The GeoDesy-FSO is classified as Class 3B laser product.
The GeoDesy-FSO System has been tested and found to comply with the
EN 60825-1:1994+A11:96+A2:2001 (laser safety),
EN 60950-1:2001 (electrical safety),
EN 55022:1998+A1:200+A2:2003 Class 3B (emission)
and EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 and EN 61000-6-2:2001 (immunity)
European standards.
The laser radiation is emitted from the transmitter optics through the glass window in
the front side of the laser head under less than 10 mrad divergences. No other
aperture through which laser radiation can occur present in the laser head.
Invisible laser radiation! Looking directly into the laser beam can
cause permanent damage to the eye! Safe looking distance varies
with beam power and divergence. See attached data sheet for exact
The GeoDesy-FSO product should be installed in such a way that nobody can
access the optical window or can get in the way of the laser beam accidentally. For
detailed instructions please read chapter 5.3.5 Eye Safety on page 20.
The GeoDesy-FSO product provided with all the necessary labels specified by the
standards. Moreover informative labels should be put on clearly visible places where
the laser beam can be accessed. The locations of the warning labels are shown on
page 20 of the manual (Chapter 5.3.5/Eye Safety).
The Outdoor Interconnection Unit is assembled with a certified power cord, which
must be connected to the mains through a power outlet to make the disconnection
possible at any time. Any modification to the above installation is prohibited. If
modifications are required by the local standard, please contact the manufacturer.
To ensure the compliance with the EN 60950 safety requirements, the system
should be installed only by the manufacturer or its certified partners.
Operating the GeoDesy-FSO product other than described in this
manual can cause undesired laser radiation and can be dangerous
to he eye or electrical shock!
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
Das GeoDesy-FSO ist eine Klasse 3B Lasereinrichtung.
Das GeoDesy-FSO Produkt wurde geprüft und entspricht den Anforderungen der
Europäischen Standards EN 60825-1:1994+A11:96+A2:2001 (Lasereinrichtungen),
EN 60950-1:2001 (Elektrische Sicherheit),
EN 55022:1998+A1:200+A2:2003 Klasse 3B (EMV, Störaussendung) und
EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 sowie EN 61000-6-2:2001 (EMV, Störfestigkeit)
Der Laserstrahl wird von der Sendeoptik durch die Glasscheibe an der Frontseite
des Laserkopf mit einer Divergenz von weniger als 10mrad abgestahlt. Es sind keine
weiteren Blenden vorhanden durch die Laserstrahlen auftreten können.
Unsichtbare Laserstrahlen! Nicht direkt in den Lasertrahl schauen,
da dies die Augen permanent schädigen kann. Der
Sicherheitsabstand variiert mit der Laserleistung und Divergenz
des Laserstrahl. Details hierzu sind im Datenblatt nachzulesen.
Das GeoDesy-FSO Produkt muß so installiert werden, daß niemand Zutritt zu der
Optik des Laserkopf hat oder zufällig in den Bereich des Laserstrahl kommen kann.
Kapitel 5.3.5 auf Seite 20 des Handbuchs enthält ausführliche Anweisungen zum
Schutz der Augen.
Das GeoDesy-FSO Produkt ist mit allen notwendigen Warnhinweisen versehen die
durch die Standards vorgebenen werden. Weitergehende Hinweise sollten an gut
sichtbaren Stellen angebracht werden wo man sich dem Laserkopf gefahrlos nähern
kann. Die Positionen der Warnhinweise sind auf Seite 20 des Handbuchs dargestellt
(Kapitel 5.3.5, Schutz der Augen)
Die „Outdoor Interconnection Unit“, die mit einem zertifzierten Netzkabel ausgeliefert
wird, muß mit der Stromversorgung verbunden werden, indem der Netzstecker in
eine geeignete Netzsteckdose gesteckt wird, womit die Lasereinrichtung auch
jederzeit wieder vom Netz getrennt werden kann. Jegliche Modifikationen an der
Installation sind verboten.
Falls aufgrund nationaler Vorschriften denoch Änderungen an der Installation
vorgenommen werden müssen, ist vorher der Hersteller zu befragen.
Um die Konformität bezüglich der Elektrischen Sicherheit nach EN60950
sicherzustellen, sollte das System nur vom Hersteller oder seinen zertifizierten
Partnern installiert werden.
Warnung !
