GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
1 Introduction
1.1 What is FSO?
FSO is free space optics provides point-point broadband communications using
Laser Light as the transmission medium.
FSO is a state of art data communication method which is based on a very old
communication solution. Ancient Chinese developed a protection system against the
Mongol tribes, building watchtowers within the line of site to other towers. And as
soon as the towers saw some hostile sign on the horizon they use they shield to
reflect the sun to the remote towers. In this way the area could be prepared against
the attack in a very short period of time.
In the ancient times for this communication use the mirror
as a transmitter and the sunlight was the light source, and
the receiver was the remote guard’s eye. This basic
signalling method was developed later into up
communication device which used „line coding”. This
allowed the guards to tell the number of enemy, or the
direction they are coming from.
Current FSO systems use a laser-diode as a light source,
and a receptor diode (photo diode) to receive the signals
coming from the laser diode from the transmitter side. But
the basic elements are still the same: line of site between
the communication nodes, and individual line coding. It is all about performance.
GeoDesy FSO offers FSO systems with the highest power budget available on
the market.
1.2 Why is it important?
Because of in the ancient Chinese times, the rain, the fog, or even the cloudy
weather, could impact the operation of the whole system.
In the FSO units, comprising light source and receiver the cloud problem was
solved, but development conditions still can impair
performance. To go throw the rain, the fog, or snow you
need more and more power to be seen from the remote
side. Achievable power levels are limited by a number of
factors including eye safety.
In this way there is no other choice to see more than
„training the eye”. Making the receiver more and more
sensitive to sense delight emitted from the remote side.
GeoDesy FSO offers high transmit power and also
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
very hard receiver sensitivity. These two factors combined to provide one of the best
performing FSO systems on the market today.
To meet the demands for every higher bandwidth, GeoDesy FSO (Europe) Limited
continues to invest heavily in research and development with the newest product line
which offers Gigabit speeds being launched.
This manual describes the GeoDesy FSO Next series of free space laser
transmission system.
The GeoDesy FSONext product range offers cost effective reliable free space
laser transmission for two Mbps up to 1000 Mbps data to the air, where a clean line
of site is available. It delivers the most effective point-to-point connection between
computer networks or telephone exchanges.
No need for installing cables, no rental costs, no licensing requirements.
Ideal for urban areas or city centres, where the use of these lines are expensive.
Suitable for factories or industrial environments where high noise level can interfere
with the transmitted data. The best choice to make a connection across rivers and
other natural or artificial obstacles, where cable is not available.
The transmission technique used in the GeoDesy FSO devices provides
transparent and wire-speed data transfer with virtually zero latency. Because they
use infrared light as the transmission medium, GeoDesy FSO system do not
require frequency licenses and the transmission is not effected by electro-magnetic
or radio-frequency interference. Basically the GeoDesy FSO link can be
considered as a virtual fibre in the air, which ends in real fibre optic cable at both
Our product is built using high quality components for operation in even the most
adverse conditions.
Metal housing gives robust, waterproof environment for the electronics.
The shield protects the device from direct sunlight and provides extra air isolation.
The GeoDesy FSO X systems comprise two laser-heads
one at each end. The interface connections are housed in the outdoor unit together
with the PSU of the system.
Best practises were employed in cost engineering throughout the development of
GeoDesy FSO.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
1.3 Optical Free-space Transmission
The principle used in free space laser transmission is very similar to the one is used
for fibre optic transmission. The difference is while fibre optic devices use electronics
and optics optimized for transmission to the air. Also one can observe to the similarity
in the transmission properties. No galvanic contact, no ground-loops, no need for
surge protection, noise immunity, long distances, high bandwidth.
What makes it unique – and difficult to design – is that it does not require any
transmission medium like fibre or copper, but it has to cope with the dynamically
changing parameters. For instance while the attenuation of an optical fibre is
constant, the attenuation of the atmosphere between the laser units can change
dramatically (depending on the weather conditions).
The laser-heads are usually placed on top of building, where the clean line of site is
guaranteed and the beam cannot be interrupted.
In the head the incoming signal is amplified, encoded, and then drives the laserdiode. The transmitter optics assures the proper beam shape and controls the beam
divergence. The receive optics perceives and directs the transmitter signal to the
photo diode. The diode converts it back into electrical, than it is decoded, amplified
and converted.
There are several things that can influence the quality of transmission. We can
classify those factors into three main groups.
System conditions - transmitting power, transmitter’s waveleng th, beam divergence,
receiver optics diameter, receiver sensitivity, parameters of optical system and
casing. These parameters determine the system’s characteristic at a certain distance
and are controlled by system design and factory set up.
Weather conditions - molecular absorption, particle scattering and turbulence. These
elements have great effect on the operational conditions of the system. We do not
have very much influence on them; proper product selection can eliminate the
undesirable effects.
Environmental conditions - building movements, direct sunlight, refractive surfaces.
These are also key factors related to the installation sites and can be controlled by
appropriate site survey and system installation
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
1.4 Typical applications
Most typically the GeoDesy FSO Next product are is used to interconnect LAN-
s. The system is protocol transparent, thus other applications also can be taken into
consideration. Appropriate interface converters are needed and system bandwidth
must be matched for that.
Here we collected some circumstances, where the deployment of the GeoDesy
FSO is the most adequate as a cost effective solution.
Those are:
Areas with natural or artificial obstacles
Where cable is actually not an alternative, like across
rivers or railways or in rugged terrain.
Urban areas
Where only leased lines are available with
limited speed, and high rental cost. With
GeoDesy FSO links you can establish on line
LAN-to-LAN connections.
Industrial areas
Where you have noisy environment with high EMI or
RFI. Factory buildings, airport objects can be
connected through laser link.
ISP connections
Where high ba ndwidth is required. ISP’s can offer
high-speed links to their customers or trunks can be
established between ISP’s instead of expensive
leased lines.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
2 Interfaces for the Giga Next Series
2.1 1000Mbps TP interface
The GeoDesy FSO Giga Next series products are designed to provide easy-to-
use and cost-effective solution for interconnecting Local Area Networks. By utilizing
standard Category 5e cable and using standard IEEE802.3af interface the
deployment of the system is easier than ever before. The transparent and wire speed
data transfer together with virtually zero latency assures the easy integration of the
system in all environments.
The Giga Next systems should be considered as repeaters in the network. So the
installation distance between the head and the network device is 100m. The distance
on a back to back site is maximum 5 meters, between the heads without signal
The Giga Next systems connecting to the network with two RJ 45 cable which
provides the power required for operation and the data.The power consumption suits
to the standards described in the standard. Also provides fast and easy connection
for the management system for more details please see the chapters below. The
system is certified Class 1M product, this way 100% eye safe.
2.2 1000 Mbps FO interface
The GeoDesy FSO Giga Next system is ready to be upgraded with a Single or
Multi mode SC fiber interface with SX or LX option.
The power is provided via the same cable as in the case of the TP interface systems.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
3 Sites of installation
3.1 Key factors of operation
There are four key issues that the site survey has to shed light on. Proper system
operation cannot be guaranteed without satisfying all of the four requirements.
Clear line of sight - The entire optical path between the two ends must be free of
any obstacles. It not only means that one has to see the other side, but other
possible sources of disturbance should also be taken into consideration. For example
there might be turbulence above the roofs and other constructions, and this can
cause fraction or scattering of the beam or snow accumulation on roofs too close to
the beam can influence or even interrupt communication.
Solid mount surface - is the key for long-term operation. Since the diameter of
the beam is limited, it is extremely important to mount the unit on a stable structure
with the possible smallest movement. This way the receiver of the remote unit cannot
get out of the beam due to the movement of the opposite head.
