Aboutthe water dispenser.(onsomemodels) www.GEAppliances.com
Tile water dispenser is located on tile left
wall inside tile reiiJgerator COlllpartl/lent.
To dispense water:
0 Hold tile glass against tile recess.
O Push tile water dispenser button.
O Hold tile glass underneath tile
dispenser tor 2-3 seconds afier
releasing tile dispenser button.
X_'ltei" Inav contintle to dispense
after tile button is released.
If no water/s dispensedwhen the refrl)erator is fkst
installed, theremay be al?in the water line system.
Pressthe dlspenserbutton for at /east 2 minutes to
removetrappedair fromthe water line and tofill the
watersystem. Duringthis process,thedispenser
noise maybe loud asthe air ispurged from the
water line system.Toflushout impurities in the
water line, throw away the fkst 6 glassfuls of water
NOTE: Toavoid water deposits, the &spenser
should be cleaned periodically by wiping with a
clean cloth or sponge.
Careand cleaning ofthe refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
The doorhandles and trim. Clean with
a cloth dampened with soapy watex:
D_T with a soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. X_]I)e with a clean
cloth lightly danq)ened with mild liquid
dish detergent. D_T with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe therefn)erator with a soiled dish cloth
or wet towel Thesemay leavea residuethat
can erodethepain£ Donot usescouringpads,
powdered cleaners,bleach orcleanerscontaining
weakenthepaint finish.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box at
baking soda in tile refl_igerator and fl'eezer
Unplugthe refrigerator before cleaning.
If this is not i)ractical, wring excess moisture
()lit of sponge or cloth when cleaning
around switches, lights or controls.
Lrse waml _mr and baking soda solution--
about a tablesi)oon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 liter) of wam_: This both cleans
and neutralizes odm_. Thoroughly rinse
and wipe dry:
Avoid cleaningcolflglass shelves(on somemodels)
with hot water becausethe extreme temperature
difference maycausethem tobreal_ Handleglass
shelvescarefully Bumping temperedg/asscan
causeit to shatter
Do not wash anyrefn_Teretorparts in the dishwasher
Washice trays in lukewarmwater only--do notput
themin an automaticdishwasher
Behind the Refrigerator
Be carefifl when moving tile reii_igerator
away fi'om tile wall. _M1types of floor
coverings can be damaged, particularly
cushioned coverings and those with
eillbossed Stli'][il ces.
Pull tile reli_igerator straight out and return
it to position by i)ushing it straight in.
Moving tile reflJgerator in a side direction
may result in damage to tile floor covering
or refrigerator.
Whenpushing therefn)erator back,makesure you
don't roll over thepower cordor icemakersupply
fine{onsome models).
Preparing for Vacation
For long Vacations oF absen(es_ i'eillOVe
food and mq)lug tile refiigerator. Move
tile fl'eezer control to tile 0 (Off)position,
and clean tile interior with a baking soda
solution ot one tablespoon (15 ml) of
baking soda to one quart (l liter) of water:
i,eave the doot_ open.
Set tile icemaker power switch to tile 0 (off)
position and shut off tile water supply to
tile refrigerator.
If tile mmperamre can drop below ti'eezing,
have a qualified se_Mcer drain tile water
suI)ply systeln (on seine Inodels) to prevent
serious i)roperF damage due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secure all loose items such as base grille,
shelves and (h'awe_ by taping them secm'ely
in place to prevent damage.
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