Die Inbetriebnahme oder der Betrieb des GeoDesy-FSO Produkts,
abweichend von den Vorgaben dieses Handbuchs, kann
unerwünschte Laserstrahlung verursachen und gefährlich für die
Augen werden oder einen elektrischen Schock verursachen.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
Le produit GeoDesy-FSO est classifié dans la catégorie laser 3B.
Le système de GeoDesy-FSO a été testé et correspond aux normes européennes:
EN 60825-1:1994+A11:96+A2:2001 (sécurité du laser),
EN 60950-1:2001 (sécurité éléctrique),
EN 55022:1998+A1:200+A2:2003 Classe 3B (émission),
EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 et EN 61000-6-2:2001 (immunité).
La radiation laser est émise à partir de l’émetteur optique à travers une fenêtre en
verre placée à la tête du laser et a une divergence de moins de 10 mrad. Aucune
autre ouverture dans la tête ne peut laisser passer de radiation laser.
La radiation laser est invisible! Interdiction de regarder le rayon
laser ! Risques graves de lésions pour les yeux! La distance de
sécurité pour la vue est variable et dépend de la puissance du
rayon et de sa divergence! Consulter la feuille de données ci-jointe
pour calculs exacts.
L’installation de produit GeoDesy-FSO doit être faite de sorte que personne ne
puisse accéder à la fenêtre optique ou traverser le rayon laser par accident. Pour
instructions détaillées, lire la partie Sécurité de l’œil dans le chapitre 5.3.5 du
manuel à la page 20.
Le produit GeoDesy-FSO possède la totalité des étiquettes stipulées par les
normes. De plus, des avis informatifs sont placés à des endroits clairement visibles
où le rayon laser pourrait être accessible. Une liste des endroits où sont placés les
avis informatifs est donnée dans le chapitre 5.3.5 du manuel (Eye Safety) à la page
Le boîtier de connections extérieure (Outdoor Interconnection Unit) est fournit avec
un fil éléctrique certifié par lequel l’appareil est connecté à la prise de courant. Grâce
à cela, il est possible de débrancher à n’importe quel moment. Il est formellement
interdit d’apporter de quelconques modifications à cette installation. Si une
modification est cependant nécessaire à cause des normes locales, contacter le
Tout opération consistant à utiliser le produit GeoDesy-FSO de
façon différente que celle indiquée dans le manuel pourrait
engendrer des effets indésirables du rayon laser, être dangereuse
pour la vue et provoquer un choc éléctrique!
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
GeoDesy-FSO e classificáto di essere un Classe 3B prodotto di
Il sistema GeoDesy-FSO e stato collaudato e trovato conforme con
EN 60825-1:1994+A11:96+A2:2001 (sicurezza sul prodotti lazer),
EN 60950-1:2001 (sicurezza eletrica), EN55022:1998+A1:200+A2:2003 Class B
(emissione) ed EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 ed
EN 61000-6-2:2001 (immunitá), Norme Europee.
La radiazione lazer viene emissa dalla ottica del trasmettitore via la finestra di vetro
posizionata sulla fronte della testa di lazer con una divergenza minore di 10 mrad.
Non esiste nessun’ altra appertura attraverso quale radiazione di lazer puó
Radiazione lazer invisibile! Guardando direttamente nel raggio di
lazer puó causare danni permanenti degli ochhi! La distanza di
sicurezza dello sguardo varia secondo la potenza e la divergenza
dello raggio di lazer. Distanza di sucurezza viene communicato
sulla pagina tehnica allegata.
Prodotti GeoDesy-FSO devono essere installati in tale maniera, che nessuno possa
accedere la finestra ottica o esporsi al raggio di lazer per caso. Per informazioni piu
detagliati vedi la parte Sicurezza Ochhi del capitolo 5.3.5 nel manuale sulla pagina
I prodotti GeoDesy-FSO veranno forniti con tutte segnalazioni previste nelle norme.
In addizione segnalazioni informative devono essere posizionate nel posti ben’
visibili dove il raggio di lazer puó essere accesso. Le locazioni delle segnalazioni di
sicurezze sono demostrati sulla pagina 20 del manuale (Capitolo 5.3.5/ Sicurezza
La Unitá Interconnezione Externa (Outdoor interconnection Unit) viene fornita con
un cavo di allimentazione certificato quale deve essere collegato con la rete di
potenza tramitte una presa per assicurare la separabilita in qualsiasi momento.
Qualunque modifica sul questo impianto e proibito. Se modifiche si devono eseguire
per rispettare la norma locale, si priega di contattare il produttore.
Per garantire la conformitá con la norma EN 60950, il sistame deve essere installato
dal produttore o dai partner certificati.
