partnerInG for success
Our dedication to lifting you higher extends well
beyond the physical reach of our products. We
thrive on building satisfying customer relationships
founded on the idea of partnership. Because you,
our customer, are at the center of everything we do.
Since 1966, we’ve been developing products to
solve your worksite challenges — and that process
never ends. Our team of product
managers and engineers uses your
input to design new products, featuring
the latest technology to meet your
changing needs. Then we manufacture
those products to stringent standards
that help increase quality, lower costs
and give you exceptional value for
years to come.
provIdInG superIor vaLue
Our commitment doesn’t end with the
sale. Our dedicated service teams are
available 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year to provide support when you
need it most. Our extensive parts
network ships most parts within
24 hours, too. Simply put, we’re always working to
help maximize your “up time” so you can be more
Genie is driven by one goal: doing the right thing, at
the right time for our customers. That’s not just
what we do; it’s who we are. So tell us what you
need. We’re listening.
Genie manufactures some of the most
advanced, highest-valued lift equipment
in the industry. Genie distinctive blue lifts
set the standard for performance and
durability — not to mention support from
people who understand your business.

Since the introduction of the original Genie® Hoist in 1966, Genie has been developing sound lifting products
for the workplace. Genie® lightweight, low-cost material lifts are designed to enhance your productivity with
highly portable solutions for a wide variety of applications.
All Genie® material lifts are easy for one person to set up, operate and transport in a standard pickup or
service truck. Plus, a wide variety of options and accessories make them extremely adaptable to fi t your
specifi c needs. With sturdy construction and reliable performance, Genie® material lifts are an excellent
value for a virtually unlimited number of indoor and outdoor uses.
Genie Industries began in 1966 with the introduction
of the Genie® Hoist — the product that launched thousands of lifts.

Genie Industries began in 1966 with the original Genie® Hoist — a unique portable pneumatic lift that was so successful,
it launched the development of a full range of material hoists and aerial work platforms. Today’s Genie® Super Hoist™
continues the legacy of innovation with an incredibly compact, easy-to-use design. This portable telescoping pneumatic
hoist uses CO2 or compressed air to lift up to 300 lbs (136 kg) to heights of 12 ft 5.6 in (3.8 m) or up to 250 lbs (113 kg)
up to 18 ft 4.5 in (5.6 m).
fLexIbLe poWer
The hoist is powered by either CO2
or compressed air and provides
approximately 80 to 90 lifts from a
single tank of CO2. The “one size fi ts
all” bottle mounting bracket accepts
any common CO2 bottle size. A
20 lb (9 kg) CO2 tank is also available
as an accessory. The hose stretches
16 ft (4.87 m) for added mobility and
stores around brackets underneath
the platform when not in use.
easy operatIon
Up and down functions, including the
dump valve, can all be activated from
the patented pistol-grip control handle,
which clips to a storage button on the
side of the cylinder when not in use.
Lightweight, compact and portable, this telescoping pneumatic hoist
allows an individual to lift heavy loads into place for installation.

pLatforM cradLe packaGe
Available as an accessory to handle odd-shaped items.
versatILe appLIcatIons
Lift, position and install a wide variety of materials,
including metal and fi berboard air ducts, overhead
sprinklers/plumbing, drywall and ceiling panels,
and electrical fi xtures.
M A T E R I A L L IF T S | G H
QuIck, easy setup
Sets up in seconds — no special tools required.
The one-piece platform attaches to the cylinder
with a twist of the wrist. Legs fold out from the
base, and the lock mechanism keeps each leg out
for use (or up for storage). Casters also lock in
place with the touch of a toe.
LIGhtWeIGht, coMpact desIGn
The compact size and weight allow one person to
lift and move heavy loads, yet quickly move from
job to job. The hoist is completely portable and
easy to store and transport. It’s so lightweight and
compact, it fi ts in the trunk of most cars.
GenIe® super hoIst™ ModeLs avaILabLe
Gh™ 3.8 Gh™ 5.6