General Dynamics Itronix IX260-PRO-BT Manual safety info revised

Radio Specific Safety Information
License Agreement. Itronix hardware products may be reconditioned, or be manufactured from parts and components that may be new, used , re bu ilt, o r re c ycled and in some ca s e s , th e hardware p roduct may not be new and may have been previously installed. In any event, Itronix warranty terms apply.
Trademar k and Patent No tice
Itronix is a registered trademark of Itronix Corporation. GoBook II is a registered trademark of Itronix Corporation
Microsoft, MS, Windows, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM is a trademar k o f Intern ational Bu siness Machines Corporation.
Warnings and Safety Information
It is important that only authorized Itronix personnel attempt repairs on Itronix equipment as this might void any maintenance contract with your company. Unauthorized service personnel might be subject to shock hazard on s ome I tr on ix equipm ent if rem ov al of protective co vers is a ttempte d.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate th e equipment.
Internal radio may have an individual FCC Identifiers which are not applicable to this configuration. Only the FCC ID: ( KBCIX260 -PRO-BT) shown on the label located on the bottom of the IX260 Laptop PC is applicable. The IX260 Laptop PC must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter than specified in the filing . This FCC identifier does include PAN and WLAN Radio's. Cradle option does not support External Antenna's for this FCC Identifier.
Safety Information
This dev ic e contains a WLA N r a dio tra nsmitter. W hen u sing the W L AN transm itte r, a min imum separatio n distance of 20 cm must b e maintained between the upper right edge of the display screen and all users/bystanders. The WLAN transmitter s hould be turned off
before carrying the Laptop PC order to comply with FCC RF exposure requirements.
This dev ice contain s a PAN radio tran smitter. Whe n u sing the PAN transm itter, a m inim um s e par a tion distan ce of 20 c m must be maintained between the upper left edge of the display screen and all users/bystanders. The PAN transmitter should be turned off
before carrying the Laptop PC order to comply with FCC RF exposure requirements
Radio Specific Information July 6th 2004
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