Qualsiasi operazione di GeoDesy-FSO diversa di quello descritto in
questo manuale puó causare non desiderata radiazione lazer e puó
essere pericoloso per gli ochhi o causare scossa electrica!
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
FSO is free space optics provides point-point broadband communications using
Laser Light as the transmission medium.
FSO is a state of art data communication method which is based on a very old
communication solution. Ancient Chinese developed a protection system against the
Mongol tribes, building watchtowers within the line of site to other towers. And as
soon as the towers saw some hostile sign on the horizon they use they shield to
reflect the sun to the remote towers. In this way the area could be prepared against
the attack in a very short period of time.
In the ancient times for this communication use the mirror
as a transmitter and the sunlight was the light source, and
the receiver was the remote guard’s eye. This basic
signalling method was developed later into up
communication device which used „line coding”. This
allowed the guards to tell the number of enemy, or the
direction they are coming from.
and a receptor diode (photo diode) to receive the signals
coming from the laser diode from the transmitter side. But
the basic elements are still the same: line of site between
the communication nodes, and individual line coding. It is all about performance.
GeoDesy-FSO offers FSO systems with the highest power budget available on
the market.
Why is it important?
Because of in the ancient Chinese times, the rain, the fog, or even the cloudy
weather, could impact the operation of the whole system.
In the FSO units, comprising light source and receiver the cloud problem was
solved, but development conditions still can impair
performance. To go throw the rain, the fog, or snow you
need more and more power to be seen from the remote
side. Achievable power levels are limited by a number of
factors including eye safety.
In this way there is no other choice to see more than
„training the eye”. Making the receiver more and more
sensitive to sense delight emitted from the remote side.
GeoDesy-FSO offers high transmit power and also
FSO systems use a laser-diode as a light source,
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
very hard receiver sensitivity. These two factors combined to provide one of the best
To meet the demands for every higher bandwidth, GeoDesy-FSO continues to
invest heavily in research and development with the newest product line which offers
Gigabit speeds being launched.
This manual describes the GeoDesy-FSOGD series of free space laser
transmission system.
The GeoDesy-FSOGD product range offers cost effective reliable free space
laser transmission for two Mbps up to 1000 Mbps data to the air, where a clean line
of site is available. It delivers the most effective point-to-point connection between
computer networks or telephone exchanges.
No need for installing cables, no rental costs, no licensing requirements.
Ideal for urban areas or city centres, where the use of these lines are expensive.
Suitable for factories or industrial environments where high noise level can interfere
with the transmitted data. The best choice to make a connection across rivers and
other natural or artificial obstacles, where cable is not available.
The transmission technique used in the GeoDesy-FSOFSO devices provides
transparent and wire-speed data transfer with virtually zero latency. Because they
use infrared light as the transmission medium, GeoDesy-FSO system do not
require frequency licenses and the transmission is not effected by electro-magnetic
or radio-frequency interference. Basically the GeoDesy-FSO link can be
considered as a virtual fibre in the air, which ends in real fibre optic cable at both
Our product is built using high quality components for operation in even the most
adverse conditions.
Metal housing gives robust, waterproof environment for the electronics.
The shield protects the device from direct sunlight and provides extra air isolation.
GeoDesy-FSO GD systems comprise two laser-heads and the two indoor
interconnection units (OIU) - one at each end. The interface connections are housed
in the outdoor unit together with the PSU of the system.
Best practises were employed in cost engineering throughout the development of
FSO systems on the market today.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
The principle used in free space laser transmission is very similar to the one is used
for fibre optic transmission. The difference is while fibre optic devices use electronics
and optics optimized for transmission to the air. Also one can observe to the
similarity in the transmission properties. No galvanic contact, no ground-loops, no
need for surge protection, noise immunity, long distances, high bandwidth.
What makes it unique – and difficult to design – is that it does not require any
transmission medium like fibre or copper, but it has to cope with the dynamically
changing parameters. For instance while the attenuation of an optical fibre is
constant, the attenuation of the atmosphere between the laser units can change
dramatically (depending on the weather conditions).
The laser-heads are usually placed on top of building, where the clean line of site is
guaranteed and the beam cannot be interrupted.
In the head the incoming signal is amplified, encoded, and then drives the laserdiode. The transmitter optics assures the proper beam shape and controls the beam
divergence. The receive optics perceives and directs the transmitter signal to the
photo diode. The diode converts it back into electrical, than it is decoded, amplified
and converted.
