Installation Instructions
Recommended copper w(]ter supply kits (]re WX8X2,
W×8×3 or W×8×4, depending on the (]mount of tubing
you need. Approved plastic water supply lines (]re GE
Sm(]rtConnect T_Refrigerator Tubing (W×08×10006,
W×08×10015 and W×08×10025).
When connecting your refrigerator to (] GEReverse
Osmosis Water System, the only approved installation
iswith (] GE RVKit. For other reverse osmosis w(]ter
systems, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
If the water supply to the refrigerator is from
(] Reverse Osmosis Water Filtr(]tion System
AND the refrigerator also h(]s (] water filter,
use the refrigerator's filter bypass plug. Using
the refrigerator's water filtration cartridge in
conjunction with the MWF filter can result in
hollow ice cubes.
This w(]ter line inst(]ll(]tion is not w(]rr(]nted
by the refriger(]tor or icem(]ker m(]nuf(]cturer.
Follow these instructions carefully to minimize
the risk of e×pensive water damage.
Water hammer (water banging in the pipes)
in house plumbing can cause damage to
refrigerator parts and lead to water leakage
or flooding. Call (] qualified plumber to correct
water hammer before installing the water supply
line to the refrigerator.
To prevent burns and product damage, do not hook
up the w(]ter line to the hot water line.
If the refrigerator is operated before the water
connection is made to the icem(]ker, press (]nd
release the ICE OFF/LOCK pad on the control panel
to disengage the icem(]ker. When the refrigerator
has been connected to the water supply, press and
release the ICE OFF/LOCK pad on the control panel
to engage the icem(]ker.
Do not install the icem(]ker tubing in areas where
temperatures fall below freezing.
When using any electrical device (such as (] power
drill) during installation, be sure the device is double
insulated or grounded in (] m(]nner to prevent
the hazard of electric shock, or is battery powered.
All installations must be in accordance with local
plumbing code requirements.
, Copper or GE SmartConnect T"Refrigerator
Tubing kit, 1/4" outer di(]meter to connect
the refrigerator to the water supply. If using
copper, be sure both ends of the tubing (]re
cut square.
To determine how much tubing you need:
measure the distance from the water valve
on the back of the refrigerator to the w(]ter supply
pipe. Be sure there is sufficient e×tr(] tubing to allow
the refrigerator to move out from the wall after
GE Sm(]rtConnecf MRefriger(]tor Tubing Kits (]re
available in the following lengths:
6' (1.8 m) - WXO8XIO006
15' (4.6 m) - WXO8XIO015
25' (7.6 m) - WXO8XlO025