Congratulations! You are now the owner of one of the finest
loudspeaker systems in the world! Based on the technologies
developed fo r our flag ship mo del, th e 350SE is th e closest you can
get to perfect sound reproduction if you do not have the space for a
Genesis 1.
The Genesis 350SE loudspeaker system was created for the music
lover living in the met ro-env ironm ent who knows (al most) no
compromise. It is designed to reproduce music (and film) at live
listening levels with virtually no restrictions on dynamic range,
frequency response, or imaging capabilities. This is what we mean
by “
absolute fidelity
faithfully, as was inte nded by th e perf ormer or filmma ker.
”, the ability to reproduce the musical event
Weighing in at 700lbs (318kg), 66.5inches (1.69m) tall, with a total of
eight woofer s, ei ght feet of midr ange ri bbon and thirty tweet ers, th e
350SE is an impressive sight!
Please read this Owners Manual and Set-up Guide to get the
maximum enjoyment out of your purchase. Also, if you have access
to the internet, please check back at our website often. The
address is We will put the latest
updates, tips and tricks, and support for our owners on our website.
Please write the purchase details of your Genesis 350SE
loudspeakers here for future reference.
Now that you have your new Genesis 350SE loudspeaker system,
we realize that yo u can’t wa it to hoo k it up and s tart play ing!
However, t his i s a bi g, c omp lex syst em a nd we wa nt y ou t o se t it up
safely. So, please read this quick set up guide (even if your dealer is
setting i t u p fo r y ou! ) bef ore you pr ocee d.
The Genesis 350SE loudspeaker will arrive in 3 pieces. There are
two shipping crates and one amplifier box.
To remove the contents of the crates, you will need help. The 350SE
loudspeakers weigh over 300lbs each (about the weight of a big, 6foot man!) , so we su ggest a mi nimu m of thr ee s trong people to
move the s pea kers ar ound. We will not be held liable for damage (to
either the sp eaker s or your backs! ) durin g unpacki ng
and setting up.
Place the s hi ppin g cr ate s o n a fl at s urf ace. U nsc rew
only the bottom row of screws. Do not remove any
other screws exce pt t he ones goi ng alon g th e
outside bottom perimeter of the crate.
Lift off the entire top part of the shipping crate and set
this aside. You can then tilt the speakers off the
crate, and remove the bottom. Take the big woofer
cables you will find inside the shipping crates out.
Remove the woofer amplifier and remote control
from the box, and you now have the speakers and its
amplifier unboxed, and ready to be positioned into your listening
Placement of the 3 50SE Louds peaker
A good starting positio n fo r y our 35 0SE is a b out o ne th ird the w a y
into the room as mea sur ed from the rear wall (the wall you look at
as you are seated listening to the speakers). You want to sit
approximately two-thirds of the way in the room, again as measured
from the rear wall. Fo r many ro oms, yo u may not hav e th e space,
and for these situations, having the speakers 20% of the way into
absolute fidelity
the room will work well. I n that cas e, the lis tener s can also be 20% of
the way into the room.
Place the row of tweeter s on the in side, an d posi tion th e speake rs
so that the rows of tweeters are between six to eight feet apart (if
you have the sp ace). I f you do not , hav ing them cl oser togeth er is
acceptable .
Typical room placement: Place speakers and listeners
about 1/3 or 20% of the way into the room
6’ to 8’
1/3 or 20% 1/3 or 20%
Next , u se th e w oo fe r c a bl es to co nn ec t the speakers to the woofer
amplifier. Each end of the cab le is clearl y m a r k e d, "ampl i f ier" or
"speaker". It does not matt er which co nnec tor is at tach ed t o wh ich
woofer as long as the channels are correct.
On the top of the woofer box of the
speakers, you will see the input
connection s of the 35 0SE. Co nnect
your powe r a mplif ier t o t hes e in puts
using a high-quality speaker wire.
You will also notice two controls
on the back of the midrange
absolute fidelity
tweeter panel. The left hand knob is a volume control for the rear
tweeters. Turning this control clockwise will increase the level of
the rear tweeters. Use this cont rol if you need a bit more tre ble or
to increase the apparent space of the soundstage. Start with this
control at the one o'clock position. The control on the right side is
a three-position switch used to adjust the midrange. Start at
position two. Position one will sound fuller in the lower midra nge
while position t hree w ill sound l eaner a nd hav e more upper
Connect the woof er amp lifier to your pre amplif ier, an d plug th e
woofer ampli fi er into a p ow er outl et. Using the remote control, turn it
on. Adjust the phase to 45 wit h the but ton ma rked "p hase" on th e
goes). Set this to 85 using the button marked "low pass" (on the
remote control). Use the button marked "volume" to adjust the gain
to 20 to start with.
. Next, adjust the low pass filter (how high the woofer
While it is relatively easy to put the 350SE into your room and
system and get some music, it is not as easy to integrate the
loudspeakers into your room, and get great music out of it. Hence,
once you’re done with messing around, we recommend that you
read the rest of this Owners Manual and Set-up Guide, and properly
position your loudspeaker system. The time you will take to do this
properly will be well worth it from the long term enjoyment you will
Should your woofer amplifier unexpectedly turn off and you are
unable to t urn it bac k on , y ou h ave ove rhea ted the amplifier. It will
take up to thirty minutes for the amplifier to cool down sufficiently
for it to be turned back on. Be patient.
absolute fidelity
The Technology
The Genesis Ribbon Tw eeter
Reviewers i n the Audi ophile press hav e of ten rema rked that the
Genesis circular ribbon tweeter is the world’s best. It is a one inch
circular p la nar ri bbon desi gn cr afte d f rom an ext rem ely thi n
membrane o f Kap ton w ith a p hoto -et ched alum ini um “v oice coil ” t hat
is a mere 0.0005 inch thick. The entire radiating structure has less
mass than the air in front of it! That is why it will reproduce accurately
frequencies beyond 40k Hz.
The result of this design is a driver that has a rapid and uniform
response to hig h freque ncies, and has th e spee d of the be st
ribbon/ele ctros tatic de signs wi thout t he hig h distor tion an d poor
dispersion that is typically associated with them.
The 350SE uses twelve of these tweeters configured as a vertical
line source. This brings two major advantages: because the output is
distribu ted ove r m any d riv ers, ea ch w orks a t ve ry l ow -st ress. Th is
dramatically lowers the distortions in the high frequencies.
Moreover, the v er tical ly o rien ted line s ource sen ds the c ritical
frequencies towards the listeners without generating significant floor
or ceiling reflections that obscure clarity. A line-source with dipolar
radiation ca rries this o ne step furthe r. Di poles ra dia te the sa me
sound from both front and rear out of phase in “push/pull” fashion.
The 350SE also use three rear-firing tweeters per channel wired to
the crossov er out of pha s e to the fr ont twe ete rs cr eati ng a di pol e.
Thus, the sound waves from the front and back of the speakers
cancel out as they radiate from the sides of the speakers; which
means that there is minimum radiation of sound to the sidewalls of
the room too.
The net result is that the 350SE generates far fewer detail-robbing
room reflections from the floor, ceiling and side-walls than other
types of louds peake rs. With f ewer spuriou s reflec tions to conf use
your hearing, the program source emerges more clearly. Imaging is
deeper, yet more focused.
48inch midrange r ibbon
We sometimes say that the midrange is a window into the mind of a
composer or a singer. And indeed, the midrange is where the
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