There are several things that can influence the quality of transmission. We can
classify those factors into three main groups.
System conditions - transmitting power, transmitter’s wavelength, beam divergence,
receiver optics diameter, receiver sensitivity, parameters of optical system and
casing. These parameters determine the system’s characteristic at a certain
distance and are controlled by system design and factory set up.
Weather conditions - molecular absorption, particle scattering and turbulence. These
elements have great effect on the operational conditions of the system. We do not
have very much influence on them; proper product selection can eliminate the
undesirable effects.
Environmental conditions - building movements, direct sunlight, refractive surfaces.
These are also key factors related to the installation sites and can be controlled by
appropriate site survey and system installation
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
Most typically the GeoDesy-FSO-TP is used to interconnect LAN-s. The system
is protocol transparent, thus other applications also can be taken into consideration.
Appropriate interface converters are needed and system bandwidth must be
matched for that.
Here we collected some circumstances, where the employment of the GeoDesy-
is the most adequate and cost effective solution.
Those are:
Areas with natural or artificial obstacles
Where cable is actually not an alternative, like across
rivers or railways or in rugged terrain.
Urban areas
Where only leased lines are available with
limited speed, and high rental cost. With
GeoDesy-FSO links you can establish on line
LAN-to-LAN connections.
Industrial areas
Where you have noisy environment with high EMI or
RFI. Factory buildings, airport objects can be
connected through laser link.
ISP connections
Where high bandwidth is required. ISP’s can offer
high-speed links to their customers or trunks can be established between ISP’s
instead of expensive leased lines.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
GeoDesy FSO is part of the GeoDesy Group, with main focus on high speed wireless
communication, especially laser-based Free Space Optical (FSO) transmission. GeoDesy
itself is the successor of the well-known MOM Optical Works in Hungary, with more than
100 years tradition in the field of high-precision optics, prisms, components and instruments
for the surveying industry. With production facilities located in Budapest, the solid technical
and engineering-background of GeoDesy is the key factor in assuring that GeoDesy FSOe
products combine the highest technical level with reliable performance, constant productdevelopment and dependable pre- and after-sales service.
Geodesy FSO solutions offer broadband, point to point connectivity enabling wireless
networking over and above the current communications infrastructure. Geodesy FSO
technology delivers high security, scalability and superior price to performance value and has
been successfully deployed for a wide range of applications across sectors as diverse as SP's,
ISP's, Health, Education, Finance, Retail, and Industry. Grouping by product name
In this chapter we will give you overview of our products.
2.5 GeoDesy-FSO PRONTO series
The PRONTO series products
from GeoDesy-FSO are laser
based free space optical systems
designed to provide flexible, reliable
and secure solution for high speed
wireless connections up to 1500 m.
Due to their modular design the
equipments are easy and fast to
troubleshoot and upgrade in the
field. Adjustable transmitter optical system allows custom configuration of the system
for specific installations. The patented Aperture Control Mechanism delivers
outstanding system availability figures. The transparent and wire speed data transfer
together with virtually zero latency assures the easy integration of the system in all
environments. Furthermore, PRONTO series systems can be ordered with IP based
SNMP compatible device management that allows remote control and monitoring of
the equipment. Because they use infrared light as transmission medium,
GeoDesy-FSO systems do not require frequency licenses and the transmission is
not affected by electro-magnetic interference. The concentrated laser beam is
extremely hard to tap, even to discover since it cannot be detected by spectrum
analyzers. Basically, a GeoDesy-FSO link can be considered as a virtual fibre in
the air.
The GeoDesy-FSOPRONTO systems comprise of two Laser Heads (each
containing two transmitters), two Outdoor Interconnection Units (ODIU) and two sets
of interconnection cables — one at each end. The Laser Heads are installed
outdoors, where a clear optical path exists between the two sites. Each head is
equipped with heavy duty Alignment Base Unit, which allows exact positioning and
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
ensures reliable long-term operation of the system. The head assembly features rear
and front doors that provide easy access to the internal parts on the field during
installation, troubleshooting or upgrade procedures. Next to the head the Outdoor
Interconnection Unit provides fast and easy interconnection between the laser head
and the cable coming from the network equipment. Moreover the ODIU houses the
Power Supply Unit (PSU) of the system and the network interface. The PSU
provides the low voltage power required to operate the laser head while the data
port offers direct connectivity for standard network equipments. A variety of standard
copper and fibre interfaces are available for voice and data applications. The system
contains built-in signal monitoring unit, which features a visual signal strength
indicator and LINK status information accessible on the rear of the head assembly.
