DIASTAR 10 and DIASTAR 16 High Flow
Pneumatically Actuated Diaphragm Valve
Standard Features
• Size
½–2” (larger sizes available in 025 &
028 series)
• Valve assembly
Threaded connection without bolts
• Lower body (wetted)
PVC, CPVC, PP, Natural PP, PVDF,
• Actuator body
Glass-filled polypropylene
• Diaphragm material (wetted)
EPDM, FPM, PTFE with FPM backing,
PTFE with EPDM backing, NBR
• Pressure
(some configurations have a reduced
pressure rating on one side, see
• Lockable handle
Optional Features
• Electro pneumatic positioner
• Electric feedback switches (Q1 2011)
• Manual override
The DIASTAR 10 and 16 valves from GF Piping Systems incorporate several innovative features. The valve has Cv values
that average at least double the conventional design. This high-flow design allows the valve to be used where diaphragm
valves were previously not possible due to flow restriction. In addition, the new design eliminates the four bolts used to
hold the valve together, which eliminates a corrosive weak point. The valve is available in PVC, CPVC, PP, PP-n, and PVDF.
The DIASTAR 10 is designed to handle pressures up to 150 PSI and the DIASTAR 16 can handle up to 240 PSI. A modular
design allows easy field installation of an actuator to a manual valve as well as other accessories such as position feedback
Dimensions Diaphragm Valves
DIASTAR Ten FC/FO/DA (Type 514-517)
d DN D D1 D4 D5 L(1) L(2) L(3) L(4) L(5) L(6) L(7) L(8)
20 15 68 1/8“ 65 14 136 128 128 224 196 124 124 124
25 20 96 1/8“ 75 14
32 25 96 1/8“ 85 14
40 32 120 1/8“ 100 18
50 40 150 1/4“ 110 18
63 50 150 1/4“ 125 18
152 150 250 221 144 144 144
166 162 262 234 154 154 154
192 184 296 260 174 174 174
222 210 328 284 194 194 194
266 248 370 321 224 224 224
Type 514
Type 515
d DN L(9) L2 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 M z z for
20 15 130 25 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 M6 96 100 7
25 20 150 25 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 M6 114 118 10
32 25 160 25 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 M6 122 126 13
40 32 180 45 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 M8 140 144 15
50 40 200 45 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 M8 160 164 19
63 50 230 45 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 M8 190 194 23
DIASTAR Sixteen FC (Type 514-517)
d DN D D1 D4 D5 L(1) L(2) L(3) L(4) L(5) L(6) L(7) L(8)
20 15 96 1/8“ 65 14 128 128 128 224 196 124 124 124
25 20 96 1/8“ 75 14 152 152 150 250 221 144 144 144
32 25 120 1/8“ 85 14 166 166 162 262 234 154 154 154
40 32 150 1/4“ 100 18 192 192 184 296 260 174 174 174
50 40 180 1/4“ 110 18 222 222 210 328 284 194 194 194
63 50 180 1/4“ 125 18 266 266 248 370 321 224 224 224
d DN L(9) L2 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 M z z for
20 15 130 25 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 M6 96 100 7
25 20 150 25 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 M6 114 118 10
32 25 160 25 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 M6 122 126 13
40 32 180 45 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 M8 140 144 15
50 40 200 45 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 M8 160 164 19
63 50 230 45 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 M8 190 194 23
Type 517
L(1) PVC & CPVC socket union
L(3) Union with fusion socket
L(4) Union with butt fusion spigot
L(5) Union with butt fusion spigot (PVDF)
L(6) Butt fusion spigot
L(7) PVC & CPVC metric spigot
L(8) Socket fusion spigot
L(9) ANSI flanged
All data in millimeter [mm] unless otherwise indicated
Type 519
DIASTAR Sixteen FC (Type 519)
d d1 DN DN1 DN2 D D1 L(6) L1 L3 L4 H H3 H4 H5 Hx
20 20 15 15 15 96 1/8“ 117 96 162 12 130 71 25 16 7
25 20 20 15 20 96 1/8“ 133 108 162 16 131 72 25 16 10
25 25 20 20 20 96 1/8“ 133 108 162 16 131 72 25 16 10
32 20 25 15 20 96 1/8“ 142 120 162 19 135 76 25 16 10
32 25 25 20 20 96 1/8“ 142 120 162 19 135 76 25 16 10
32 32 25 25 25 120 1/8“ 145 120 160 19 167 93 26 26 13
40 20 32 15 25 120 1/8“ 149 128 180 23 175 101 26 26 13
40 25 32 20 25 120 1/8“ 149 128 180 23 175 101 26 26 13
40 32 32 25 25 120 1/8“ 149 128 180 23 175 101 26 26 13
40 40 32 32 25 120 1/8“ 174 153 180 23 175 101 26 26 13
50 20 40 15 20 96 1/8“ 160 134 180 27 148 90 25 16 10
50 25 40 20 25 120 1/8“ 160 134 180 28 180 106 26 26 13
50 32 40 25 25 120 1/8“ 160 134 180 28 180 106 26 26 13
50 40 40 32 50 180 1/4“ 209 169 209 33 249 135 37 26 23
50 50 40 40 50 180 1/4“ 209 169 209 33 249 135 37 26 23
63 20 50 15 20 96 1/8“ 177 144 180 33 155 96 25 16 10
63 25 50 20 25 120 1/8“ 177 144 180 35 187 113 26 26 13
63 32 50 25 25 120 1/8“ 177 144 180 35 187 113 26 26 13
63 40 50 32 50 180 1/4“ 225 192 220 39 255 141 37 26 23
63 50 50 40 50 180 1/4“ 225 192 220 39 255 141 37 26 23
63 63 50 50 50 180 1/4“ 225 192 220 39 255 141 37 26 23
90 20 80 15 25 120 1/8“ 205 159 190 47 200 126 26 26 13
90 25 80 20 25 120 1/8“ 205 159 190 47 200 126 26 26 13
90 32 80 25 25 120 1/8“ 205 159 190 47 200 126 26 26 13
90 50 80 40 50 180 1/4“ 254 207 250 51 269 155 37 26 23
90 63 80 50 50 180 1/4“ 254 207 250 51 269 155 37 26 23
110 20 100 15 25 120 1/8“ 227 171 190 56 209 135 26 26 13
110 25 100 20 25 120 1/8“ 227 171 190 56 209 135 26 26 13
110 32 100 25 25 120 1/8“ 227 171 190 56 209 135 26 26 13
110 50 100 40 50 180 1/4“ 276 219 250 60 279 165 37 26 23
110 63 100 50 50 180 1/4“ 276 219 250 60 279 165 37 26 23
L(1) PVC & CPVC socket union
L(3) Union with fusion socket
L(4) Union with butt fusion spigot
L(5) Union with butt fusion spigot (PVDF)
L(6) Butt fusion spigot
L(7) PVC & CPVC metric spigot
L(8) Socket fusion spigot
L(9) ANSI flanged
All data in millimeter [mm] unless otherwise indicated