General MM9 User Manual

Please read these instructions carefully and thoroughly before using the product.
Thank you for purchasing General Tools & Instruments’ MM9 Combo Moisture Meter. Please read this user’s manual carefully and thoroughly before using the instrument.
The MM9 is designed for use in woodworking, water damage restoration, building construction and home renovation. Examples include:
• Measuring the moisture content of wood, drywall or cement board before painting, wallpapering, sealing or treating
• Locating water leaks above ceilings, below floors or behind walls
• Selecting dry lumber
The MM9 can be operated in either of two modes. One is pinless (non-invasive).
moisture up to 3/8 in. below the surface of drywall, 1/4 in. below the surface of cement board, and 3/4 in. below the surface of wood without marring the material with pinholes. It infers the level of moisture from the material’s capacitance, which the meter measures by gauging its effect on an electric field that the meter generates each time it is powered on.
In this mode, the meter can detect
The meter exploits two physical phenomena to make its pinless measurements:
1. The linear relationship between a solid material’s moisture level and its dielectric constant—and therefore its capacitance.
2. The so-called fringing-field effect—the slight spreading of the electric field produced by current flowing between two electrodes when both electrodes are on the same side of a material.
Behind the top of the MM9 are two metal plates. When the meter is powered on, the plates are given small and opposite charges. The potential difference causes current to flow, creating a three­dimensional electric field.
When the top of the meter is placed against one side of a material with moisture on or slightly below its surface, the increased capacitance of the material distorts the electric field to an extent that can be sensed (as a change in flux over the sensing area) and measured.
The MM9 has been calibrated at the factory for use with drywall, cement board, softwood and hardwood. The capacitance of wood and the capacitance of building materials are affected differently by moisture because they have different densities. The meter compensates for density by adjusting the gain of its internal sensing circuitry.
The MODE button on the front of the meter provides a convenient way to switch among the four materials. The name of
he material selected appears on the LCD, which displays the
t abbreviation REL, shorthand for RELative moisture measurement mode. Below the LCD is a bank of colored LEDs that roughly mirrors the digital reading above it in bar graph format, with green indicating “relatively dry” (with a moisture level below 30%), red indicating “relatively wet”, with a moisture level above 70%, and yellow indicating a level between those two values. An audible out-of-range alarm (beeper) sounds whenever wood is tested and found to have a moisture content above 16%, and when drywall or cement board is found to be more than 70% wet.
Although relative moisture readings have no specific value or accuracy, they are nonetheless useful for quickly comparing the moisture levels of materials, or the wetness of different areas of the same material. For example, you can use the meter to locate the source of a water leak above a ceiling by comparing readings at various points on it. If the ceiling is level, the point that produces the highest reading is below the source of the leak.
Any relative reading can be held by pressing the HOLD button on the front of the meter. This button makes it possible to make a measurement in a dark place and display it after bringing the meter into a lighted area.
The MM9 can also be operated in pin mode
. In this mode, the meter bases its measurements on the relationship between the moisture content of a material and its electrical conductivity. The wetter a material, the higher its conductivity.
The two replaceable steel pins at the top of the MM9 serve as the electrodes of a conductance meter optimized for measuring moisture content. In pin mode, the meter displays measurements in the unit %WME (Wood Moisture Equivalent).
For hard materials like wood, the meter’s readings largely reflect surface moisture content because: 1) Moisture close to a surface has a greater effect on a reading than moisture deep below it; and 2) The pins of the MM9 are only 0.35 in. (9mm) long and therefore cannot be driven deep into a hard material. For softer materials like soil, paper or powders, readings are more likely to reflect the average moisture level of the material between its surface and the penetration depth of the pins (normally far less than 0.35 in.).
In pin measurement mode, the color of illuminated bar graph LEDs indicates the same relative moisture level as in pinless mode: below 30% for green LEDs, above 70% for red LEDs, and an intermediate level for yellow LEDs.
To extend battery life in both operating modes, the MM9 automatically 1) dims the brightness of its backlit LCD by one-half after 15 seconds and 2) powers itself off after 1 minute of inactivity.
The instrument is powered by a “9V”battery (included on the back of the blister card).
ig. 1 shows all of the controls, indicators and physical features
F of the MM9. Fig. 2 shows all possible display indications. Familiarize yourself with the position and function of all components before moving on to the Setup Instructions and Operating Instructions.
Fig. 1. The controls, indicators and physical features of the MM9
A. Hinged, spring-loaded protective pin cover and pinless
sensor B. High-contrast, white-on-black LCD (see Fig. 2) C. LED bar graph; mirrors reading on LCD.
button. four target options: drywall, cement board, softwood and hardwood. measurement of wood or building material.
for at least two seconds
E. button.
and held HOLD
button. “Freezes” and releases readout. Also used to
silence out-of-range alarms.
G. Pin cover latch. Press to open cover, provide access to
measurement pins, and begin operating in pin mode. Closing the cover automatically initiates operation in pinless measurement mode.
H. Measurement pins I. Pin mode
check button
J. Pinless sensor contacts K. Pin cover spring-loaded hinge L. Pinless sensor contacts M. Pinless sensing area N. Battery compartment
In pinless mode
In pin mode
, brief presses cycle through
, a brief press selects WME% moisture
Pressed and held
, re-calibrates pinless mode
Pressed briefly
, powers the meter on.
for at least 2 seconds, powers the meter off.
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