The optional IP Based Management Hardware is placed in an Indoor Interconnection
Unit (IDIU). The bar graph of the IDU displays the actual signal strength level while
the LED indicators show the presence of Minor or Major alarm condition. With the
help of the relay contacts an external alarm monitoring equipment may be connected
to the system to process the alarm signals further .In addition to the above
GeoDesy-FSO GDViewTM software allows the monitoring of the link’s operation
through a proprietary graphical interface (GUI) via Ethernet or RS-232 ports or a
third party SNMP manager via TCP/IP connection. .
Industry standard network interfaces and clear upgrade path for higher bandwidth
protect the customer's investments in GeoDesy-FSO systems. Moreover,
PRONTO systems offer high level of network flexibility due to their modular design,
which makes them ideal to follow network topology changes.
2.6 GeoDesy-FSO GD2500 series
The GD-2500 series products from GeoDesy-
are laser based free space optical systems
designed to provide flexible, reliable and secure
solution for high speed wireless connections up to
2500 m. Due to their modular design the
equipments are easy and fast to troubleshoot and
upgrade on the field. Adjustable transmitter optical
system allows custom configuration of the system for specific installations. The
patented Aperture Control Mechanism delivers outstanding system availability
figures. The transparent and wire speed data transfer together with virtually zero
latency assures the easy integration of the system in all environments. Furthermore,
GD-2500 series systems can be ordered with IP based SNMP compatible device
management that allows remote control and monitoring of the equipment. Because
they use infrared light as transmission medium, GeoDesy-FSO systems do not
require frequency licenses and the transmission is not affected by electro-magnetic
interference. The concentrated laser beam is extremely hard to tap, even to discover
since it cannot be detected by spectrum analyzers. Basically, a GeoDesy-FSO
link can be considered as a virtual fibre in the air.
The GeoDesy-FSOGD-2500 systems comprise of two Laser Heads (each
containing four transmitters), two Outdoor Interconnection Units (ODIU) and two sets
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
of interconnection cables — one at each end. The Laser Heads are installed
outdoors, where a clear optical path exists between the two sites. Each head is
equipped with heavy duty Alignment Base Unit, which allows exact positioning and
ensures reliable long-term operation of the system. The head assembly features rear
and front doors that provide easy access to the internal parts on the field during
installation, troubleshooting or upgrade procedures. Next to the head the Outdoor
Interconnection Unit provides fast and easy interconnection between the laser head
and the cable coming from the network equipment. Moreover the ODIU houses the
Power Supply Unit (PSU) of the system and the network interface. The PSU
provides the low voltage power required to operate the laser head while the data
port offers direct connectivity for standard network equipments. A variety of standard
copper and fibre interfaces are available for voice and data applications. The system
contains built-in signal monitoring unit, which features a visual signal strength
indicator and LINK status information accessible on the rear of the head assembly.
The optional IP Based Management Hardware is placed in an Indoor Interconnection
Unit (IDIU). The bar graph of the IDIU displays the actual signal strength level while
the LED indicators show the presence of Minor or Major alarm condition. With the
help of the relay contacts an external alarm monitoring equipment may be connected
to the system to process the alarm signals further .In addition to the above
GeoDesy-FSO GDviewTM software allows the monitoring of the link’s operation
through a proprietary graphical interface (GUI) via Ethernet or RS-232 ports or a
third party SNMP manager via TCP/IP connection.
Industry standard network interfaces and clear upgrade path for higher bandwidth
protect the customer's investments in GeoDesy-FSO systems. Moreover, GD-
which makes them ideal to follow network topology changes.
systems offer high level of network flexibility due to their modular design,
2.7 GeoDesy-FSO GD5000 series
GD-5000 series products from GeoDesy-FSO
are laser based free space optical systems designed to
provide flexible, reliable and secure solution for high
speed wireless connections up to 5000 m. Due to their
modular design the equipments are easy and fast to
troubleshoot and upgrade on the field. Adjustable
transmitter optical system allows custom configuration of the system for specific
installations. The patented Aperture Control Mechanism delivers outstanding system
availability figures. The transparent and wire speed data transfer together with
virtually zero latency assures the easy integration of the system in all environments.
