MrRay73 Mark II – User's Manual
Operation Manual
1. License
2. System Requirements
3. Installation
4. Instrument Description
5. Panel Controls
6. MIDI Mapping - MIDI Learn Function
MrRay73 Mark II – User's Manual 1

MrRay73 Mark II – User's Manual
MrRay73 Mark II version 2.0.3, copyright Guido Scognamiglio - SoundFonts.it 2008
This is a license agreement between "SoundFonts.it" (hereinafter referred to as "the software
supplier") and You (hereinafter referred to as "the user").
The software is provided to the user "as is". The software supplier makes no warranties, either
express or implied, with respect to the software and associated materials provided to the user,
including but not limited to any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. The software
supplier does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet your
requirements, or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that
defects in the software will be corrected.
The software supplier does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the
results of the use of the software or any documentation provided therewith in terms of their
correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. No information or advice given by the software
supplier shall create a warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty.
The software supplier is not liable for any claims or damages whatsoever, including property
damage, personal injury, intellectual property infringement, loss of profits, or interruption of
business, or for any special, consequential or incidental damages, however caused.
The user is not allowed to distribute the program. Further, the user may not modify, the user
may not decompile and the user may not debug the software. The user may use the program
on any computer he or she personally own.
This product is a shareware. You may use the unregistered version at no charge for an
evaluation period of 30 days only. To continue to use the software beyond the 30-day
evaluation period, you must register it.
By using this software, you agree the above statements.
MrRay73 Mark II – User's Manual 2

MrRay73 Mark II – User's Manual
System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements:
• Microsoft Windows 98se/ME/2000/XP/Vista
• Intel Pentium 4 @ 1600 MHz or AMD Athlon @ 1600 MHz
• 256 Mb of RAM
• 4 Mb of free disk space
• An ASIO compatible sound card
MrRay73 Mark II is a VST plug-in, and needs a VST host application to run. We recommend
EnergyXT or Hermann Seib's VSThost / SAVIhost.
– MrRay73 Mark II can support samplerates up to 96 Khz but it's recommended to avoid
using samplerates greater than 48 Khz as the sound may be distorted.
– The CPU usage is strongly dependant on the actual polyphony: the more notes you play,
the more CPU power is required.
Copy the file MrRay73mk2.dll (or whatever it may have been renamed to, in case of future
updates) to your VSTplugins folder, usually
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins\
Inserting MrRay73mk2 into a project varies according to the VST Host used. For example, if
you're using EnergyXT simply right click in the middle of the main window and choose VST ->
MrRay73mk2, then connect its input and output to your desired source and destination. For
further assistance, consult the documentation supplied with your host.
In the case you have bought a license, install it before running MrRay73 Mark II to prevent it
from running in Demo mode.
The DEMO version shows a reminder screen at start-up for a few seconds, then it plays a
white noise for 2 seconds every 10. No limitations are applied soundwise.
If you would like to purchase a license , please visit www.SoundFonts.it.
Please note that two versions of the plugin are supplied: as such, a license file will need to be
supplied for both versions. Please make a copy of the "MrRay73mk2.lic" file and rename it to
"MrRay73mk2_fx.lic" to use both versions in licensed mode.
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