General VOC08 Software Manual

Installing the Driver and Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 3
Configuring the VOC08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 5
Deploying the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
If you are new to data logging, be aware that—regardless of the parameter to be recorded—several steps must precede and follow actual data collection. They include:
1. Installing a Windows7/8/VISTA/XP-compatible driver for the VOC08 data logging program on the supplied mini-disc, followed by installation of the program
2. Selecting a sampling time and logging mode appropriate for the application. This is called “configuring” the instrument.
3. Deploying the instrument where the levels of the parameter over time are of particular interest. If logging is to last more than a few hours, the meter should be switched from battery power to AC power to avoid having the batteries discharge before logging is complete.
4. Starting logging, allowing the unattended instrument to collect hundreds or thousands of data points, and then stopping logging
5. Downloading the logs to a PC and saving them there
6. Displaying, printing or manipulating the logs in tabular or graphic form, to facilitate trending, analysis and detection of unexpected excursions
Installing the Driver and Software
1. Place the mini-disc that came with the VOC08 in the tray of the host computer’s optical drive.
2. Extract folders from the zip file.
3. Double-click the <Volume> folder to open it.
4. Double-click the <user’s manuals> folder to open it. Copy the VOC08 Hardware Manual and VOC08 Software Manual to your PC's hard drive.
5. Click on <PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v110.exe>. When the setup screen appears, click NEXT to continue.
6. Wait for the driver to install, and then click Finished.
7. Double-click <setup.exe>.
8. On the security screen that appears next, click Run.
9. On the Destination Directory selection screen that follows, click Next to store the data logging program in <C:\Program Files (x86)\Data Logger\>, or Browse to choose another destination directory.
10. On the following screen, click Next to begin the installation.
11. On the Installation Complete screen that follows, click Finish.
12. On the Data Logger screen that appears next, click Restart after saving and closing
any open documents.
13. Following restart, note that the shortcut VOC08 Data Logger has been added to your
desktop. To facilitate access to the program, right-click on the icon and pin it to both your Start button and the Quick Start area at the left of your taskbar. You can now eject the installation mini-disc and store it with your other important software.
14. Connect the VOC08 to your computer via the included USB cable. To do so, insert the
MicroUSB plug at one end of the cable into the jack on the right side of the instrument and the full-size USB plug at the other end of the cable into a USB port of your PC.
Configuring the VOC08
To begin, double-click the VOC08 Data Logger icon on your desktop to open the program. The following screen will appear:
Configuring the VOC08 for data logging means choosing several actions and parameters by interacting with the program. Refer to the screen shot above and the screen shots on the following pages while following the text:
• Input the number of the COM port to which the meter is connected. To do so, left-click the Setting pulldown on the top line of the program and select Comm.Port. On the top section of the screen that appears next, use the up and down arrows to enter the COM port
Current date/time
Logger status
VOC (ppm)
Download button
Logger status
Tem p, RH %
Stored date/time
Alert bar
alue and line color
+ 5 hidden pages