN.
9. Keep panel’s foil face clean for best performance.
Thermostat radiant barrier sheathing can also be used on gables and walls to reduce solar heat gain through these areas. This is
especially true for southern exposure exterior surfaces that can absorb heat from prolonged exposure to the sun.
Gable Installation
Use of Thermostat radiant barrier sheathing on the gables will enhance the overall performance of using radiant barrier sheathing
in your roof sheathing applications. Thermostat sheathing should be installed on gable ends just as it is on roofs with the foil side
facing into the attic.
radiant barrier sheathing panels on the roof with the foil side facing down (toward the attic).
Wall Installation
In a brick wall application, Thermostat sheathing’s foil surface should face the exterior of the home (out). This gives Thermostat
sheathing the required air space between the brick and the wall.
For siding applications, Thermostat sheathing’s foil surface should face the exterior of the home (out). Use furring strips to
provide a separation between the foil face and the siding. This gives Thermostat sheathing the required air space (minimum 3/4()
between the siding and the wall.
Thermostat Radiant Barrier Sheathing is not a substitute for a house wrap as it does not work as a vapor barrier. Refer to local
building codes for specifics on house wrap requirements.
For additional installation information on Thermostat sheathing panels carrying the APA-The Engineered Wood Association grade
stamp, please see Form U450 entitled “Builder Tips Storage and Handling of APA Trademarked Panels”, or Form No. E30
entitled “APA Engineered Wood Construction Guide” (both available at www.apawood.org/publications). For additional information
on Thermostat sheathing panels carrying the TECO-Timberco Inc. grade stamp, please see the TECO-Timberco Inc. publication
entitled “OSB Design and Application Guide” (available at www.tecotested.com).
Georgia-Pacific Wood Products LLC
Thermostat and the Thermostat and Georgia-Pacific logos are trademarks owned by or licensed to Georgia-Pacific Wood
Products LLC. APA is a trademark of APA-The Engineered Wood Association. TECO is a trademark of Timberco, Inc.
©2010 Georgia-Pacific Wood Products LLC. All rights reserved. 8/10 Lit. Item #621509.
133 Peachtree St., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30303
800-284-5347 www.builditbetter.com