3. Replace the Vortex sprayer in the system cover. Plug in the motor.
If the motorized sprayer stops unexpectedly, immediately:
1. Check that the power cord is properly plugged in and there is power to the
2. Unless the motor can be restarted within a few minutes, add enough nutrient
solution, or plain water, so that the bottoms of all growing cups are submerged. This will prevent crop loss.
3. If the problem seems to be in the motor, contact your retailer or
General Hydroponics.
Plants, like all living organisms can be infected with a variety of diseases. The
best way to avoid sick plants is to maintain clean conditions and correct environmental factors (light, temperature, humidity, ventilation, etc.) for a given crop.
Start with clean seeds and cuttings. If you suspect plant disease, consult a good
guide or call your county agricultural agent.
RainForest Accessories
General Hydroponics offers the following accessory and replacement products
for use with your RainForest system:
CocoTek liners & caps
Lid insert kits
Controller for multiple module systems
WaterFarm modules for larger plants
Nutrient chemicals in small and large quantities
pH test kits, pH control solutions
Growing cups and covers
Pump rebuild kits
Modular Aeroponic System Models 66, 318 & 236
We V
alue Your Opinion
Thank you for selecting the RainForest modular hydroponic system. Your satisfaction, and your opinions about our products, matter a great deal to us. Please
send us any comments or suggestions about how we can improve our product
line. If you wish to be on our mailing list (to receive information about new products), please send us your name and address.
P.O. Box 1576, Sebastopol, CA 95473
Phone (707) 824-9376 • Fax (707)
The RainForest System allows you to rapidly root cuttings and germinate seeds.
You can raise small plants to maturity in the RainForest, or start your plants in the
RainForest and transplant them to your garden or to another hydroponic system
such as the General Hydroponics
You will be amazed by the kinds of plants that can be propagated from cuttings
using the RainForest. These
bles, and flowers -- many of which have never been propagated by cuttings before.
Of course, easily-propagated plants will root quickly and grow phenomenally in the
The RainForest secret is the patented aero-hydroponic method of delivering the
nutrient solution. Oxygen-charged nutrient solution is sprayed through the air onto
the cuttings, seeds, and newly formed roots. This oxygen-rich nutrient solution con
stantly circulates within the RainForest reservoir, so that much more oxygen reaches
the root boundary zone than with other hydroponic systems. The
mal levels of both oxygen and nutrients, so that the entire plant thrives.
include fruit and nut trees, ornamental shrubs, vegeta-
roots absorb opti

Sprayer Boot
Growing Cup
under each
lid insert
Root Guard
Root Guard Sleeve
Vortex Sprayer
Drain Level Tube
with water
tape marks
6” Lid Insert
Maintain the Solution Level
Nutrient solution
fast-growing plants can lower the reservoir solution level very quickly so you
should check the reservoir daily, or use a controller.
Always maintain the nutrient solution at a level between the upper and lower
on the drain/level tube. Under warm, dry conditions, add plain water as
needed to maintain the correct solution level; under cool, humid conditions,
add very mild nutrient solution instead. Stir well and adjust the pH level
Completely Replace Nutrient Solution
You should completely replace the nutrient solution at least once a month. If
use exceeds 1 gallon/day in the RainForest, drain and replace the
solution every two weeks. If nutrient use exceeds 2 gallons/day in the
RainForest, replace the solution once a week.
Transplant Your RainForest Plants
You can grow fast-growing crops such as lettuce to maturity in the
RainForest. Some other kinds of plants, such as Ficus benjamina,
happily for years in a RainForest system.
Other large or long-lived plants can be started in the RainForest and then
transplanted to the ground or to an
unit specifically designed for use with large, long-lived plants).
is lost through evaporation and plant transpiration. Large,
you add water or solution to the system.
will live
WaterFarm unit (a General Hydroponics
Each RainForest module consists of:
Reservoir with drain/level tube -- 17 gallon capacity
Reservoir cover
Root Guard
Root Guard Sleeve
Lid Insert
Lid inserts
Vortex Sprayer (with Sprayer Boot)
Growing cups (plastic net cups)
ek™ liners & caps
•Model 236 has 36 - 2” sites (6 in each lid insert)
•Model 318 has 18 - 3” sites (3 in each lid insert)
Lid Insert
•Model 66 has 6 - 6” sites (1 in each lid insert)
Optional RainForest System Controller
General Hydroponics
ffers an optional system Controller™ that automatically
™ o
maintains the level of the nutrient in many interconnected RainForest modules.
This option is perfect for large-scale growing, since it eliminates the need to
monitor each module separately
When transplanting, carefully separate or cut apart tangled roots. If there
is a
large root system, do not try to salvage the cup. For short-lived plants, such
as annuals, transplant the plant in its cup. For plants whose enlarging roots
be choked by the cup, cut the cup apart and remove it from the roots
in sections.
Clean the System Between Crops
In between crops, drain and dismantle the RainForest system. Thoroughly
clean the reservoir, drain/level tube, cups, lids, spinner, and Hydroton with a
dilute chlorine bleach solution (1/2 cup/gallon). Rinse well and reassemble.
This disinfects the system and reduces the rate of algae buildup and
disease. Note: Do not remove spinner from motor shaft.
From time to time, you may need to clear nutrient deposits or bits of plant matter from the sprayer holes.
Turn off the system and remove the motorized sprayer from the cover.
clogged holes with pressurized water until debris is removed.
do this: