Safetg Instructions ............. 2,s
Operating Instructions
Available Accessories ................. 14
Control Panel ......................... 4
Control Settings .................... 5-9
Demand Response ................... 15
Features ............................. 10
Loading and Using the Washer .... 11-14
Drain Requirements .................. 19
Electrical Requirements ............... 19
Grounding Requirements ............. 19
Installing the Washer ............. 20, 21
Location of Your Washer ............. 17
Preparing to Install Your Washer ...... 16
Replacement Parts ................... 21
Rough-In Dimensions ................. 17
Unpacking Your Washer .............. 18
Water Supplg Requirements .......... 19
WPDH8850 WPDH8910 WPDH8900
La section frangaise commence 6 la page 27
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .......... Back Cover
Warrantg (Canada) .................. 26
Warrantg (U.S.) ...................... 25
As an ENERGYSTAR®partner, GEhas determined that this
product meets the ENERGYSTAR® guidelines for energy efficiency.
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
La secci6n en espaffol empieza en la p6gina 55
Serial #
Youcan find them on a labelonthe sideofthe washer.
49-90366 05-09 JR
of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
The instructions in this manual and all other literature included with this washer are
not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that may occur. Good, safe practices and caution MUSTbe applied when installing, operating and maintaining an_t appliance.
Undercertainconditions, hydrogen gas may beproduced in a water heaterthat hasnot been usedfor two weeks
or more.Hydrogen gascan be explosiveunder these circumstances.
Ifthe hotwater hasnot been usedfor two weeks or more,preventthe possibilityof damage or injury by
turning on all hot water faucets and allowingthem to run for several minutes. Dothisbefore usingany electrical appliance which isconnected to the hot water system.Thissimpleprocedure will allow any built-up hydrogen
gas to escape.Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smokeor usean openflameorappliance during this process.
Thiswasher must be proper!ginstalledandlocated in accordancewith the InstallationInstructionsbefore it isused.
[] Installor storewhere itwill not beexposed [] Properlygroundwasher to conformwith allgoverning
to temperatures belowfreezingor exposed codesand ordinances.Followdetailsin Installation to the weather,which couldcausepermanent Instructions.
damage and invalidatethe warranty.
[] Keepthe area underneath andaround your
appliances free of combustible materials such as lint, paper,rags and chemicals.
[] Do not leavethe washer door open.Anopendoor
could entice childrento hang onthe door or crawl insidethe washer.
[] Closesupervision isnecessary ifthis appliance is
used by or near children. Do not allow children to play on,with or insidethisor any other appliance.
Use this [] appliance
only for its intended
purpose as described in []
this Owner's Nanual.
Never reach into washer while it is moving.
Wait until the machine has completely stopped before opening the door.
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia
or acids such as vinegar and/or rust remover.
Mixing different chemicals can produce a toxic
gas which may cause death.
Do not wash or dry articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted with combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, dry-cleaning solvents, kerosene, etc.)which may ignite or
explode. Do not add these substances to the wash water. Do not use or place these substances
around your washer or dryer during operation.
The laundry process can reduce the flame retardancy of fabrics. To avoid such a result,
carefully follow the garment manufacturer's wash and care instructions.
To minimize the possibility of electric shock, unplug this appliance from the power supply
or disconnect the washer at the building's distribution panel by removing the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker before attempting
any maintenance or cleaning. NOTE:Pressingthe power button does NOT disconnect the appliance
from the power supply.
Never attempt to operate this appliance
if it isdamaged, malfunctioning, partially disassembled, or has missing or broken parts, including a damaged cord or plug.
Donot slam the washer door closed. Do not try
to force the door open when locked (LOCKED indicator ON).This could result in damage to
the washer.
The washer is equipped with an electrical overload protector. The motor will stop
if it becomes overheated. The washer will automatically restart after a cool-down
period of up to 2 hours, if the washer has not been manually turned off
during this time.
[]Turn off water faucets to relieve pressure
on hoses and valves and to minimize leakage if a break or rupture should occur. Check
the condition of the fill hoses; they should be replaced every 5 years.
[] Before discarding a washer, or removing it
from service, remove the washer door to prevent children from hiding inside.
[] Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of
this appliance unless specifically recommended
in this Owner's Manual, or in published user-repair instructions that you understand and have the
skillsto carry out.
[] Do not tamper with controls.
About the washer control panel.
Youcanlocate Fourmodelnumber on a label onthesideofthe washer.
a, WARNING! _o_d__h__ko_, _/_ _ho_k,o__nj_y_o_on_,_od_h_,_o_
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS before operating this appliance.
Quick Start
Ifthe screen is dark,pressthe POWERbutton to "wake up"
the displag.
r_ if sou selected a cycle other
pressthe START/PAUSEbutton.
r_ Pressthe POWERbutton. POWER
If SOUselectedSPECIALTYCYCLE,choose between Drain
r_ Selectawash cgcle
or Steam Refresh cgcle. (Defaultsare setfor each
&Spin, Garments, Bed and Bath, OtherSpecialty and
Basket Cleanfor sour specific needsbefore pressing
START/PAUSE.SeeSpecialty Cyclesfor more information.
cycle. Thesedefault settings can be changed. SeeContro!
settings for more information.)
WPDH8900J, WPDH8910K - Profile HA Steam Washer w/SmartDispense'"
_ _ .... S........
WPDH8850J - Profile HA Steam Washer
Po we r
Pressto "wake up" the displag. If the displag is active, press to put the washer into standbg mode.
NOTE:PressingPOWERdoes not disconnect the appliance from the power supp!g.
WHr ES /
Control settings.
Wash Cycles
The wash cycles are optimized for specific types of wash loads. The chart below will help you match
the wash setting with the loads.The GentleCleanT"lifters lightly tumble the clothes into the water and detergent solution to clean the load.
WHITES/ For heavily to lightly soiled white cottons, household linens, work and play clothes.
HEAVYDUTY Can use the STEAH ASSISToption with this cycle.
COLORS/NORMAL Forheavy to lightly soiled colorfast cottons, household linens, work and play
clothes. Can use the STEAMASSISToption with this cycle.
WRINKLE FREE For EasyCare and permanent press items. Can use the STEAMASSISToption with (PERMAPRESS} this cycle.
ACTIVEWEAR For active sports, exercise and some casual wear clothes. Fabrics include modern
technology finishes and fibers such as spandex, stretch and micro-fibers. Can use the STEAMASSISToption with this cycle.
STEAMREFRESH To de-wrinkle 1 to 5 cotton blend items. This is not a wash cycle, but a cycle that
applies only steam to the garments. Select the correct number of garments using the arrow keys and press ENTER.
The washer will beep upon completion of the cycle, and will continue to tumble for 50 minutes to keep wrinkles from setting in. PressSTART/PAUSEto remove
If clothes are slightly damp after completion of the cycle, hang dry clothes
for 5 minutes before wearing.
HANDWASH For items labeled hand-washable with light soils. Provides gentle rocking to mimic
the handwashing action.
DELICATES For lingerie and special-care fabrics with light to normal soil. Providesgentle
tumbling and soak during wash and rinse.
WASHABLE Forthe washing of machine washable wool products, provided that they are
WOOL washed according to the instructions on the garment label. When selecting this
cycle, you must use a detergent suitable for washing wool.
SPEEDWASH Forlightly soiled items that are needed in a hurry. Cycle time is approximately
]0 minutes, depending on selected options.
RINSE&SPIN To quickly rinse out any items at any time.
SPECIALTYCYCLES Forunique garments that may need special treatment.
Specialty Cycles
Drain & spin at any time.
Dress Shirts
Blankets (cotton)
Sheets Towels
While in the Specialty Cycle, use the A and V arrow keys to scroll between the different options.
Press ENTERto select the cycle. PressBACKto go to the previous menu.
Athletic Shoes
Fabric Refresh
Performance Fabrics
Single ItemWash
SuperCleon Throw Rugs
Control settings.
Soil Level
ChangingtheSOILLEVELincreasesordecreasesthe washtimetoremovedifferentamountsof soil. TochangetheSOILLEVEL,presstheSOILLEVELbuttonuntilyouhavereachedthedesiredsetting.Youcanchoose
ngingtheSPINSPEEDchangesthe finalspinspeedofthecycles.Alwaysfollowthegarmentmanufacturer'scare
labelwhenchangingtheSPINSPEED. TochangetheSPINSPEED,pressthe SPINSPEEDbuttonuntil youhavereachedthedesiredsetting.Youcanchoose
betweenNoSpin,Low,Hedium,Highor ExtraHighSpin.Higherspinspeedsarenot availableoncertaincycles,suchas
Delicates. Higherspinspeedsremovemorewaterfromtheclothesandwillhelpreducedrytime,butmayalsoincreasethe
possibilityof settingwrinklesonsomefabrics.
Wash Temp
Adjustto selectthe properwatertemperatureforthewashcycle.Theprewashandrinsewaterisalwayscoldto help reduceenergyusageandreducesettingof stainsandwrinkles.
Followthe fabricmanufacturer'scarelabelwhenselectingthewashtemperature.
Tochangethewashtemperature,pressthe WASHTEMPbuttonuntilyouhavereachedthedesiredsetting.Youcan choosebetweenTapCold,Cold,Warm,Hotor Sanitize.TheSanitizedwashtemperatureisnotavailableoncertaincycles,
suchasDelicates. Whenselectingthe Sanitizewashtemperature,thewasherincreasesthewatertemperatureto sanitizeandkillmore
than99_ of manycommonbacteriafoundinhomelaundry.Thesanitizewashtemperatureisonlyavailableonthe Whites/HeavyDutywashcycle.Forbestresults,selecttheheavysoilsettingwhenusingtheSanitizewashtemperature
NOTE:Thefirst10secondsof thewashfillisalwayscold.Thisfeatureassistsinconditioningthefabricandpreventingstains fromsettingongarments.
Presstostartawashcycle.Ifthewasherisrunning,pressingitoncewillpausethe washerandunlockthedoor. Itwilltakeafew secondsforthedoortounlockofferpressingPAUSE.Pressagainto restartthewashcycle.
NOTE:Ifthewasherispausedandthecycleisnotrestartedwithin25minutes,thecurrentwashcyclewillbecancelled. NOTE:Insomecgctesthewasherwilldrainfirst,thenunlockthedoorwhenitispaused. NOTE:ThewasherperformsautomaticsystemchecksafterpressingtheSTARTbutton.Waterwillflowin 45seconds
or tess.Youmayhearthedoortackandunlockbeforewaterflows;thisisnormal.
Usethe SETTINGSbutton to adjust the following features:
Dryer Link:
Pressthe SETTINGSbutton. When "DRYERLINK"appears in the display, pressENTER.Using
the 4/_ arrow keys,select ON and pressENTER.
When the washer cycle is completed, the washer will communicate with the dryer when any button on the control panel is touched or the door is opened.
Thewasherwill display, "TRANSFERRINGCYCLE
INFORHATIONTOTHEDRYER" and the dryer will display,
Thedryer will only communicate with the washer if the dryer is not running a cycle.
Ifthe washer starts a newcycle before the dryer has a chance
to communicate with it, the information will be lost.
End-of-Cycle Volume:
Pressthe SETTINGSbutton. When "VOLUME"appears inthe display,
pressENTER,then select"End of Cycle".Usingthe 411/1_arrow keys, selectHigh, Medium, Low or Off.
Control Sounds:
Pressthe SETTINGSbutton, then select"Volume".When "CONTROL
SOUNDS"appears in the display, pressENTER.Usingthe _1/1_ arrow keys,select High,Medium, Low
or Off.
Display Brightness:
Pressthe SETTINGS button. When "DISPLAYBRIGHTNESS"appears
in the display, pressENTER.Using
the 41/1_arrow keys,selectHigh,
Medium or Low.
Water Hardness (Only appears when SMART
DISPENSERPedestal Accessory
is connected to washed:
Thiswill adjust the amount of
detergent dispensedautomatically
Owner's Manual supplied with the SMARTDISPENSERfor instructions
for use.
Prewash is an extra wash before
the main wash. Use it for heavily soiled
clothes or for clothes with a care label
that recommends prewashing before washing. Be sure to add high-efficiency
detergent, or the proper wash additive
to the prewash dispenser.
The prewash feature will fill the washer
(adding the prewash detergent), tumble
the clothes, drain and spin. Then the washer will run the selected wash
NOTE:In some specia! cycles, the prewash is selected automatically
as the default. You con modify this
selection at any time.
Push to Lock Control
Hold3 Secs to Unlock
Extra Rinse
Use an extra rinse when additional rinsing isdesired to remove excess dirt
and detergent from soiled loads.
Delay Start
You can delay the start of a wash cycle for up to 2/4hours. Press the DELAY
STARTbutton to choose the number
of hours you want to delay the start of the cycle. Use the A and V (up and
down) arrows to find the desired delay
time; then press ENTERto select the
delay time. Finally, press the START button after the desired cycle is
selected. The machine will count down and start automatically
at the correct time.
You can lock the controls to prevent
any selections from being made. Or you can lock or unlock the controls after you have started a cycle.
Children cannot accidentally start
the washer by touching pads with this option selected.
NOTE:In some specia! cycles, the extra rinse is selected automatically as the default. You can modify this selection at
anbttime. Some cblcleshave additiona! rinses done automatica!lg.
NOTE:If blouforget to fully close the door, a reminder signa! wi!! beep
reminding you to do so. NOTE:If you open the door when the
delay is counting down, the machine will enter the pause state. You must
close the door and press START again
in order to restart the countdown.
To lock the washer, press and hold
the LOCKbutton for ] seconds.
To unlock the washer controls,
press and hold the LOCKbutton for ] seconds. A sound is made to indicate
the lock/unlock status.
The control lock icon on the display will
light up when it is on.
NOTE:ThePOWERbutton can stil! be used when the machine is locked.
MY CYCLE (on some models)
To save a favorite cycle, set the desired
settings for wash cycle, soil level, spin speed and wash temp settings and
hold down the MYCYCLEbutton for
Hold 3 Secs
to Store
] seconds. A beep will sound to indicate
the cycle has been saved. To use your custom cycle, press
the MYCYCLEbutton before washing
a load.
To change the saved cycle, set the desired settings and hold down
the MYCYCLEbutton for ] seconds.
NOTE:Whenusing MY CYCLE, wash options cannot be modified
after the cycle has been started. NOTE:If you change wash options
with MY CYCLEbefore starting the cycle, the MY CYCLE light wil! turn off and you
wi!!be returned to the base cycle.
Control settings.
Stain inspector
The STAININSPECTORfeature allows you to indicate what stains are on the garments in your
load. This feature can be used with any wash cycle.
3[.Select the wash cycle.
2. Pressthe STAININSPECTORbutton (the button will light up when it is on).
3. Check the wash instructions on your garment.
4. Pressthe ENTERbutton to continue.
5. Usethe A and Y arrows to find the desired stain category.
6. Pressthe ENTERbutton to select the stain category.
7. Use the A and T arrows to select the desired stain.
You have the following stains available to choose from:
RustIron TreeSap
Perspiration Urine/Feces
8. Pressthe ENTERbutton to select the stain.
9. Your selected stain will appear on the display. lO. Pressthe STARTbutton to start the cycle.
NOTE:Toturn off STAININSPECTORor to select a different stain, press the STAIN INSPECTORbutton
Makeup (water-based)
Ballpoint Ink
Glue (whitecommon)
Correction Fluid
FruitJuice Other
Wine (red/white)
Dingy White Socks
Collar/Cuff Soil
Dye Transfer
NOTE:Prewash is selected automatica!lbl as the default for some stains. When selected
automatica!lbl, the PREWASHbutton wi!! light. For optimum stain remova!, it is recommended
to add high-efficiency detergent or proper wash additive to the prewash dispenser. Youcan turn
off the prewash option if you do not want to add the prewash to the cycle.
Tomato Based
Motor Oil/Lube
If you have purchased the PROFILESMARTDISPENSE
System, refer to the Owner's manual that comes with the SMARTDISPENSESystem.
If you have not purchased the PROFILESMART DISPENSESystem, you will not have bulk-dispensing
capability. If you select the SMART DISPENSEoption, a message will be displayed advising that your unit
does not have the capability. You should then put detergent and other selected additive in the flow-
through dispenser drawer located at the top left of the unit. To purchase the PROFILESMARTDISPENSE
System, go online to or contact
your local retailer.
STEAM ASSIST STEAMASSISTadds steam into the washer during
To use:
Turn power ON and select a wash cycle. The STEAM ASSIST option is only available
Select the STEAH ASSIST button to activate Steam.
Press the START/PAUSE button.
About the washer features.
The Dispenser Drawer
Slowlyopenthe dispenserdrawer by pulling it out until it stops.
After addinglaundryproducts,slowly close
the dispenserdrawer.Closingthedrawer too quicklgcould resultin eorlgdispensing
of thebleach,fabricsofteneror detergent.
The Prewash Compartment
Onlyusethe PrewashCompartmentif you areselectingthe Prewashcyclefor heavily
soiledclothes.Add measureddetergentor prewashadditive to the backleft prewash
compartmentof the dispenserdrawer.
[] Detergentor prewashadditiveisflushed
from the dispenserin the prewashcycle
The Detergent Compartment
Onlg usehigh-efficiency detergent in this washer. MAXline isfor normal
detergent. DONOTfill above the HA×
Insertin rearpositionfor powder detergent
Liquid_/ _.
Insertin forwardpositionforliquid detergent
DO NOT fill high-efficiency detergent
to the HA× line. Use detergent
manufacturer's recommended amount.
Thedetergent selectioninsert mustbe placed
inthe detergentcompartment inaspecific positionaccordingto thetype of detergent youare using.
PowderDetergent - Placethe insert inthe rear position.ThePowderIcons_
mustlineup on centerwhen the insert isinthe powderposition.
Liquid Detergent- Placethe insertin
the forward position.TheLiquidIcons
mustlineup on centerwhen the insert isinthe liquidposition.
Youmay seewater in thebleachand Fabric
softenercompartmentsat the endof thecycle.
Thisis o resultof theflushing/siphoningaction and ispart of thenormal
operationof the washer.
Useonlg HEHigh-Efficiency
NOTE:Liquiddetergentwill drain into thewasherdrum asit isadded.
Detergentusagemay needto be adjusted
for water temperature,water hardness,size and soillevelof the load.Avoidusingtoo
much detergentinyour washerasit can leadto oversudsingandleavedetergent
residueon the clothes.
Hovethe insertby pullingit upandreplace
it by slidingit down betweeneitherthe rear or front detergentcompartment moldedrails,
asdesired,forpowderor liquid detergent. [] Add measureddetergentto the front left
detergentcompartment of the dispenser drawer.
Detergentisflushedfrom the dispenser at the beginningof the wash cycle.Either
powderedor liquiddetergentcan be used.
Detergentusagemay needto beadjusted for water temperature,water hardness,
sizeand soillevelof the load.Avoidusing too much detergentin yourwasheras it
can leadto oversudsingand detergent residuebeing left on the clothes.
DO NOT put clumped detergent in the dispenser. Clumped detergent
can cause a leak.
The Liquid Bleach Compartment
Ifdesired,measureoutthe recommended
amount of liquidbleach,notto exceed
1/3cup (80ml)and pour into the center
compartment labeled"LIQUIDBLEACH"
markedwith this symbol___.
The Fabric Softener Compartment
If desired,pourthe recommendedamount
of liquidfabric softenerintothe compartment
labeled"FABRICSOFTENER." Useonly liquidfabric softenerin the dispenser.
3.0 on thewashload.
It isrecommendedto useHigh-Efficiency(HE) bleachin this front-loadwasher.
Donotexceedthe maximumfill line.Overfilling
concauseearlydispensingof the bleachwhich couldresultindamagedclothes.
NOTE:Donotusepowderedbleachin the dispenser.
Dilutewith water tothe maximumfill line. Donotexceedthemaximumfill line.Overfilling
concauseearly dispensingofthefabric softener,which couldstainclothes.
NOTE:Donotpour fabricsoftenerdirectly
Loading and using the washer.
Always follow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
Sorting Wash Loads
Colors Soil Fabric Lint
Whites Heavg Delicates Lint Producers
Lights Normal EasgCare LintCollectors Darks Light SturdgCottons
Combine large and small items in a load. Load large items first. Large items should not be more than half the total wash load.
Washing single items is not recommended. This may cause an out-of-balance load. Add one or two similar items.
Pillows and comforters should not be mixed with other items. This mablcause an out-of-balance load.
Sort dark-colored clothes from light-colored clothes to prevent dye transfer. This is a high-efficiency washer, so it uses less water, making dye transfer more common.
Loading the Washer
The wash drum may be fully loaded with loosely
added items. Do not wash garments containing
flammable materials (waxes, cleaning fluids, etc.).
Loading Examples*
4 Jeans
5 Work Wear
5 Work Wear
2 Bath Sheets
10 Bath Towels/
12 Washcloths
7 Hand Towels/
2 Terrycloth Bath
2 FlatQueen-Sized
2 Fitted Queen-
4 Pillowcases
4 Pillowcases
2 Hand Towels
2 Flat Sheets/
2 Fitted Sheets 2 Bath Towels/
4 Washcloths
6 Shirts (Men's
or Women's)
4 Pair Pants
or Twills)
5 T-shirts
7 Pairsof Boxers 4 Pairs of Shorts
6 T-shirts 4 Pairs of
4 Sweatshirts
2 Hoodies
7 Pairs of Socks
To add items after the washer has started, press START/PAUSEand wait until the door is unlatched.
The washer may take up to 30 seconds to unlock
the door after pressing START/PAUSE,depending on the machine conditions. Do not try to force the door open when it is locked. After the door
unlocks, open gently. Add items, close the door and press START/PAUSEto restart.
7 Bras
7 Panties
3 Slips
2 Camisoles
4 Nightgowns
*Using a nylon
mesh bag for small items is
2 Casual Wear
Work Shirts
1 Pair Casual Wear
Work Pants
3 Soccer Uniforms
*Using a nylon mesh bag for small items is recommended. 11
Loading and using the washer.
Careand Cleaning/GeneralMaintenance
Exterior: Immediatelg wipe off any spills. Wipe with damp cloth. Do not hit surface with sharp objects.
Interior: Drg around the washer door opening, flexible gasket (including attached hoses) and door glass.
These areas should alwags be clean to ensure a water-tight seal.
It is recommended to rinse the washer at least once per month with 1 cup of bleach (orother commerciallg available product manufactured for this purpose) poured into the prewash section
of the dispenser (no clothes) using the BASKETCLEAN CYCLE(found in the SPECIALTYCYCLESmenu). Check to ensure the steam nozzle is not clogged. Clean the nozzle if necessaru.
Moving end Storuge: Ask the service technician to remove water from drain pump and hoses. Do not store the washer where it will be exposed to the weather. When moving the washer,
the tub should be kept stationarg bg using the shipping bolts removed during installation. See Installation Instructions in this manual. If these parts are not available, theg can be ordered
bg visiting our Website at or bg calling 800.GE.CARES. Long Vucutions: Be sure water supplg is shut off at faucets. Drain all water from hoses if weather
will be below freezing.
Cleon Pump Filter
Due to the nature of the front-load washer, it is sometimes possible for small articles to pass to the pump. The washer has a filter to capture lost items so theg are not dumped to the drain.
To retrieve lost items, clean out the pump filter.
1. Using a coin in the notch on the door, open the access door.
2. Place a shallow pan or dish under the pump access door and towels on the floor in front of the washer to protect the floor. It isnormal to catch about a cup of water when the filter is removed.
3. Turn the pump filter counterclockwise and remove the filter.
4. Clean the debris from the filter.
5. Replace the filter and turn clockwise to the marked position. & Close the access door.
Cleuning the Door Gusket
Open the washer door. Using both hands, press down the door gasket. Remove ang foreign objects if found trapped inside the gasket. Hake sure
there is nothing blocking the holes behind the gasket. While holding down the door gasket, inspect the interior gasket bg pulling
it down with gour fingers. Remove ang foreign objects if found trapped inside this gasket. Hake sure there is nothing blocking the holes behind
the gasket. When gou are finished cleaning the door gasket, remove gour hands and
the gaskets will return to the operating position.
Alwa_Isfollow fabricmanufacturer's carelabelwhenlaundering.
Dispenser Drawer Area: Detergent and fabric softener may build up in the dispenser
drawer. Residue should be removed once or twice a month. [] Remove the drawer by first pulling it out until it stops. Then reach back into the
right rear corner of the drawer cavity and press down firmly on the lock tab, pulling out the drawer.
Lock tab is visible only after drawer has been pulled out
[] Remove the insert from the bleach and fabric softener compartments and the
detergent insert. Rinsethe inserts and the drawer with hot water to remove
traces of accumulated laundry products.
[] To clean the drawer opening, use a small brush to clean the recess.
Remove all residue from the upper and lower parts of the recess.
[] Return inserts to the proper compartments. Replace the dispenser drawer.
To reduce buildup inthe Dispenser Drawer area:
Useonly HE High-EfficiencU
Loading and using the washer.
Below are fabric care label "sgmbols" that affect the clothing gou will be laundering.
wash m
cycle N...... i p........ t Press/
wrinkle resistant
Gentle/ De not wash Do not wring
delicate Hand wash
Bleach_., A A
symuols Aev bleach Only ..... hlorine bleach
(when needed) (when needed)
Available accessories.
000 O0
Hot Warm Cold/cool
(50 C/120 F) (40 C/105 F) (30 C/85 F)
Use only HE High-Efficiency detergent.
Do not bleach
There is a pedestal available for gour washer. This pedestal gives the washer
more height and gives storage for gour
washing necessities. Included with the
pedestal is a divider that allows gou
to store liquid laundrg detergent out of sight. See the pedestal installation
Profile Smart Dispense System
lets gou store laundrg detergent and
fabric softener to be dispensed automaticallg during the wash and
rinse cgcles of this washer. NO BLEACH mag be used in this dispense sgstem.
See the Owner's Manual that is
included with the Profile SMART DISPENSESgstem for installation
Demand Response. Ionsome models)
Hodel WPDH89!O is compatible with the GEDemand Response (DR)module which can be purchased
separatelg. Contact gour local utilitg or visit to
see if gour area is using DRtechnologg. The following demand response features are available
as part of a pilot test program with the local utilitg compang to help consumers reduce peak electricitg
usage in the home.
The preferred location for the module installation ison top of the clothes drger.
Details on how to connect the cables to the module are in the instructions that come with the module.
Wait 5 minutes; then press the Settings button. Scroll and look for the energg management screen as seen below.
Press SETTINGS; then select Energg Hanagement.
Eco O,...,er'ride
If you are starting a cycle in a Critical or High utilitg rate,
this option allows the unit to automatica% run on an Eco Cycle. This setting will wash with less energy than normal
cycles. The default setting isYES.
Auto-Extend De!o_IS
If a timed delag is selected, this option allows for the
scheduled start to extend if the utility rate is Critical or
High at the scheduled start. The default setting will
automatically extend these cycles.
This screen means the module is attached correctlg and gou can begin to use gour DR-enabled appliance following
the instructions below. If the Energg Hanagement Screen is not available, refer to
the DRmodule troubleshooting guide.
There are 4 power levels available: Critical, High, Hedium and Low. On the Hedium and Low levels,the unit runs as
normal. The following steps show how the unit reacts during startup at Critical and High power levels.
Option ! (Delay Eco) During startups at Critical and High levels, the unit will
delay starting until the level becomes Hedium or Low. Press the START/PAUSEbutton.
Option 2 (Override Dela_lEco) Tostart the washer when Delag Eco isshown, press the
DELAVSTARTbutton to turn the delay off. Then press START/PAUSEto begin the wash.
Inorder for the demand response features on the
appliance to work, additional equipment is required to be installed to interface with the local utility. Such equipment
mag be sold separatelg and/or isavailable through your utility as part of the pilot test program. Check with your
utility company to see if a pilot test program is available in your area and for full details.
PLEASENOTE:At the conclusion of the pilot test program or if you move to an area where the program is not
available, the demand response features cannot be activated and utilized on the appliance. The appliance will
function as normal after the demand response equipment has been deactivated or disconnected.
I str cti
If gou have ang questions, coil 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737)
or visit our Website at:
In Canada, coil J.800.56J.3344 or
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - Savetheseinstructions
for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Observea,,governing
codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer - Keepthese instructions
for future reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires basic mechanical and electrical skills.
Completion time - 1-3 hours
Proper installation isthe responsibilitg of the installer.
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warrantg.
WPDH8850, WPDH8910, WPDH8900
rj 1/4" nut driver rj 3/8" socket with ratchet
rj ]/8" open-end wrench rj Adjustable wrench or 7/16" socket with ratchet
rj Adjustable wrench or 9/16" open-end wrench rj Channel-lock adjustable pliers
rj Carpenter's level
This appliance must be properlg grounded and installed as described in these Installation Instructions.
Do not install or store appliance in an area where it will be exposed to water/weather. See Location
of Your Washer section.
NOTE:This appliance must be properlg
grounded, and electrical service to the washer
must conform with local codes and ordinances
and the latest edition of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
rj Cable Tie
rj Water Hoses (2)
rj Hose Guide
Installation Instructions
Do Not Install the Washer:
1.In an area exposed to dripping water or outside weather conditions. The ambient temperature
should never be below 60°F (15.6°O for proper washer operation.
2.Inan area where it will come in contact with curtains or drapes.
3.On carpet. The floor MUSTbe a hard surface with a maximum slope of 1/2" per foot (1.27cm per
30 cm).To make sure the washer does not vibrate or move, gou mag have to reinforce the floor.
NOTE:Iffloor is in poor condition, use 3/4" impregnated plgwood sheet solidlg attached to existing floor covering.
Minimum Installation Clearances
When installed in alcove: Sides, Rear,
Top = 0" (0 cm)
When installed in closet: Sides, Rear,
Top = 0" (0 cm), Front = !" (2.54cm)
Closet door ventilation openings required: 2 louvers each 60 square in. (387 cm2),located 3"
(7.6cm) from top and bottom of door
"_ 27.0" D,-
(68.6 cm)
*NOTE: With Washer Legs: 40.5" (102.5 cm)
(0.75" adjustabilitg)
With Pedestal: 53.75" (136.6 cm)
(0.75" adjustabilitg)
Stacked: 82.75" (209.8 cm)
Installation Instructions
WARNING: Recycleordestroy the carton
and plQsticbQgsafter the washer isunpQcked.Make materiQIsinQccessibleto children. Childrenmight use
them for plQy.Cartonscovered with rugs, bedspreQds or plQsticsheets can become airtight chambers causing
1. Cut and removethe top and bottom packaging straps.
2. While it isin the carton, carefully lay the washer on its
side.DONOTlay the washer on itsfront or back.
3. Turn down the bottom flaps-remove all base packaging,
including the cardboard, styrofoam baseand styrofoam tub support (insertedincenter of base).Savethe stacking
brackets locatedon the styrofoam pad that covered the top of the washer.
NOTE: If you are installing a pedestal, proceed to
the installation instructions that come with the pedestal.
4. Carefully return the washer to an upright position and
remove the carton.
5. Carefully movethewasher to within/4 feet (122cm)
of the final location.
6. Removethe following from the back sideof the washer:
/4bolts /4plastic spacers (includingrubbergrommets)
/4power cord retainers
7. Removethe shipping bolt. Insert plug into shipping
bolt hole.
NOTE: Failure to remove the shipping braces can cause
the washer to become severely unbalanced. Save all bolts for future use.
NOTE:If you must transport the washer at alater date, you must reinstallthe shipping support hardware to prevent
shipping damage. Keepthe hardware inthe plastic bag
Installation Instructions
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Washer must be electrically grounded in accordance with local codes and ordinances, or in the absence
of local codes, inaccordance with the NATIONAL ELECTRICALCODE,ANSI/NFPANO.70.
CIRCUIT- Individual,properly polarizedand grounded
15-amp branch circuit fusedwith 15-amp time-delay fuse
or circuit breaker.
POWERSUPPLY- 2-wire, with ground, 120-volt,
single-phase,60-Hz,Alternating Current.
grounded 3-prong receptacleto be
located sothe power supply cord isaccessiblewhen the washer is
inan installedposition.
Hot andcold water faucets MUSTbe installedwithin 42 inches(107cm) of your washer's water inlet.The faucets
MUSTbe 3/4" (1.9cm) garden hose-type so inlethoses can be connected.Water pressureMUSTbe between 10and 120
pounds per square inch. Yourwater department can advise you of your water pressure.Thehot water temperature should be set to deliver water at 120° to 140°F(48°-60°C)
to provideproper Automatic Temperature Control (ATC) performance.
NOTE:Awater softener is recommended to reduce buildup of scale insidethe steam generator ifthe home water supply
isvery hard.
i. Drain capable of eliminating 17gals(64.3L)
per minute.
2. A standpipe diameter of i 1/4" (3.18cm)minimum.
3. The standpipe height above the floor should be: Minimum height: 24" (61cm)
Maximum height:96" (244cm)
-& WARNING: Improper connectionofthe
equipment groundingconductor can result inarisk ofelectricalshock.Checkwith a licensedelectrician
ifyou areindoubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Thewasher MUSTbegrounded. Inthe eventof
malfunction orbreakdown, groundingwill reduce
the riskof electricalshock by providing a path of least
resistancefor electricalcurrent.
Sinceyour washer is equippedwith a powersupply cord havingan equipment-grounding conductor and
a grounding plug, the plug MUSTbe plugged into an appropriate, copper-wired receptaclethat isproperly
installedand grounded inaccordance with all local codes and ordinancesor in the absenceof localcodes, with the NationalElectricalCodes,ANSI/NFPA70 (latest
edition).If in doubt, calla licensedelectrician.DONOT cut off or alter the grounding prongon the power supply
cord. Insituations where a two-slot receptacle ispresent,
it isthe owner's responsibilityto have a licensed electrician replaceit with a properly grounded
three-prong grounding-type receptacle.
NOTE:Thedrain hose attached to the washer can reach
a 58" (147cm) high standpipe. Fora higherstandpipe, contact an authorized partsdistributor.
(244 cm)
(61 cm)
Installation Instructions
1. Runsomewater from the hot and cold faucets to flush the water linesand remove particles that might clog
the water valve screens.
2. Removethe inlethosesfrom the plastic bag.
3. (90°elbow end) Carefullgconnect the inlet
hose marked HOTto the outside "H" outlet of the
water valve.Tighten bg hand, then tighten another 2/] turn
with pliers.Carefullg connect the other inlet hoseto the
inside"C"outlet of the water valve.Tighten bg hand; then
tighten another 2/] turn with pliers.Do not crossthreed or over-tighten these connections.
4. Connectthe inlet hoseendsto the HOTand COLDwater faucets tightlg bg hand,then tighten another 2/] turn
with pliers.Turn the water on and check for leaks.
Carefullg movethe washer to itsfinal location. Gentlg rock the washer into position.Itis important notto damage
the rubber levelinglegswhen moving gourwasher to its final location. Damaged legscan increase washer
vibration. It mag be helpfulto sprag window cleaneron the floor to helpmove gour washer into its final position.
NOTE:To reduce vibration, ensure that ell four rubber leveling legsere firmly touching the floor. Pushend
pull on the beck right end then beck left of your
NOTE:Do not usethe dispenserdrawer or door to lift
the washer.
NOTE:If you are installing into a drain pan,you can use
a 24-inch long 2x4to leverthe washer into place.
With the washer in its final position, place
a level on top of the washer (ifthe washer
is installed under a
counter, the washer should not be able to
rock).Adjust the front leveling legs up or down to ensure the washer
is resting solidlg. Turn the lock nuts on each leg up toward the base of the washer and snug with
a wrench.
NOTE: Keep the leg extension et e minimum to prevent
excessive vibration. The farther out the legs ere extended, the more the wesher will vibrate.
Ifthe floor isnot leveloris damaged, gou mag have
to extend the rear levelinglegs.
Installation Instructions
7. Attach U-shaped hose guide to the end of the drain hose. Place the hose in a laundry tub or standpipe
and secure it with the cable tie provided in the enclosure package.
NOTE:Ifthe drain hoseisplaced in a standpipe without forming a U shape,asiphoning action could occur.There
must be an air gap around the drain hose.A snug hose fit can also causea siphoning action.
CableTie /
CableTie_ c
Turn on the power at the circuit breaker/fuse box.
Read the rest of this Owner's Manual. It contains valuable and helpful information that will save you
time and money.
Before starting the washer, check to meke sure:
Main power isturned on.
Thewasher is pluggedin. Thewater faucets areturned on.
The unit isleveland all four leveling legsare firmly
on the floor.
Theshippingsupport hardware is removed
and saved.
Thedrain hose is properly tied up. Thereare no leaks at the faucet, drain line
or washer.
Run the washer through a complete cycle. Check for water leaks and proper operation.
If your washer does not operate, please review the BeforeYouCa!!ForServicesection before
calling for service.
Place these instructions in a location near the washer for future reference.
Plugthe power cord into a grounded outlet. NOTE:Check to be sure the power is off at the circuit
breaker/fuse box before plugging the power cord into an outlet.
If replacement parts are neededfor your washer,they can be ordered in the United States by visiting our Website
at or by calling 800.GE.CARES.In Canada, visit or call 1.800.561.3344.
Before gou call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips Save time and mone_l! Review the charts on the following pages first and _tou ma_t not need to call
for service.
_:_ PossibleCause What ToDo
Notspinningoragitating Drainhoseiskinkedor Straightendrainhoseandmakesurewasherisnot
improperlgconnected sittingonit. Householddrain may Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youm% needtocall
beclogged oplumber. Drainhosesiphoning;drain hose Ensurethereis onairgap betweenhoseanddrain.
pushedtoo fardown the drain Washerpumpfilter may CleonPumpFilter- Openthe pumpaccessdoor(useo coin)
beclogged andremovethepumpfilterbyturningit counterclockwiseand
Loadisout of balance Redistributeclothesand rundrain& spinorrinse&spin.
Leakingwater Doorgasket isdamaged Checkto seeifgasketisseatedandnottorn.Objects
Doorgasket notdamaged Watermoltdripfromthedoorwhenthe doorisopened.
Checkbackleftof washer Ifthisareaiswet,you hoveoversudsingcondition. forwater Uselessdetergent.
Fillhosesor drain hoseis Hakesurehoseconnectionsoretightat washerand improperlyconnected faucetsandmakesureendofdrainhoseiscorrec%
Householddrain may Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youm% needtocall beclogged oplumber.
Not draining Drainhoseis kinkedor Straightendrainhoseandmakesurewasherisnot
improperlyconnected sittingonit. Householddrain may Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youm% needtocall
beclogged oplumber. Drainhosesiphoning;drain hose Ensurethereis onairgap betweenhoseanddrain.
pushedtoo fardown the drain Washerpumpfilter mug CleonPumpFilter- Openthe pumpaccessdoor(useo coin)
beclogged andremovethepumpfilterbyturningit counterclockwiseand
Notspinning Drainhoseiskinkedor Straightendrainhoseandmakesurewasherisnotsittingon it.
improperlgconnected Householddrain mag Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youm% needtocalloplumber.
beclogged Drainhosesiphoning;drain hose Ensurethereis onairgap betweenhoseanddrain.
pushedtoo fardown the drain Washerpumpfilter mag CleonPumpFilter- Openthe pumpaccessdoor(useo coin)
beclogged andremovethepumpfilterbyturningit counterclockwiseand
Loadisout of balance Redistributeclothesand rundrain&spinor rinse&spin.
Motor isoverheated Washermotorwillstopifit becomesoverheated.Itwill
Doorisopen Hakesuredoorisclosed.
pullingout.Cleanthefilter,removingoil loosedebris,andputfilter backinplace.
Increaseloadsizeif washingsmallloadcontainingheavU andlightitems.
leftin pocketsm% causedamagetothe washer(nails, screws,pens,pencils).
Thisiso normaloperation.
pullingout.Cleanthefilter,removingoil loosedebris,andputfilter backinplace.
pullingout.Cleonthefilter,removingoil loosedebris,andputfilter backinplace.
Increaseloadsizeif washingsmallloadcontainingheovg andlightitems.
outomoticallLtrestartoffero cool-downperiodof upto
2hours(ifwasherhasnot beenmonuollLtturnedoff).
Passible Cause What To Do
Incomplete cycle or timer Drain hose is kinked or Straighten drain hose and make sure washer isnot not advancing improperlg connected sittingon it.
Household drain mag Checkhousehold plumbing.Youmag need to call
beclogged aplumber. Drainhosesiphoning;drain hose Ensurethereis anairgap betweenhoseanddrain.
pushedtoo fardown the drain Washerpumpfilter may CleonPumpFilter- Openthepumpaccessdoor(usea coin)
beclogged andremovethepumpfilterbgturningitcounterclockwiseand
pullingout.Cleanthefilter,removingallloosedebris,andputfilter backinplace.
Automaticload redistribution Remainingtimedisplaghaschangedasthemachinehas
Loudor unusualnoise; Cabinetmoving Washerisdesignedto move1/4"to reduceforces vibrationor shaking transmittedtothefloor.Thismovementisnormal.
All rubberlevelinglegsare not Pushandpullonthe backrightandthenbackleftof gour firmly touchingthe floor washerto checkif itislevel.Ifthewasheris uneven,adjust
therubberlevelinglegssothugareallfirmlUtouchingthe floor.Yourinstallershouldcorrectthisproblem.
Unbalancedload Opendoorand manuallyredistributeload.Tocheck
machine,run rinseandspinwith noload.Ifnormal, unbalancewascausedbgloud.
Whistling SteamAssistorSteamREFRESHisselected.Thisisnormal
Clothestoowet Drainhoseiskinkedor Straightendrainhoseandmakesurewasherisnot
improperlgconnected sittingonit. Householddrain mag Checkhouseholdplumbing.Youmagneedto call
beclogged aplumber. Drainhosesiphoning;drain hose Ensurethereis anairgap betweenhoseanddrain.
pushedtoo fardown the drain Washerpumpfilter mag CleanPumpFilter- Openthepumpaccessdoor(usea coin)
beclogged andremovethepumpfilterbgturningitcounterclockwiseand
pullingout.Cleanthefilter,removingallloosedebris,andputfilter backinplace.
Loadisout of balance Redistributeclothesandrundrain&spinor rinse&spin.
Increaseloadsizeif washingsmallloadcontainingheavg andlightitems.
Nopower/washernot Drain hoseis kinkedor Straightendrainhoseandmakesurewasherisnot workingor dead improperlgconnected sittingonit.
Householddrain mag Checkhouseholdplumbing.YoumaUneedto call beclogged aplumber.
Drainhosepushedtoofar Ensurethereis anairgap betweenhoseanddrain. downthe drain
Washerpumpfilter mag CleanPumpFilter- Openthepumpaccessdoor(usea coin) beclogged andremovethepumpfilterbgturningit counterclockwiseand
pullingout.Cleanthefilter,removingallloosedebris,andputfilter backinplace.
Washerisunplugged HakesurecordispluggedsecurelUintoaworkingoutlet. Watersupplgisturnedoff Turnbothhot andcoldfaucetsfullgon. Circuitbreaker/fuseis Checkhousecircuitbreakers/fuses.Replacefusesor
tripped/blown resetbreaker.Washershouldhaveseparateoutlet. Controlsarenot set properlg HoldSTART/PAUSEbuttonto startcgcle. Automaticselfsgstemchecks Firsttimethewasherispluggedin,automaticchecks
occur.ItmaUtakeupto 20secondsbeforegoucanuse gourwasher.Thisisnormaloperation.
Before gou call for service...
Possible Cause What To Do
Water does not enter Automatic selfsgstem checks After STARTispressed,the washer doesseveralsgstem washer or enters slowly checks.Waterwill flow severalsecondsafter STARTis
Water supplg isturned off Turn onboth hot and cold faucets fullg. Water valve screens are Turnoffthewater sourceand removethe waterconnection
stopped up hosesfrom the upper backof the washer.Usea brushor
toothpick to cleanthe screensin the machine.Reconnect the hosesand turn the water backon.
-Snags,holes, tears, rips Pens,pencils, nails, screws or Removeloose itemsfrom pockets. or excessivewear other objects left in pockets
Pins,snaps, hooks, sharp Fastensnaps, hooks,buttons and zippers. buttons, belt buckles, zippers
and sharp objects left in pockets
Wrinkling Improper sorting Avoid mixing heavy items (likework clothes) with
light items (likeblouses).
Overloading Load your washer so clothes haveenough room
to move freely.
Incorrect wash cgcle Hatch Cycleselectionto the type of fabric you are
washing (especiallyfor easy care loads).
Repeated washing in Wash in warm or cold water. water that istoo hot
Graged orgellowed Not enough detergent Usecorrect amount of detergent. clothes
Colored spots Incorrect useof fabnc Checkfabric softener package for instructions and follow
Water temperature Water supplgis improperlg Hakesure hosesare connected to correct faucets. is incorrect connected
Bad odor inside Washer unused for a long time Leavethe door slightly open for the water to air dry. gour washer or not using recommended Runa BasketClean cycle (foundin the Specialtg cycle
Slight variation This is normal Dueto the metallic properties of paint used for this unique in metallic color product, slight variations of color may occur due to viewing
Door unlocks slowly This is normal DuringSteamASSlSTand SteamREFRESH,access
Not using HE(high-effidencg) UseHEdetergent.
detergent Hard water Usehottest water safe for fabric.
Usea water conditioner likeCalgonbrand or install a water softener.
Water isnot hot enough Hake sure water heater isdeliveringwater at
120°-140°F (48°-60°C).
Detergent is not Trg aliquiddetergent. dissolving
Dge transfer Sort clothes bg color. Iffabric labelstates wash separately,
unstable dges meg be indicated.
softener directions for using dispenser. Dge transfer Sortwhites or lightlg colored items from dark colors.
Promp% remove wash load from washer.
House water heater is Hake sure house water heater isdeliveringwater not set properlg at 120°-140°F (48°-60°C).
qualitg of HEdetergent Henu) with I cup of bleach.Seethe Coreand Cleaning/
Genera!Maintenance section.
angles and lighting conditions.
to the tub is delayed to reduce exposureto steam.
GEWasher Warranty. _Forcustomersin the UnitedStates)
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care®technician. To schedule service, on-line, visit us at, or call 800.GE.CARES
(800.432.2737). Please have serial number and model number available when calling for service.
One Year From the date of the
original purchase Second through
Fifth Veer From the date of the
original purchase Second through
Tenth Veer From the date of the
original purchase
Lifetime of Product
From thedate of the original purchase
Staple Four receipt here.
Proof of the origina! purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warrant F.
We Will Replace:
Any pert of the washer which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship. During this limited one-year warranty, GEwill also provide, free of charge, all labor and related service
costs to replace the defective part.
The suspension strut assembly, motor and motor controller ifang of these parts should fail due to a defect in materials or workmanship. GEwillalso replace the washer top panel, front panel or service panel iftheg should rust under operating conditions. During this additional three-year limited warranty, Sou willbe responsible for ang labor or related service costs.
Theouter tub end driven pulley ifang of these parts shouldfail dueto a defect in materials or workmanship. Duringthisadditional eight-year limited warrants, you will be responsible for anu labor or related service costs.
Thewasher 8asker if it shouldfail due to a defect in materials or workmanship. Duringthis product lifetime limited warrants, you will be responsiblefor any labor or related servicecosts.
[] Service trips to gout home to teach SOUhow to use
the product.
[] Improper installation, delivers or maintenance. [] Failure of the product ifit is abused, misused, or used for
other then the intended purpose or used commerciellg.
[] Damage after delivers.
EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.
[] Replecement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
[] Demege to the product ceused bg eccident, fire, floods
or ects of God.
[] Incidental or consequentiel demege ceused bg possible
defects with this appliance.
m Product not accessible to provide required service.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use within the USA. If the product is located in an area where service by a GE Authorized Servicer is not available, you may be responsible for a trip charge or you may be required to bring the product to an Authorized GE Service location for
service. In Alaska, the warrontbl excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to bloat home. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and blOUmabl also have other rights which varbl from state to state. To know what btour legal rights
are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.
Warrantor: General Electric Company. Louisville, KY 40225
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centres or an authorized
technician. For service, call 1.800.561.3344. Please have serial number and model number available when calling for service.
One Year From thedate of the
original purchase
Second through
Fifth Year _romthedote of the
original purchase
Second through
Tenth Year From thedate of the
original purchase Lifetime of Product
From thedote of the original purchase
Warrantg. IForcustomersin Canada)
We Will Replace:
Ang part of the washer which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship. During this
limited one-gear warranty, GEwill also provide, flee of charge, all labour and related
service costs to replace the defective part. Thesuspension strut assembly, motor and motor controller ifany of these parts should fail due
to a defect in materials or workmanship. GEwill alsoreplace the washer top panel, front panel or service panel ifthey should rust under operating conditions. Duringthis additional three-year
limited warranty, you will beresponsiblefor any labour or related service costs. Theouter tub and driven pulley ifanu of these parts should fail dueto a defect in materials
or workmanship. During this additional eight-gear limited warranty, you will be responsible for anu labour or related service costs.
Thewasher basket if it shouldfail due to a defect in materials or workmanship. During this product lifetime limited warranty, you will be responsiblefor any labour or relatedservice costs.
[] Service trips to your home to teach you how to use
the product.
[] Improper installation, delivery or maintenance. [] Failure of the product if it isabused, misused, or usedfor
other than the intended purpose or used commercially.
[] Damage after delivery.
Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular EXCLUSION OFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited
purpose, are limited to one gear or the shortest period allowed bg law.
This warrant_l is extended to the original purchaser and an_l succeeding owner for products purchased in Canada for home use within Canada. In-home warrantbt service will be provided in areas where it is available and deemed reasonable bbt Mabe to provide.
i I
[] Replacement of house fuses or resetting of drcuit
[] Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
[] Incidental or consequential damage caused by possible
defects with this appliance.
[] Product not accessible to provide required service.
+ 58 hidden pages