East-West orientation - although the receiver optics are equipped with optical
filters to protect the receiver diode from the effect of undesired light sources, direct
sunshine can cause saturation of the diode. This prevents the system from working
properly for several minutes a day at certain times of the year. In most cases this
effect can be avoided by careful selection of the mounting spot.
In order to comply with the requirements of the successful installation - including the
discussed four key factors and other criteria - the following matters should be taken
into consideration.
3.2 Preferred installation sites
All buildings and constructions have a certain movement of their own. It’s determined
by the structure and material of the building. Metal structures can shift or twist due to
temperature changes. Wooden construction can expand or shrink with any changes
in humidity. Give preference to concrete or brick buildings. On the other hand high
structures like towers, skyscrapers or poles are always subject to movement. Mount
the support frame to walls of the building or near corners, as they are the most stable
spots. Use appropriate consoles for wall mounting. If a stand is used on the top of
building, secure it directly to the ceiling or to the concrete cornice wherever is
possible. Do not fix stands to insulating materials as they can slowly sink under the
weight of the unit and with temperature changes. Big chimneys and smokestacks
may look stable, but as their inner temperature varies they can also move. Vibration
caused by heavy traffic, trains and elevators etc. may slowly move the system out of
its specified direction. Another important consideration is to provide enough space for
alignment and to have the potential for future maintenance. Consider that the support
frame is usually heavy, so the selected spot should be easily accessible.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
Preferred installation
Pay attention to
Avoid (*)
Concrete wall
Behind window
Soft materials
Brick wall
Old constructs
Microwave towers
Wooden constructs
Metal masts or Frames
Hidden heat isolations,
like Styrofoam
In cases where installations are listed under “AVOID” cannot be avoided than special mounting
accessories to be designed and special installations must be used.
It is not only the building that has to be solid, but the support structure too. Antenna
poles and security camera holders are not suitable for the GeoDesy FSO units.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
3.3 Distance measurement
Because the units were designed, and calibrated for certain distance operations the
higher distance will decrease the availability. GeoDesy FSO pre-calibrates and pretests every unit shipped to the customer. To ensure that the unit you are about to buy
fits to the needs, the first step is to
measure the distance. The best
way to measure it is by GPS
(Global Positioning
System), these units
are accurate enough to
determine the distance
between two points.
For more details
please refer to the
GPS manufacturer
handbook. Also there are several
other ways to measure the
distance. If you know the exact
address you can use mapping software like MapPoint or Auto route.
3.4 Direct sunshine
To prevent the sun shining directly
into the receiver optics, first one
has to determine the orientation of
the link. Try to avoid East-West
orientation wherever it is possible.
Examine both sides of the link at
sunset and sunrise and find a
position where the sun cannot get
behind any of the heads. Be aware
that the path of the sun is changing
throughout the year.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
Kondorfa u. 6-8, HUNGARY, Tel.:+36-1-453-7440 Fax.:+36-1-240-3570
4 Eye safety
There are no two installation spots of the same kind, the buildings or structures, the
available space and the accessibility of the place will be different in each case.
Nevertheless, as a general rule it is very important to select the installation site so
that nobody can look directly into the transmitter. For this reason place the head
either so high (on the side wall of the building) or so close to the edge of the building
(on a parapet on the rooftop) that no person can approach it accidentally and can get
into the beam path. Set up barriers if necessary and put warning signs at prominent
The laser heads are provided with all labels and hazard warnings required by the
laser standard. There are warning labels on both the left and right side of the
protective cover next to the optical window and there is a warning and an informative
label on the rear side of the laser head.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
5 The mounting bracket
In the following chapter you will find detailed description of the bracket fastenings.
5.1 Mounting brackets for the X Series
GeoDesy FSO provides the mounting bracket and all the necessary components
for X series units. A simple fixing technique of this bracket can be seen on the
following figure, required tools are as follows:
- drilling machine
- 10 mm wrench
Bracket sizes:
Length: 463mm
Leg Width: 263mm
Head Width: 130mm
Drill size: 10mm wall drilling
Installation steps:
Place the bracket on the wall
Mark the wall with a permanent marker
Use your 10mm wall drill to drill all of the holes into the wall
Clean the holes
Place the wall-plugs into the holes (please note that some times you need to
use hammer to put the wall-plugs into the hole, if you have to please be
careful not to break the wall-plug)
Place the bracket to the wall an line it up to the holes
Put the screws into the wall-plug through the hole on the leg of the bracket
(please see the figure above)
Tighten up the screws
Packet list for the bracket:
3pcs 8x110 screw for bracket fixing
3pcs 8x100 plastic wall-plug for bracket fixing
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
2pcs M6x90 bolt Head fixing
3pcs M6x25 screw Head fixing
3pcs M6 bolt head fixing
6pcs 6mm spacer bracket and head fixing
6pcs 6mm spring spacer bracket and head fixing
Mounting Hole Patterns
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
6 System connection
Important: Please only solder UV proof 3 wire cooper cable into its place as in below
before soldering after soldering
6.1 Power Adapter
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
7 System installation
7.1 On the table test
Warning! Do not look either into the transmitter or the receiver optics because at
this distance even the reflected laser beam can be dangerous to your eyes.
Operating the system on much shorter distance than presumed originally can cause
saturation or even permanent damage to the receiver. Always use optical attenuators
for this kind of test.
The on-the-table test needs careful planning and careful use during the test period.
The units should be placed at about 2 m distance from each other with optical
windows facing one another. Put an appropriate optical attenuator (Attenuating foil or
cardboard with several small holes) between the heads. Make all the necessary
connection as described below to connect your network equipment (computer or
protocol analyzer) to the heads and power up the units. Turn ON the Power Adapter
and check if the power LED is ON on the head.
You should be able to align the units without any tool and get full received level on
the signal strength LED’s. Make sure that the “Saturation”(OV) indicator is OFF.
Adjust your attenuators if necessary to avoid saturation of the receivers.
Please note that at this short distance, specially the longer distance links can reflect
to the remote site or even to the same head. If you experience full receiving level,
with no traffic throughput, in that case try to move the heads slightly units out of the
reflection zone.
Please also take in consideration that the laser beam is concentrated and in such a
short distance can harm your eyes, every time you test the units on short distance,
do it with extra care. Never look into the sighting device if the remote laser is turned
on. We strongly suggest to double check the power connection before you turn on
the device. Handle the power connection with extra care. Safety first.
After obtaining the desired received level, check the data connection between
devices. Using computers or appropriate testing devices.
On the table tests are perfect for troubleshooting (If there is a transmission problem,
check the status of the connecting devices (e.g. Link signal or cable polarity) and
cables.) in a controlled area. If you experience some problems during the test, please
try to test the connected equipments with a direct connection.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
7.1.1 Alignment of the PX1000E1000
The first step after the unit was placed to
the bracket, and the units facing each other.
On the back of the receiver you can find the
LEDs and LCD screen for the local received
level and the remote received level.
This help will be very useful because as soon as you have received – which is very
easy to achieve – you can see the effect of your local sides movement to the other
side. For further information please check the Meanings of the LCDs chapter.
7.2 LCD screens
Power: The head is powered up.
RX-OK: Received beam is good for
TP Lk: Copper link between the head and the
Network equipment.
R-LS: The recived signal form the remote end
is modulated and .
RV/T-LS: Remote end is visible for the management system and there is TP
connected to remote end – same as TP-Lk but displays it on the remote end.
Please press the button on the backside of the unit to scroll between the screens!
Loc (local level): Light received from the remote end.
Rem (remote level): Remote Sites Received level.
Op: optimal
Ov: overload
HeadSN: The laser head serial number
Temperature: Temperature inside the laser head.
ACM position
auto/manual ./000 step
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
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