above unity, but noisy signal will be the result,
as well as less headroom.
5). A final check for effects loop matching vs.
normal levels in your amp is to play a chord,
then guickly remove the “Effects In” plug and
see if there is an increase or decrease in
volume. Then further adjust the receive gain to
match the normal level within the amp to keep
over-all headroom and power at optimum.
6). The use of multiple effects complicates the
procedure greatly, but the following rule also
applies. Simply think of the output of each
effect as the “send” for the following unit.
much level as you can without distorting the
effect. “Receive” with the minimum level
possible to reach unity gain with or without the
effect activated.
The use and operation of this device
constitutes an agreement of full release of
any and all liability connected with such use.
Only personnel familiar with the safe use and
operation high-power audio equipment should
attempt to operate this device.
In addition, by the use of this device, user
agrees to hold both Genz Benz/Tube Works,
its designers, sales agents and all other
affiliates and related parties harmless in the
event of any accident, damage or loss
resulting from such use.
Manufacturer’s sole responsibility is to
provide a warranty on the specified
performance of the product under normal
Your TUBE WORKS product is warranted for a
period of three years against defects in
workmanship or materials in the electronic
components. The speaker(s), reverb tank and
cabinet are warranted for a period of ninety (90)
days from date of purchase. This warranty
applies only to the original registered owner
provided he/she has returned a completed
Owners Registration Card within fifteen (15) days
of purchase.
This warranty covers parts and labor only;
shipping charges remain the sole responsibility of
the owner.
Damage due to misuse, modification or abuse is
excluded from this warranty.
Before returning any unit for service, a
obtained by calling 480-941-0705 during normal
Tube Works
a division of
7811 E. Pierce St.
Scottsdale,AZ 85257
480-946-2412 FAX
Tube Works
M o s V a l v e
¨ 100 Watt MosValve power section
¨ 4 Stage, 2 channel, dual TUBE preamp
section with seperate EQ sections
¨ Dynamic, foot-switchable”STACK” function
gives the versatility of 3 channels
¨ Continuous anti-feedback circuitry eliminates
over 60% of typical “squeal” or HF screech
apparant in many amps
¨ Mosvalve powered full-sized Accutronics
spring reverb
¨ Sturdy plywood cabinet, covered in dynamic
black vinyl.
¨ Hand built and manufactured
¨ LED indicator foot-switch included
¨ Versatile dual voltage design for world touring

CHANNEL SWITCH Selects either Drive (Red LED) or Clean(Green
LED) channels. Switch is bypassed and inoperative when footswitch plug
is inserted into either footswitch Jack on the rear panel.
INPUTS Input 1: 0 db. The most sensitive input.
Input 2: -8 db. Less sensitive input for extra-high output pickups. Inputs
are summing so two guitars can be used together.
biased for a thinner articulate Tube Driver-like tone reminiscent of British
amps. At control settings lower than 3, tube #1 becomes virtually clean,
allowing the Stack control to completely control the overdrive level
through Tube #2.
STACK CONTROL Controls gain of TUBE#2. TUBE #2 is biased in a
more “Blue Tube” manner. As you add more “Stack”, the sound will
become fatter and fatter. This is of great help when practicing at lower
volume to maintain a well-balanced tone. NOTE: This control is switchable
via the back-panel footswitch jack labeled”2”. The footswitch will switch
between the “0” setting and whatever level you preset the Stack control
to. This adds a 3rd channel capability to your amp.
HI, MID, LO Drive channel EQ.This is an entirely new concept for guitar
amplifiers. Each control is a separate passive filter summed actively into
the (also) active Master volume. This configuration adds great flexibility
and much expanded range over conventional passive designs, and
prevents any crosstalk into the clean channel when overdrive is switched
Note: Frequencies: HI 3.5 K HZ (upper shelving) MID 800 HZ (center)
LO 150 HZ (lower shelving) All have passive roll-off characteristics.
MASTER Active master volume control for the Drive channel. No leakage
of signal is present with this master at 0. This insures good definition at
the ultra-high gain levels, with its Stack configuration.
VOLUME Clean channel gain. This channel is also capable of classic
overdrive with the use of its master control.
HI, MID, LO Classic Tube Works passive EQ. Warmth and tone are the
key emphasis for this EQ. NOTE: Frequencies: HI 3.5K HZ (upper
shelving), MID 800 HZ (center) LO 150 HZ(lower shelving) .
All have passive roll-off characteristics.
EFFECTS MIX This control mixes the signal present at the “Effects In”
jack on the rear panel. turning the control towards “Wet” mixes more of
the effect’s sound, while “Dry” mixes more of the pre-effect signal. NOTE:
This control functions only when there is a plug inserted into the “Effects
Return “ jack.
REVERB Adds desired reverb intensity. Footswitchable when using
footswitch jack #1.
Master Volume for Clean(Green) channel.
Controls gain of TUBE #1. Tube #1 is
POWER INLET SOCKET Your amp comes with a detachable power cord.
Always plug the power cord into the amp and then into an AC socket.
FUSE Use fast-blo 4 amp for 115V or fast-blo 2 amp for 230 V.
VOTAGE SELECTOR SWITCH This amp is pre-wired for either 115Volt or
230 Volt operation. Use this switch and the appropriate power cord for the
foreign country you may be in.
SPEAKERS Output for speakers. Minimum impedance is 4 ohms. Operating
at less than 4 ohms will cause failure due to overheating.
VENT SLOTS It is imperative that this amp receives adequate ventilation.
Your MosValve power section normally produces more heat than typical solidstate circuits. Do not block these vents.
FOOTSWITCH The two footswitch jacks are provided for the channel
switching, Reverb and Stack functions. Jack #1 is for Reverb and Channel
Switching. Jack #2 is for Stack and Channel switching.
The footswitch provided is a 2 switch model and will switch either combination
depending on which jack is used. If you wish to be able to have Reverb,
Channel, and Stack functions footswitchable at all times, you will need to
purchase a separate footswitch for this purpose.
To switch all functions, here’s how to do it:
1) Plug the Tube Works footswitch into jack #1. 2)Use another push-on,
push-off footswitch with a 1/4” plug and plug into jack#2. Note: Channel will
not function if you reverse the two footswitches. You will now have Reverb/
Channel on the Tube Works footswitch, and Stack on the single footswitch.
EFFECTS LOOP This system provides ultimate flexibility and control for your
effects. Please follow these simple procedures to help set the levels for the
best operation of your effects chain.
1). Set both “send” and “receive” controls at “5”.
2). Insert your effect and activate it. If your effect has input/output levels, set
them at “unity gain”- same level activated as bypassed. Use “instrument” level
on rack effects.
3). While in the clean channel, play a few chords at normal volume, and
increase or decrease the “Send” level to a point where there is no distortion
through the effect. If your device has clipping indicators, set the “send”level
just below the clipping level.
Note: for best S/N(signal-to-noise) ratio, it is important to have as “hot” a drive
level as possible. The most common mistake made by musicians is to “send”
too low a level to the effects, and then “receive” with too hot a level. All the
noise present in the output circuitry of the effect and connecting cords are
then amplified, and then amplified.
4). Set the receive level to match the unity gain. (Effects device activated level
= bypassed level). Of course, it is permissible to increase “receive” gain