Furthermore, GD-5000 series systems can be ordered with IP based SNMP
compatible device management that allows remote control and monitoring of the
equipment. Because they use infrared light as transmission medium, GeoDesy-
systems do not require frequency licenses and the transmission is not affected
by electro-magnetic interference. The concentrated laser beam is extremely hard to
tap, even to discover since it cannot be detected by spectrum analyzers. Basically, a
GeoDesy-FSO link can be considered as a virtual fiber in the air.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
GeoDesy-FSO GD-5000 systems comprise of two Laser Heads (each
containing four transmitters), two Outdoor Interconnection Units (ODIU) and two sets
of interconnection cables — one at each end. The Laser Heads are installed
outdoors, where a clear optical path exists between the two sites. Each head is
equipped with heavy duty Alignment Base Unit, which allows exact positioning and
ensures reliable long-term operation of the system. The head assembly features rear
and front doors that provide easy access to the internal parts on the field during
installation, troubleshooting or upgrade procedures. Next to the head the Outdoor
Interconnection Unit provides fast and easy interconnection between the laser head
and the cable coming from the network equipment. Moreover the ODIU houses the
Power Supply Unit (PSU) of the system and the network interface. The PSU
provides the low voltage power required to operate the laser head while the data
port offers direct connectivity for standard network equipments. A variety of standard
copper and fibre interfaces are available for voice and data applications. The system
contains built-in signal monitoring unit, which features a visual signal strength
indicator and LINK status information accessible on the rear of the head assembly.
The optional IP Based Management Hardware is placed in an Indoor Interconnection
Unit (IDIU). The bar graph of the IDIU displays the actual signal strength level while
the LED indicators show the presence of Minor or Major alarm condition. With the
help of the relay contacts an external alarm monitoring equipment may be connected
to the system to process the alarm signals further .In addition to the above
GeoDesy-FSO GDviewTM software allows the monitoring of the link’s operation
through a proprietary graphical interface (GUI) via Ethernet or RS-232 ports or a
third party SNMP manager via TCP/IP connection. .
Industry standard network interfaces and clear upgrade path for higher bandwidth
protect the customer's investments in GeoDesy-FSO systems. Moreover, GD-
which makes them ideal to follow network topology changes.
systems offer high level of network flexibility due to their modular design,
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
The GeoDesy-FSOTP series products are designed to provide easy-to-use and
cost-effective solution for interconnecting Local Area Networks. By utilizing standard
Category 5 cable and using standard 100BaseTX interface the deployment of the
system is easier than ever. The transparent and wire speed data transfer together
with virtually zero latency assures the easy integration of the system in all
TP systems should be considered as repeaters in the network. So the
installation distance between the head and the network device is 100m. The
distance on a back to back site is maximum 5 meters, between the heads.
The TP system layout
The head needs a power and data cable, which is connected to the ODIU (Outdoor
Interconnection Unit). The required power for the outdoor unit is 230VAC or
115VAC, depending on the order. Please note that the transformer is not a switching
mode power supply, so has to be configured for the proper voltage before
connection, this has to done before shipment. The heads are fixed 100Mbps and are
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
3.2 100Mbps Fast-Ethernet systems with TC interface
GD-TC100 systems are for connecting LAN’s on 100Mbps with 100BaseFX
connection. Maximum installation distance between the head and the network
equipment is 1000meters with MM fibres, and 5000meters with SM fibres.
Connecting the fibre cable from the head to the outdoor box and from the outdoor
box to the FX/TX converter. Make sure that the converter you using can do the
permanent link signal on the FX port.
GeoDesy-FSO do recommend: D-Link DFE-855 Media Converter)
For more instruction of the FX/TX converter please refer the user guide of the
converter and for more information contact your local distributor.
100Mbps Fast-Ethernet systems with FO interface layout
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
The E1 systems cover the low speed telephony requirements such as connecting
Telephone exchanges, up to 30 individual lines. As a part of the system you will
receive E1 multiplexers. These multiplexers provide fast and easy connection to the
laser device. The TC link speed is 2.048Mbps.
E1 Interface systems layout
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
E2 systems provide fast and easy connection for larger phone exchange system on
the speed of 8,192Mbps. This allows 120 separated phone lines to be connected
over the link. Multiplexers are provided to the link. These multiplexers connect via
G703 connection.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049
STM-1 systems provides connection over the link at the speed of 155Mbps with MM
fibre SX interface with SC connectors (SM LX optional). The maximum installation
distance between the head and the network equipment is 1000 meters in the case of
MM fibre, and 5000 meters in the case of SM fibre.
GeoDesy Kft. Telefon: 06-1-481-2050
H-1116 Budapest, Kondorfa str. 6-8. Fax.: 06-1-481-2049