Thank you for purchasing General Tools & Instruments’ (General’s) DCS16HPART HighPerformance Recording Video Borescope System with VGA Resolution Articulating Probe.
Please read this user’s manual carefully and thoroughly before using the instrument.
The DCS16HPART is a complete system that combines an H16 Handheld Recording
Video Borescope Console with a P16HPART VGA Resolution Articulating Probe, which is
1m (39 in.) long and has a diameter of 6mm (0.23 in.). A list of all probes compatible
with the H16 console can be found on p. 18.
The H16 is a handheld computerized console with a 3.5-inch (diagonal) color LCD. A
thumbwheel on the left side of the H16 allows you to adjust the brightness of the LEDs
illuminating the camera at the end of an attached probe. A horizontal line of green bars
indicating the brightness level temporarily appears on-screen whenever the unit is
powered on or the brightness is changed.
The console has three operating modes: Preview, Playback and Menu:
• In Preview mode, video framed by the camera’s field of view is displayed in real
time on the console’s LCD. The H16 automatically enters this mode when powered
on. A front-panel button allows you to double the size of a target (a zoom level of
2X). The same button allows you to “mirror” video, making it possible to read serial
numbers seen and “reversed” by an attached probe with a mirrored viewing tip.
The zoom and mirroring functions can be applied at the same time. In Preview
mode, real-time video also can be exported through an included video cable to
any NTSC- or PAL-format TV monitor with an RCA input jack.
Operating in Preview mode, the H16 also allows you to record inspection videos (at
320 x 240 pixel resolution) and photos (at 640 x 480 pixel resolution) on an
included SD memory card by pressing icon-labeled buttons on the console’s front
panel. The remaining front-panel buttons enable access to Playback and Menu
• In Playback mode, you can browse the SD card for saved video and picture files
and view the media on the console’s LCD or a larger TV monitor. Video clips and
photos also can be viewed on a PC in either of two ways: 1) by removing the SD
card and plugging it into the computer directly or through a card reader; or 2) by
using a supplied cable to connect the H16 to the PC through one of its USB ports.
Because videos are saved as .avi files and photos as .jpg files, applications found
on most PCs (Microsoft Windows Media Player and Microsoft Office Picture
Manager) can open the files. The 4GB SD memory card included with the H16 can
store at least 10 hours of video, recorded at an average of 6 Mbytes/minute, in
addition to hundreds of photos.
• In Menu mode, you use familiar scrolling motions and responses to dialog boxes to
navigate a main menu with six submenus. When selected, submenu items execute
“housekeeping” functions such as deleting files, setting the date and time, enabling
or disabling date and time stamps, choosing any of 27 languages for display
indications and menu options, selecting a Video out format and disabling or
adjusting the console’s Auto Power Off trigger.
3.5 in. diagonal color LCD for viewing probe video in real time and saved video and
pictures later
• 1m (39 in.) long soft metal articulating probe with IP67 ingress protection rating and
range of ±150° and diameter of 6mm (0.23 in.). Probe has five super-bright white
LEDs (three forward-facing and two side-facing) to support capture of 640 x 480 pixel
(VGA) resolution video and still images. Probe controller has light boost, anti-reflection
and 90° image rotation buttons.
• Console is compatible with dozens of high-performance camera-tipped probes from
General (see p. 18)
• Thumbwheel for adjusting brightness of camera lighting
• Familiar menu-driven user interface for viewing and recording videos and photos on
standard SD memory card (4GB card included) and playing back media on console,
TV or PC
• Rechargeable battery with 4-hour capacity
• 1-year limited warranty
Never insert a probe attached to the H16 into a structure or space known
or suspected to contain live electric wiring
• The H16 is intended for industrial applications only. Do not use it for human or any
other biological inspections.
• Never insert an attached probe into any flammable gas or liquid (including fuels in an
oil, gasoline or diesel tank)
• Do not disassemble the instrument. Doing so creates a potentially fatal electrical
hazard (and voids the warranty as well).
The DCS16HPART comes in a custom hard plastic protective carrying case. Inside the
case are:
• The H16 console. The console integrates an LCD monitor, a connector for a highperformance camera-tipped probe from General, and front-panel controls for
controlling the camera’s lights, adjusting system parameters, and recording and
playing back videos and photos captured by an attached probe.
• A P16HPART soft metal VGA Resolution Articulating Probe of 1m (39 in.) length and
6mm (0.23 in.) diameter
• A 4GB SD memory card
• An AC adaptor/battery charger for a 110/220VAC supply. The adapter has a 5.5VDC,
center-positive output plug.
• A video cable for connecting the H16 to a TV monitor. The cable has RCA plugs at one
end and a mini-stereo plug at the other end.
• A 70° mirrored probe viewing tip
• A USB cable with a mini-USB plug on one end and a full-size USB plug on the other
end. It can be used to display the contents of the SD card on a computer directly,
without removing the card from the console.
• A microfiber screen cleaning cloth
• This user’s manual
Fig. 1 shows the names and locations of all of the controls, ports and jacks of the H16.
Fig. 2 (on the next page) shows the controls and physical features of the P16HPART VGA
Resolution Articulating Probe. Table 1 (also on the next page) details how the function of
each front-panel button on the H16 changes with the console’s operating mode.
Familiarize yourself with the labels, positions and functions of all buttons and connectors
before moving on to the Setup Instructions and Operating Instructions.